středa, 3. července 2024, 00.43
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

Ty pomůžeš mně a já tobě.

He hesitated, a cunning look suddenly coming into his eyes. The thing is, just occasionally, you might listen to me. In this case I know what I'm talking about. And, after all, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours - that's what business is about, they tell me.

Ty mne i ya tebe, people said, a knowing smile on their faces. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. It was the essential corruption of an under-privileged people. It worked on all levels.

Here the guiding motto was: you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours - a process to which Malinowski usually referred in more dignified language as reciprocity or give and take.


you wouldn’t be sorry / you’d be pleased/ glad/ happy to see the back of somebody/ something

těšit se, až vypadne

Leila just took his money and waved goodbye. She was not sorry to see the back of Lazar Farm this time.

He loved the fat knight but on this occasion dearly wished to see the back of him.

Time and again she told herself she was fortunate to see the back of him, so often she reminded herself of the despicable way he had behaved.


young at heart

mladý duchem

It’s ideal for children aged over five and adults who are young at heart. This exciting pop musical takes you on an adventure deep into the woods.

His final illness was a cruel blow to a man who had a fiercely independent spirit and remained young at heart.

Nightlife is here relaxed and friendly, with several restaurants and cosy bars: there is even a discotheque for the young at heart while the bright lights of Innsbruck are only a taxi ride away. (BNC-B)

your heart misses/ skips a beat

na chvíli se ti zastavilo srdce

At the end of my reading, the lecturer asked the newcomer his name, I hadn't seen him since that early morning encounter several weeks before. My heart skipped a beat and the fear came flooding back.

For our part, the only time our heart comes close to missing a beat is when Denice wedges the still-full carton of popcorn between her thighs and invites us to help ourselves whenever we feel like it.

My heart lurched and seemed to miss a beat, but I went on reading calmly, though the print was blurred. (BNC-B)