úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.20
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

illegal disposal of st

- nezákonná likvidace něčeho

1. Tight German recycling laws had been blamed for encouraging the illegal disposal of waste in neighbouring countries. BNC

2. The result is a simple, self-contained operation that protects the environment efficiently, and brings benefits to all parties involved not least those in the community who have been at risk from inadequate or illegal disposal of used hypodermic needles and other hazardous waste. BNC

3. For the second time in two years the illegal diposal of cyanide by industry has interfered with local authorities, already handicapped in normal conditions by limited fresh water reserves. TDA

impromptu speech

- řeč pronesená spatra, bez přípravy

1. Jim, who gave a lively impromptu speech after chairman, Hugh Jamieson had presented him with his award, was in typically dismissive mood about his own talents. BNC

2. But you are concerned with precise and meaningful writing where the more relaxed habits of impromptu speech cannot be allowed to creep in. BNC

3. At the Harris, Harris and Overdene Christmas party three years ago he had made what some considered to be the funniest impromptu speech anyone had ever heard inside the office. BNC

in alphabetical order

- podle abecedy

1. Articles and selected books are abstracted and arranged in alphabetical order of subject. BNC

2.  Each member state takes it in turn in alphabetical order: currently it is Portugal, and from July onwards it is the UK. BNC

3. Bibliography, which cites the principal sources on which you have drawn for your research, in alphabetical order of authors' surnames. BNC

in bold type

- tučně vytištěný

1. Sometimes the main pages where a subject is dealt with are printed in bold type. BNC

2. The sections are short, the text is sharp and to the point, the definitions are emphasised in bold type, the diagrams are pertinent and the coverage is vast. BNC

3. Entries are in alphabetical order; cross-references are printed in bold type. BNC

in great depth

- do detailu, do hloubky, do podrobna

1. It pretends that the court is able to investigate those reasons in great depth, whereas in practice it is not able to do so, and in any event that investigation is not going to save the marriage. BNC

2. In Villette, other characters than the narrator are described in great depth, not only for their relationships with Lucy Snowe, but as characters in their own right. BNC

3. He has investigated the subject with tenacity and in great depth, enabling us to understand a good deal about Russian and Teleut attitudes and activities. BNC

in pursuit of st

- při sledování něčeho; ve jménu čeho

1. Practically unstoppable in pursuit of his ideas about France's place in Indochina, he was also, apparently uncontrollable, at least by the government in Paris. BNC

2. But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends. BNC

3. Consequently, the law profession increasingly becomes an instrument for the realization of collective goals rather than servants of private clients in pursuit of private interests. BNC

in the limelight

- ve středu veřejného zájmu

1. Two Northern companies were in the limelight last week as Tyne Tees Television recommended to its shareholders that they accept merger proposals with Yorkshire TV.

2. Unlike many of the guerrilla leaders who are unknown except to the intrepid few who visit their frontline hideouts, Arkan rebels are in the public limelight like the best of Hollywood's gangsters. BNC

3. So long as he was in the limelight, he could n't be attacked or abducted . BNC

in the title role

- v titulní roli

1. The performance of Durga Lal in the title role is a masterpiece of versatility and concentration: his delirium at the end of the first act is nothing short of hair-raising. BNC

2. Kirk Douglas in the title role finally stands alone on the battlefield in the midst of his dead troops, and exposed to the arrows of the Indians who circle round him. BNC

3.He announced that he wanted to make a biopic of North, with Mel Gibson or Treat Williams in the title role. BNC 

in tune with sb

- zajedno s někým; shodovat se s někým; táhnout za jeden provaz

1. They were welfare democrats and public spenders, not at all in tune with Mrs Thatcher's awkward imperatives. BNC

2. We live in filthy times, and if you find yourself in tune with the Zeitgeist you will know you are doing something wrong. BNC

3. The Gulf War has demonstrated that the negotiation of mutual non-provocative defence strategies (including adequate verification) would be in tune with technological possibilities. BNC

in-depth analysis of st

- důkladný rozbor něčeho

1. There is little time, and little scope for an in-depth analysis of the political-economic context of the conservation programme. BNC

2. The project involved an in-depth analysis of British Steel's operating units to examine how they stood against international competition. BNC

3. Such an in-depth analysis of last season's loss of form obviously gives me food for thought and deserves a similarly constructive reply. BNC

in-depth article

- podrobný článek

1. So it was heartening to read an in-depth article on the transport of spent nuclear fuel from Torness to Sellafield. BNC

2. Featuring many in-depth articles regarding the aircraft of the Great War the journal is packed with facts and figures that will satisfy any World War One buff. Wasps

3. We will also publish a table of the top 50 companies by employer levels, together with in-depth articles on the changing pattern of the region's economic and employment make-up, written by Daily Post Staff and authoratative outside commentators. BNC

indifferent to st

-  lhostejný k něčemu

1. The government places a statutory responsibility on local authorities to provide certain services and is not indifferent to the general level of service in localities. BNC

2. The American venture capitalists were less than indifferent to anything coming out of Russia or the old Eastern Bloc. Wasps

3. Yet many people in Victorian Britain were not indifferent to the widening divisions between rich and poor that seemed to be a consequence of this ideology. BNC

inside information

- zasvěcené informace

1. A failure to sell based on inside information is neither illegal in the US nor in the UK because there has been no securities transaction. BNC

2. How does the market recognise that someone is trading on inside information? BNC

3. Almost any conversation with a company would probably put the analysts in possession of inside information. WebC

invasion of privacy

-  vpád do soukromí, narušení soukromí

1. The officer on duty on the night he died Tony Strong said it was not normal practice to peer on prisoners through the cell doors because this was considered an invasion of privacy. BNC

2. Now the row over whether the photos are an invasion of privacy is gathering pace. BNC

3. A new media law package was needed to guarantee freedom of expression and information and to liberalise the libel and contempt laws, balanced by a law to protect unjustifiable invasion of privacy. BNC

iron out

- vyžehlit problém, odstranit neshody

1. But under intense congressional pressure the Defence Department says that it will kill the programme next year unless the services manage to iron out serious flaws. BNC

2. It is best to get some ring practice at the smaller classes and match meetings and iron out all problems ready for the big day when you go to a Championship Show. BNC

3. Your correspondent's criticisms have been taken on board and I assure you we shall do our best to iron out the problems raised. Wasps