úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.59
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

illegal immigration

nelegální imigrace

At the same time the government is rushing ahead with non-economic reforms which it knows will be popular, such as tightening up the conditions for acquiring French citizenship and clamping down on illegal immigration. (BNCI)

Demand in the US economy generated the net addition of 23 million new jobs in the period 1974 to 1986, fuelled partly by population growth, illegal immigration and lower increases in productivity than before. (BNCI)

Following up on this information our investigating officers found that a Pakistani who was running a shop and a travel agency in the UK arranged illegal immigration for his countrymen.  (BNCI)       


IMF-International Monetary Fund

MMF-Mezinárodní měnový fond

 Once Russia is a member of the International Monetary Fund, that will make it possible for Russia to receive sustantial assistance in cash to deal not only perhaps with a stabilisation fund but balance of payments support --; which I personally suspect will be needed in the Soviet Union. (BNCI)

At the meeting President Mitterrand of France declared that no meeting of comparable importance had taken place since 1944 when the allied powers had decided at Bretton Woods to create the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. (BNCI)

IT IS again the week when the world's finance ministers and central bankers flock to Washington for the spring meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. (BNCI)

immigration law

imigrační zákon

We feel very strongly that people should have access to solicitors who have knowledge of immigration law, and who can protect people by explaining the difficult legislation and regulations dealing with immigration policy. (BNCI)

The Italian government had earlier announced that it would repatriate all Albanians who had not found jobs or obtained political refugee status by July 15, the deadline for a new immigration law. (BNCI)

The Immigration Act gives authority to detain indefinitely and without trial those refused entry to the UK and those alleged to be here in breach of immigration law. (BNCI)

income tax

daň z příjmu

1. For several years now, a variety of high public officials have openly declared that the federal income tax laws are incredibly complex and need to be either substantially revised or scrapped.(WebCorp)

2. You may have to pay income tax on some of the income you receive. However everyone is allowed to have a certain amount of income without having to pay tax.     This factsheet gives information about tax rates, the main types of income that are not taxable and tax allowances.(WebCorp)

3. Refuse to pay all or part of your income tax.Though illegal, thousands of Americans are openly participating in this form of protest. You can take control of your paycheck and avoid contributing to the military.(WebCorp)

industrialized country

industrializovaná země

 Every industrialized country faces similar problems and is either considering similar solutions or has already implemented some of them.(BNCI)

The big issue is rebuilding and expanding our manufacturing base to ensure that we remain a prosperous industrialized country. (BNCI)

No industrialized country had ever achieved such a burst of accumulation before.(BNCI)

influx of immigration

příliv imigrace

At the end of the 19th century, there was a large influx of immigration from Central and Eastern Europe, which resulted in a bipolarization of Belgian Jewry. (WebCorp)

However, World War II sparked an influx of immigration, and by 1960 the population stood at 15,957. As well, the ethno-cultural composition of the area began to change with the advent of groups such as the Italians, Jews and Eastern Europeans to name but a few.(WebCorp)

As the political conditions in California were favorable to the American interests during the opening months of Polk's administration, so also was the influx of immigration from across the mountains. (WebCorp)

inheritance tax

dědická daň

1. What is inheritance tax.? Inheritance tax is a type of tax you have to pay, when you die, on the assets you leave for your loved ones, like your home, stocks and shares, possessions - normally known as "your estate."(WebCorp)

2. That is a gift with regard to which he had reserved a benefit and that gift (the full value of the house) will come into charge to inheritance tax on his death.(BNCI) 

3. Gift tax is assessed on the transfer of property during the donor's lifetime and is intended to prevent the avoidance of inheritance tax.(WebCorp)

intelligence service

 tajná zpravodajská, výzvědná služba

In August, the intelligence service will be fully staffed with a team of 400 police and Customs officers. (BNCI)

Suppose you were in charge of the CIA, or the British Secret Intelligence Service, or Mossad: what would be your best way of getting rid of Saddam? (BNCI)

I believe you know that the Free Dutch government have offered me a job in their intelligence service. (BNCI)

internet banking

internetové bankovnictví

The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce is a quarterly Internet publication about current issues in electronic banking and online commerce.(Google)

ANZ is a major Australian Financial Institution offering home loans, car loans, business loans, Internet Banking, insurance and deposit products.(Google)

BankUnited Express Internet Banking provides secure, around-the-clock, worldwide access to your financial information via the Internet plus the convenience of an Electronic Bill Pay service to make paying your monthly bills easier!(Google)

internet shopping

nakupování po internetu

A superb collection of links and information about internet shopping, online e-stores and shopping malls in the UK.(Google)

Whether you are shopping for friends or internet shopping for yourself, with Shopping.net you can find all your UK shopping and online shopping answers right here. (Google)

It is predicted that Internet shopping will continue increase in popularity. It has many advantages ... (Google)

introductory price

zaváděcí cena

1. The introductory price $79 will be soon over and the full price $99 will be in place. The intoductory price was in place since Jun.(Google)

2. For the first 6 months Texas Instruments offers this One-Day workshop for $95.00 US and €95 Euro in Europe.This special introductory price is valid from now until June 30th, 2004.(Google)

3. Order the revolutionary, completely feminine undergarment and drug-free solution to menstrual cramps securely online today for a special introductory price of only $89.95 (plus shipping). (Google)