úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.59
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

job prospects

vyhliadky na získanie práce

1. Many of the emigrants are skilled workers confident of their job prospects. BNC

2. People register as unemployed in order to draw unemployment benefit, supplementary benefits or national insurance credits, and to receive information about what jobs are available; they can also receive help and advice on their job prospects. BNC

3. Although targeting employment through the labour market is inevitably uncertain, skills training certainly improves the job prospects of local people. BNC

jobs for the boys

práca po známosti

1. Councillor John Murphy told The Scotsman last week that he had proof to back up jobs for the boys, claims in Monklands. BNC

2. It smacks of jobs for the boys. BNC

3. A Monklands regional Labour councillor said yesterday that he has proof to back up allegations of jobs for the boys; in Monklands District Council. BNC

joint-stock company (Plc)

akciová společnost

The modern joint-stock corporation has many sources in medieval Europe.

jump on the bandwagon

zapojiť sa do rozbehnutej aktivity, práce

1. They may choose to jump on the bandwagon and agree with the decision that will be made anyway or they may choose to cosset disagreements. BNC

2. It's only natural with the global mania sweeping the industry that trade associations
would jump on the bandwagon to assist their members with expansion plans. Google

3. Acer is the latest PC company to jump on the bandwagon signing up handwriting recognition software expert CIC to develop pen based applications to be run on Acer hardware. BNC

jump ship

opustiť rozbehnutú prácu

1. Homesickness, the love of a teenage girlfriend called June and a premature belief in his ability had encouraged the young Souness to jump ship. BNC

2. Although the very thought of court action had brought him out in a cold sweat, the same grittiness which had enabled his father to jump ship and seek a new life now came to his rescue. BNC

3. Another dvertising agency offered him $1000 to jump ship. CIDoI