tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 16:12
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordbok: HEALTH

in the same breath

jedním dechem, a současně, (říct 2 rozporuplné věci)

She said she didn't love him any more but in the same breath said how wonderful he was.(CIDI)

You say you're bored and frustrated but in the same breath say you're resigned to staying in the same job.(CALD)

New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable. (BNC)

isolation hospital

infekční nemocnice/oddělení

In the autumn of 1897 seven children contracted diphtheria and were sent to the Isolation Hospital. (BNC)

Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen. (BNC)

Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital. (BNC)