terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 14:02
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

illegal trading

nezákonné obchodování

1. The alleged illegal trading that prosecutors are investigating at a few mutual fund firms might be more widespread and costly to investors than thought. WebC

2. In places where alcohol is illegal, such as Saudi Arabia, it may also be the subject of illegal trading. WebC

3. The purpose of market regulation is to keep a market fair and orderly, by surveilling and identifying potentially illegal trading. WebC

impregnable fortress

nedobytná pevnost

1. The city of Troy was an impregnable fortress, no one could breach the city walls. WebC

2. It was on this desolate mesa that Herod the Great built an impregnable fortress as a retreat from his potentially rebellious subjects. WebC

3. This bay has the strongest tides in Europe which helped Le Mont Saint Michel to be an impregnable fortress. WebC

in plain clothes

v civilu

1. Are they in uniforms, or in plain-clothes? WebC

2.  Strittmatter agreed that uniformed officers should be able to carry them into the courthouse, but they did not reach a consensus about officers in plain clothes. WebC

3. When an officer in plain clothes meets a Field Officer, whom he recognizes, he will take off his hat to him.  WebC

in the middle of nowhere

daleko od civilizace

1. He's stuck in the middle of nowhere with no friends and a new school where bullies are determined to make his life a misery. WebC

2. I guess all roads end in the middle of nowhere, otherwise how would you know you were there? WebC

3. “It’s basically out in the middle of nowhere,” Silhan explained. WebC

in the rear of

v zadní části

1. Passengers and cargo are carried in the rear of the fuselage. WebC

2. Separate conveyors in the rear of the turret allow the loading of ground ammunition. WebC

3. In the rear of the hypostyle hall, a darkened area contains three contiguous chapels for the barques of Karnak triad, as well as a few small rooms. WebC

in the sticks

zapadákov, díra, tam, kde lišky dávají dobrou noc

1. You're pretty much out in the sticks here, so apart from making your own fun in the hay or getting naughty in the nearby woods there's not a lot on. WebC

2. Accurately capturing childhood in the sticks or "the fields of our years of boredom", Lavinia Greenlaw seizes on moments of escapism. WebC

3. One of the reasons I picked you was that you didn't have that typical guy fantasy of living in the sticks! WebC

in the suburbs

na předměstích

1. There is no reason to be pessimistic about the ability of wildlife to survive and thrive in the suburbs. WebC

2. Hotel Carindale is your city hotel in the suburbs. WebC

3. Office workers in the suburbs would not have much choice where to eat lunch and would have problems buying things and solving other practical problems. WebC

industrial town

průmyslové město

1. The industrial town of Qiqihar is situated in the very north of China, in the province of Heilongjiang, Manchuria. WebC

2. Louis de Geer’s move to Sweden in the 17th century led to the development of Norrköping as an industrial town. WebC

3. Durgapur was developed as a major industrial town of India in the 1950s. WebC

inner city

vnitřní město, centrum

1. I had decided to teach in an inner-city school. WebC

2. Some groups have worked to close the gap by acquiring computers for inner-city schools. WebC

3. The study was set in an inner-city ED with approximately 75,000 patients annually, most of them indigent. WebC

insist on

trvat na něčem

1. Mumbai prostitutes insist on free condoms. WebC

2. Why does my child insist on watching the same videos over and over? WebC

3. A good rule of thumb is to always insist on both anterior and posterior intact dentition adjacent to the tooth being restored. WebC 

intercity coach

meziměstský autobus

1. Intercity Coach lines provide your link between popular train sectors and a number of North and South Island centres. WebC

2. Board the Intercity coach back to Christchurch along the East Coast road via Oamaru and Timaru. WebC

3. From Greymouth I caught the InterCity coach to Punakaiki, a sort of a settlement a little way north along the coast. WebC

Iron Age

doba železná

1. Workers fixing the sewers of a small Tuscan village have discovered a mysterious statue stelae which may lead to a large Iron Age warrior cemetery. WebC

2. The Iron Age itself came very early to Africa, probably around the sixth century BC, in Ethiopia, the Great Lakes region, Tanzania, and Nigeria. WebC

3. The Iron Age in Orkney, as in the rest of Scotland, seems to have been a time of change and unrest. WebC

Iron Age fort

pevnost z doby železné

1. The site used to be an Iron Age fort and later a Roman fort. WebC

2. Hod Hill is the largest Iron Age fort in Dorset, running to 54 acres and accommodating up to 250 roundhouses. WebC

3. There is also some evidence that there may have been an Iron Age fort, about 300m in diameter, in the centre of Brill. WebC

it dates back to

pochází z, sahá do, existuje již od

1. The distinctive Halesowen parish church was built in 1083 by Earl Roger de Montgomery. It dates back to Norman times and features Norman arches. WebC

2. Called "Geomatics" in Canada and much of Europe, land surveying is known as the world's second-oldest profession. It dates back to ancient Egypt and Babylonia. WebC

3. There is a statue of Minerva Victoria in the Pazzale della Vittoria. It dates back to the Emperor Domitian. WebC

it dates from

pochází z, sahá do, existuje již od

1. The Theatre Royal next door was also designed by John Roberts, and it dates from the 18th century. WebC

2. Although it dates from 65 to 80 million years ago, this specimen belongs to a surprisingly recent evolutionary group. WebC

3. The original of this artifact was made of Bronze and was thickly plated with Gold. It dates from the Bronze Age and was probably used as a form of currency. WebC