úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

half-price sale

výprodej zboží za poloviční cenu approve

Christmas is more than three weeks off, but the half-price sale is already going on. WebC

These prints on half-price sale are high quality archival prints - created with acid-free, matched archival inks and paper. WebC

Get some fabulous bargains in this fantastic half price sale! WebC

hard sell

nátlaková prodejní technika   black eye

He was giving us the hard sell. He almost forced us to sign the contract. WMDI

The car salesman gave us a hard sell so we decided to go to another dealer. WebC

We liked Jean because she never gave us a hard-sell -- she just let us look at the house, and she never said stupid things like "You'll love this cozy kitchen ...  WebC

hard up

ve finanční tísni

Many times when she saw that my mother was hard up, she would open up her purse and take money out for her to borrow. (Google)

The people are hard up because of rising fares and prices and we would like to set the tone of sacrifice and restraint. (Google)

You might be hard up for money and charge say $10 each for the above.  (Google)

have a pile of money

mít hromadu peněz   big grin

It seems he has a pile of money, but he needs your help to get it into a bank outside of Nigeria. WebC

The school apparently has a pile of money to blow on extra-curricular activities, bt it needs suggestions on what activities to do. WebC

She owns a really good restaurant and has a pile of money. WebC

have bags/tons of money

mít peněz jako šlupek    wink

Harvard has bags of money that this university doesn't have. WebC

His cousin is hot, lives fast and has tons of money to do whatever he wants. WebC

Bush has TONS of money that he raised from his fundraisers. WebC

have money to burn

mít spoustu peněz na rozhazování    smile

The lanky and experienced Massachusetts senator has money to burn. WebC

Poopy has money to burn and she can get whatever she wants. WebC

Big spender Larry isn't the only one who acts like he has money to burn. WebC

have sticky fingers

mít potřebu ukrást všechno, co člověk vidí a chce   thoughtful

If someone has sticky fingers, it means they have a habit of stealing things. WebC

Here's how to ensure that no one on your staff has sticky fingers, while also not alienating the innocent. WebC

I have a suspicion that someone there has sticky fingers! WebC

health food shop

prodejna se zdravou výživou   mixed

You can buy the ingredients in any good health food shop. WebC

Supermarkets, as well as health food shops, have a wide range of the necessary foods. WebC

Bach Flower Remedies are available from many health food shops. WebC

house-to-house sale

podomní obchod    thoughtful

The direct sale of books was relatively extensive, but limited mainly to the house-to-house sale of larger works. WebC

During the 50 years the means of sale changed from house to house sale to capitalistic based on the marked custom of the Bavarian business chamber. WebC

They gave lot of encouragement and support, when we used to go on a house-to-house sale of the magazine. WebC