úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.45
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

handheld mixer - ruční šlehač

1. A wimpy mixer will make you very, very unhappy. On the other hand, a good handheld mixer will be a joy to use - and it will last. (Google)

2. The handheld mixer is more powerful and can beat heavier ingredients. (Google)

3. But, every time I've re-read the recipe, I've realised afresh that I simply can't make it without an electric handheld mixer. (Google)

have a lie-in - ještě si poležet v posteli (po probuzení)

1. I was trying to have a lie-in, but can't, directly outside my window some wankers in boiler suits are mucking about with the pavement. (Google)

2. But if I can have a lie-in, I will happily stay in bed to til the afternoon! (Google)

3. At first I was excited that I could have a lie-in in the morning and go to bed late at night. But as the class starts at 10 p.m., I end up losing concentration. (Google)

have a nap - schrupnout si

1. Well, it's actually a good weather to have a nap. (Google)

2. If you have a nap you resist very well all afternoon till late. (Google)

3. Everyone should have a nap, naps make you stronger and more alert for later on the day. (Google)

have a roof over your head - mít střechu nad hlavou

1. With the current economy, it's more clear than ever that you should be thankful if you have a roof over your head. (Google)

2. It is particularly important to have a roof over your head during the cold time of the year. However, something many people take for granted is sheer luxury for others. (Google)

3. There is that certain point in your life where you become homeless. Even if you have a roof over your head your sense of home becomes a land of confusion. (Google)

have a skeleton in the cupboard / in the closet - mít kostlivce ve skříni (= mít tajemství)

1. Do you have a skeleton in the cupboard that you are desperately trying to keep hidden? What guilty burden are you carrying from the past? (Google)

2. Andrew Laurence: "Most of us have a skeleton in the cupboard." "Yes," I said, "but a gun is easier to conceal." (Google)

3. The many people I have contacted and spoken to in the course of researching and writing my book have convinced me that the old adage is true – every family does have a skeleton in the cupboard. (Google)

have a wash - umýt se

1. So time is right for however long it take you to have a wash. (Google)

2. Everyday I get up, have a wash, clean my teeth, do some cleaning around the home, then go to school. (Google)

3. Have a wash every day and especially care of the axillary and inguinal hollows as well as of your intimate hygiene. (Google)

have breakfast - nasnídat se

1. The author Somerset Maugham once quipped that "the only way to eat well in England is to have breakfast three times a day." (Google)

2. Have you ever forgotten to have breakfast? (Google)

3. I have breakfast at seven every day. (Google)

hearth and home

rodina a domov

Their women were their pride and treasure, for bed, for hearth and home, for showing off, for their manhood. (BNC)

His first loyalties are to hearth and home. (Google)

hit the ceiling

rozčílit se

"Sorry." he said as Perdita nearly hit the ceiling. (BNC)

Why should you go clucking around them like a mother hen, just because they both hit the ceiling? (BNC)

If I´m late again he´ll hit the roof. (Google)

hit the roof - vybouchnout (o člověku)

1. When the boss saw Jim's mistake, he hit the roof. He yelled and thumped the desk and told Jim to get out. (Google)

2. When Johnny's dad found out that he'd been smoking cigarettes, he hit the roof. (Google)

3. The professor hit the roof when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question. (Google)