středa, 3. července 2024, 01.48
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

heart of gold

zlaté srdce

Kitty’s friend, Georgie , a cockney tart with a heart of gold.

She was well known in Aspull and it had been said she had a heart of gold.

He may be an old moaner, but he’s got a heart of gold.

Old Laz is a pretentious son of a gun, but he’s got a heart of gold. (BNC-B)

high hand

svévolný/ ě, panovačný/ ě

When one political interest was dominant in a county, the politician could attempt to carry matters with a high hand, as Colonel John Campbell of Mamore did in 1727, when a dispute arose over the collectorship of Dunbartonshire.

Furthermore the law provides no sacrifice for sin with a high hand, i.e. wilful and deliberate sin.

The subjects vowed eternal fealty to the White Tsar, to be loyal and to pay dues on time. In return the monarch undertook to protect those who had come under his high hand. Ostyaks (Khantys) swore in front of a bearskin on which were laid an axe, a knife and some bread.


hit the nail on the head

uhodit hřebíček na hlavičku, strefit se

A less than shattering experience simply won’t pass muster in this of all Shostakovich symphonies. In an unusually perceptive liner note, Robert Layton hits the nail on the head when he says ` It is the exercise of true symphonic discipline that removes the Tenth from the private world to the universal. Quite so.

Moving on, and if I may say so, you have hit the nail on the head with your reference to the registration and its rarely stated function to boost the circulation of the LTA’s own magazine.

I’ve been having some quite intelligent guesses but no one’s hit the nail on the head. This is the number of the site. Because each site has a number and could you have a guess at how many excavations? Yes? More than seven.


hold one’s tongue

mlčet, být zticha, držet jazyk za zuby

But there were times when he had to hold his tongue, if only to ensure that he could keep on using this fool for his own ends. It amused him to see how the gullible idiot deferred to him, even when they were in the midst of a vicious argument.

Once some Mohammedans were at my house, consulting me about their complaints when night came on. In the middle of our talk I began to speak as if to some demon, telling him to hold his tongue and not interrupt my talk, and let me serve these gentlemen for it was already late.

I’ve been permitted to speak at any meeting dealing with this application. The DOE has authorized me to do so, but not to vote. I need hardly say I have found it difficult to hold my tongue on so important a matter over the last eighteen months.


hold someone’s hand

vést komu ruku, držet koho za ruku, stát po boku komu

A girl of seventeen should be able to go to the doctor’s without someone to hold her hand.

When she’s crying with pain for something like a migraine headache, I just sit in the dark with her and hold her hand.

However, he continued to hold her hand on the walk back to the main track, where he again drew her close to his side while taking her arm.


in / to/ into the arms of Morpheus


It was not long before those who had been so rudely awakened by Tebbit's demarche were once again safe in the arms of Morpheus.

It seemed an hour, was perhaps only five minutes - and he left, saying only, I must to the arms of Morpheus It’s late. Good night - frère Robert.

Sleeping while her ugly sisters go to the sex maniacs’ ball. On paper, it’s a perfect equation. Prom Queen meets matinee idol and the earth moves. On terra firma, they fall straight into the arms of Morpheus on their wedding night just like Cindy and Dick.


in cold blood/ cold-blooded

chladnokrevně, chladnokrevný

It is clear that Professor Wybran has been assassinated in cold blood because he was a Jew, it said. Fifty years after the Holocaust, a Jewish leader is killed in the heart of the capital of Europe .

Finally, he sighed heavily and continued speaking. Your parents' death was no accident, Mikhail. They were shot down in cold blood with their friends, by the KGB.

Four generations of Glynns, and the fourth of the dynasty had got himself murdered in his own office; no heat-of-the-moment crime either, but a carefully planned murder executed in cold blood out of hatred, or fear, or obsessive greed.


in hand

v době, kdy je to aktuální, právě, aktuálně

We have had early notification from Sam Morley of Aedificamus Press that plans are in hand to publish this excellent book, the autobiography of Perla Seidle Gibson, as a Talking Book.

As such, they involve a high degree of trust, good will, confidence and faith in all parties ability to do the job in hand. Musicians must seek legal advice if they are offered any of these agreements, and their legal adviser should be a specialist in the music business.

Maloney said. Lewis certainly possesses the physical attributes for the task in hand. He turned 23 last month, and his 6ft 5in, 16st 11lb frame carries no excess weight.


in one’s mind’s eye

v představách

I see her in my mind’s eye always in a Fair Isle jersey.

Occasionally she made rolled-up pancakes, and stuffed omelettes, and steak pies with lovely gravy: I have in my mind’s eye a picture of her, sitting in a corner with some child on her lap, and the usual dreamy expression on her face.

As he spoke, the teacher saw Prince Richard in his mind’s eye and recalled the authority in the imperious carriage of the boy's small head on his narrow but habitually braced shoulders.


in similar vein

podobně, podobným způsobem

A more extreme tactic is to start addressing them in similar vein - using my dear or something worse back.

A few years earlier, Alessandro Conti wrote in similar vein of Fra Angelico’s frescoes at San Marco in Florence, saying that they had been permanently disfigured.

The same dialogue continues in similar vein for shepherd and herdsman.


in the blink of an eye

v mžiku

The advantage of the Helblaster is that it can fire several shots at once in a devastating volley. A full volley will rip through the toughest regiment causing immense casualties in the blink of an eye.

No-one wanted personal computers until an American called Dan Bricklin invented a piece of software that would do lots of boring calculations in the blink of an eye.

He would be up and after them in the blink of an eye.    (BNC-B)

in the public eye

ve středu zájmu veřejnosti

The mass media, and the television in particular, places the Prime Minister in the public eye as the government, and general elections have increasingly become personalised contests between rival party leaders.

Ahead you’ll find a series of lucrative events which may well put you in the public eye, and carry you to further success and acclaim.

He was said to have been well received by only a few people’s comrades and naturally the old loyal fighters. Hardly ever has a Goebbels article stood so much in the public eye as this one, added the report, but his articles have probably never been so criticized.


in the teeth of something

navzdory čemu

The British electorate regularly disprove this by electing governments in the teeth of the hostility and mispresentation of virtually the whole of the press.

Even if Mr. Kaifu can deliver a package, he will probably be doing so in the teeth of public opinion (especially if a tax increase is involved).

But even in the teeth of a recession, companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely. (BNC-B)

it came/ fell off the back of a lorry

je to kradené (zboží)

They need frequent renovation, says Brian Miller, Barrow & Hepburn's managing director. They sometimes look as if they've fallen off the back of a lorry.

He was only 18 years old, but was making quite a market on the side in watches and jewellery that he would jokingly claim had fallen off the back of a lorry.

They clearly distinguished between stealing from shops and stealing from houses. A number might buy a personal hi-fi they suspected came off the back of a lorry, but would never purchase goods burgled from a family.


keep (both) feet on the ground

stát nohama pevně na zemi

We have, in short, to keep our feet on the ground, to get our facts right, and to remember that we are talking about the real world.

It was difficult to keep their feet on the ground when they read about themselves in the newspapers.

She tries to get me to do things around the house, like changing light bulbs and things like that. It keeps your feet on the ground, I think. (BNC-B)