úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

have a bun in the oven

být v tom

Benjamin Bratt's wife, former Bond girl Talisa Soto, has a bun in the oven -- and her husband's letting the cat out of the bag. WebC

Anchor/health reporter Anita Brikman is already out on maternity leave, and now weekend weathergal Sally Ann Mosey also has a bun in the oven. WebC

Yes, the woman who swore she'd have children in some nebulous future has a bun in the oven. WebC

have a church wedding

mít svatbu v kostele

If we'd had a church wedding, she'd have done the white-lace-and-trimmings bit, the full veil-and-trail number. BNC

With the help of this book, I managed to have a church wedding and dinner reception for 150 people, for just over $2500! WebC

If you have chosen to have a church wedding then I imagine it has special significance to you, ie: religious, historic, sentimental, etc. WebC

have a civil wedding

mít svatbu na radnici

Whether you are having a religious or a civil wedding, you must apply (in person or in writing) for a marriage schedule by giving notice to the local registrar where you want to marry at least 15 days (but not longer than three months) beforehand. BNC

The conditions for entering into marriage anybody fulfilling the conditions for entering into marriage may have a civil wedding. WebC

If you have a civil wedding ceremony, you can, if you wish, have the marriage blessed in a church immediately afterwards or at some later date. WebC

have a quiet wedding

mít neokázalou svatbu, oslavit svatbu v úzkém rodinné kruhu

In a month's time we'll have a quiet wedding in the local church, and after a few days in London we'll travel through all the countries of Europe. BNC

I would have preferred to have a quiet wedding, and wear what I am comfortable in. WebC

We had a quiet wedding at the end of March. BNC

have a strong attachment to sb.

mít k někomu silný vztah, mít koho rád

I have been involved in many church functions over the last couple of years and found that I have a strong attachment to a priest that I am friends with. WebC

Foster parents adopt when they have a strong attachment to the child.WebC

You are kind to strangers, regardless of appearances, and you have a strong attachment
to your family and close friends. WebC

have an affair

mít poměr

She looked at him longingly, wondering if he really did want to have an affair with her. BNC

People have often said to me that Audrey should have an affair. BNC

Sometimes I think he wants me to have an affair just so he can be proved right. BNC

have an eye for girls

potrpět si na děvčata

He's always had an eye for girls very much younger than himself, so, when the bodies of two teenage girls are discovered, he becomes a likely suspect. WebC

Yeah, and don't bleach it. It is still there. My friend Cody had an eye for girls with moustaches in high school. WebC

 He had an eye for girls, but he did his real romancing with grown women. WebC

henpecked husband

komandovaný manžel/pod pantoflem

It had been a fairly commonplace murder, a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife. BNC

Passengers with them are a rich, spoiled girl, a henpecked husband and his sharp-tongued wife, and a mature, empathetic lady. WebC

Sushma, why don't you and your henpecked husband get lost? WebC

hook a husband

ulovit si manžela

How to hook a husband when time is of the essence? WebC

Her gold-digging plan was to use a pregnancy to hook a husband. WebC

Somehow I managed to hook a husband and have two kids as part of the deal. WebC

household chores

domácí práce

In the mornings, for instance, after finishing the household chores she might go shopping, and then have lunch with friends. BNC

He hated everything to do with household chores and keeping the place clean so he concentrated hard on creating as little mess as possible. BNC

Household chores will present a bit of a problem, of course, but the children matter most. BNC

husband-wife relationship

partnerský vztah

There is more stress on the companionship of the husband-wife relationship: an ethic of being on our own together. BNC

The husband's interest in his wife's business and financial affairs is a result of the intimacy of the husband-wife relationship. WebC

As such, the husband-wife relationship takes precedence over all blood-kin ties. WebC