středa, 3. července 2024, 00.10
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

from top to toe

od hlavy až k patě

He gazed at her across the room, dressed in black leather from top to toe.(thefreedictionary)

Robin observed him furtively as he trimmed his staff, measuring him from top to toe from out the corner of his eye, and thought that he had never seen a lustier or a stouter man.(

Discover how Clarins Hydra-Care range can help you maintain the ideal moisture level to keep your skin looking fresh and supple from top to toe. (Google)

get cold feet

dostat strach

I began to get cold feet, but these other two guys were totally positive and they were absolutely right.

It was obvious by September 1990 that Gorbachev was getting very cold feet about both economic reform and national self-determination within the Soviet Union.

Difficulties seemed inevitable and if the bank got cold feet, Taylor Woodrow would be finished. Nothing did go wrong, however.


get itchy feet

mít toulavé boty

Jane tried to comfort Flora by telling her that her own two younger children had got itchy feet at sixteen too, and left school: her son had gone on to a sixth form college which he found highly satisfying.

He's getting itchy feet and will soon be back riding for trainers.

And I sort of started to get itchy feet to come back and do things in the early eighties and that's when I went to Liverpool.


get off on the wrong foot

vykročit nesprávnou nohou

Dyson got off on the wrong foot with Morris from the very beginning, even though Morris politely stopped writing while Bob introduced them.

There doesn't seem to be anything to live for, she said. I got off on the wrong foot, and I'm never going to get it right now. It's too late.

I always seem to do my best when the big players are around on the big occasion, not at smaller tournaments like these. Montgomerie got off on the wrong foot by commencing with a trio of bogeys.


get one's fingers burnt

spálit si prsty

The same is true for lenders. Some lenders have already had their fingers burnt and have had to write off loans and lose their investments, rather than take on responsibility for contaminated land.

Bill frequently got his fingers burnt and even now he wonders if his servicing procedure was strictly legal.

He is not going to have his day spoilt. I just don’t want anyone else to get their fingers burnt over this, she said.


get one’s eye in

dostat se do toho, získat zručnost

I hope you will want to take time and make your own discoveries. As I was helped in getting my eye in by visiting two important houses in Bath, you may wish to do the same. (BNC-B)

This sequence is typical of what can be done in such surroundings once you have got your eye in and have begun to link your shots together visually or by association of ideas. It is certainly more fun to shoot video this way than to take unrelated pot-shots.  (BNC-B)

Finally, stand back and critically assess (not admire!) your horse. Once you have got your eye in, you will be able to note slight changes in body condition. (WebCorp)

get one’s head (a)round

pochopit co

It felt like I was inside and part of a huge virtual reality machine. I couldn’t quite get my head around the fact that this vast underground world existed, going on and on underground with chambers, tunnels, streams and pools, all underneath hills, roads and houses.

But I remember Puzznic very fondly as a game that I could actually get my head around (it’s very flexible you know); even a thicko like me can understand the concept of joining corresponding icons together.

I just can’t get my head around this idea of defining oneself by one’s genitals. I don’t see how you can describe yourself by saying what your sexual orientation is.


get right up somebody’s nose

lézt krkem komu

And he's asking viewers to write in with things that get right up their noses. If the complaint sounds familiar, Gerry'll phone you during the show.

Everybody annoys you but you don't think you annoy, and yet you never stop to think if you may annoy people as well. You get right up my nose you do.

I don't know why I didn't think of it myself. I mean, you and Edward aren't involved emotionally like we are, and he's not going to get right up your nose in the same way and I'll know where he is and that he's all right.


get something off one’s chest

ulevit si, vyzpovídat se

You need to clear the air and get deep seated anxieties and worries off your chest.

No doubt you feel better now you've got that off your chest.

Come on now; if it's bothering you so much you'd better get it off your chest.


get up somebody’s nose

lézt krkem, štvát, jít na nervy

He was the sort of bowler you couldn't get the ball off even when he'd been hit all round the field. This boy Chapple strikes me as having that sort of heart. It's the temperamental ones that get up my nose.

The confrontation with De Niro came in the foyer of London’s Savoy Hotel. I clearly got up his nose when I asked him about a report which disputed his status as a big box office draw.

I feel I must write to you concerning your interview with Tony MacMahon about Irish traditional music. I agree with a lot of what he said but one point he repeatedly made got up my nose.


get/ give a thick ear

dostat, dát nakládačku

If I thought you were serious, I would give you a thick ear! I’ve been there, don’t forget, and I’ve seen how you are looked up to. You’ve got responsibilities, and you can’t shirk them.

He guesses that it is something to do with education and reflects wryly that all we got was a bible and a thick ear.

And I remember the first time, I poured a whole jugful of water in. Without realizing I was lucky that her hands were stuck in the dough she would have given me a thick ear, you know, for doing that.


get/ pull one’s finger out

začít něco dělat, vytáhnout ruce z kapes

If they don’t get their finger out, they will lose almost all their business to the direct trade.

Our Dutch correspondent Remi Ebus pulls his finger out (of the dyke) to reveal the latest PD developments.

On the golf club one if you’ve really got your finger out and you’re known well enough you could you could do one in day.


get/ put somebody’s back up

rozčilovat koho

Seems a good idea on the whole, but whatever you do, don't go writing to that ruddy man at the tax office any more or you'll get his back up.

Now I must admit my first thoughts of it were it really gets my back up for some reason or other. I don't know whether anybody else feels like that but I do.

Did I tell you about that bloke the other week who got, the one who just cocky with me? Ooh God! He really got my back up!


gift of tongues

dar řeči, dar výřečnosti

You may need help over self-discipline, praying for others, using the gift of tongues, suitable reading, dryness, finding your praying is very different from others in your house group.

In the front room she started to hold prayer meetings that were almost like seances. Presently she found that she had the gift of tongues: notions of sacrifice and immolation and of a saviour with hair of sackcloth poured out of her mouth like a river of lava.

There is no doubt among those who have been given the gift of tongues that their prayer life and their ability to praise God in all circumstances has grown dramatically.


give one’s right arm

dát cokoli (za co)

We have no film of Nikisch - imagine the fascination of that if we had. I would give my right arm for just thirty seconds. I remember after the war in Bayreuth spending many hours with an old bass player who had worked under him.

I just felt like I would have given my right arm to be there with a camera - and that stayed in my mind for a long time.

On the one hand we have what appears to be pop star wingeing, but most people would give their right arm to be the principle subjects on a tour of this scale. Nothing is more annoying than when a dole queue fan shells out six pounds for a ticket to a show which is nothing but a huge yawn for the artist.