úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.20
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

immediate family

nejbližší rodina/příbuzenstvo

She was not going out at all and was communicating very little with her immediate family. BNC

Have you ever stopped to consider how you would cope financially if you or a member of your immediate family were seriously injured in an accident? BNC

You will need to integrate the new puppy into socializing with people outside your immediate family. BNC

impending divorce

hrozící rozvod

Because parents feel children are too young to comprehend divorce, many do not speak with their children about an impending divorce. WebC

Divorce Room - Discussion and personal stories about adjusting to an impending divorce, dealing with children's issues, and getting along with an ex-partner. WebC

It's possible the agent found out the truth about your impending divorce and felt left out of the picture. WebC

in one's teens

dospívat (být) ve věku 13 a 19 let

In her teens, she coped very well with racism. BNC

Perhaps she had been too old for parenthood, and then it was very sad for a girl to lose her father in her teens. BNC

Early in her teens she discovered drugs and solvents. BNC