středa, 3. července 2024, 00.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

cough st up

vykašlávat něco; vydat něco nedobrovolně (peníze, informaci)

Doctors were worried when she started to cough up blood.(CALD)

I've just had to cough up £10 for a parking fine.(BNC)

But all hosepipe users will now have to cough up £33 a year. (BNC)

cut back on

snížit dávku

I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.(CALD)

She just needs to cut back on her chocolate. (BNC)

You may think you can cut back on your amount of drugs easily, but it is not that easy. (BNC)

cut oneself shaving

říznout se při holení

Half an hour ago he had cut himself shaving; now, it seemed, his very life was in jeopardy. (BNC)

Then came Brian, who had cut himself shaving, and was dabbing the blood on his chin. (BNC)

Hurrying to make up time, Manville had cut himself shaving, and the cluttered bathroom medicine cabinet had stubbornly refused to yield up the secret whereabouts of the styptic pencil. (BNC)

cut sb dead

ignorovat, zasklít, přehlížet, předstírat,že nevidíte

What`s wrong with Linda? She cut me dead in the bank this morning. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I asked her about it in the meeting and she just cut me dead.(CIDI)

I said "Good Morning" but he just cut me dead.(CALD)

dead ahead/in front

přímo (v)před

We came out of the wood and found the village we were looking for dead ahead of us. (English Idioms, Oxford)

The forked road which every star, perhaps every person, faces at least once in a lifetime lay dead ahead. (BNC)

After five hours and 35 minutes in the air they were all desperately short of fuel, but at that moment Malta appeared dead ahead. (BNC)

dead as a door-nail/a harring/mutton/the,a dodo

úplně mrtvý, zapomenutý, dořešený, smetený ze stolu

The Congo Treaty may now be regarded as being as dead as a doornail. (OED)

The Radicalism of Mill is as dead as the dodo. (OED)

Mr Menzies refused a request for a boycott saying he had hoped this was as dead as the dodo. (OED)

dead beat / tired

k smrti unavený, zničený

She was dead tired, but she couldn't fall asleep. (BNC)

You ought to have an early night - you look dead beat. (English Idioms, Oxford)

 At the last he was in front, but he was dead tired and Winter could do nothing to hold him together for the final desperate few yards to the line. (BNC)

dead easy

strašně / moc / k smrti jednoduché

For a dead easy mark in a business way, commend me to a preacher. (OED)

Making a lawn, as any gardening book or groundsman will tell you, is dead easy. (BNC)

 That made Jay nervous again but Peter assured him they would manage, it was dead easy, a breeze. (BNC)

dead to the world

spát jako když někoho do vody hodí, jako špalek, být v limbu 

"Is Georgie up yet?" "I doubt it - she was dead to the world ten minutes ago."(CALD)

Guy was curled up on the sofa, dead to the world.(CIDI)

I was dead to the world when the phone rang and woke me. (Eng.Idioms,W.Magnuson)

deal a death blow

utrpět/zasadit smrtelnou ránu

The new evidence dealt a death blow to the prosecution case. (LDCE)

The scandal dealt a death blow to (= ended) his political ambitions.(CIDI)

This renewed outbreak of fighting has been seen as a death blow to any chance for peace.(CIDI)

death or glory

hop nebo trop

I'll grit my teeth and attack the course tomorrow --; death or glory, nothing in between.(BNC)

depart sb`s/this life

zemžít, zesnout, na vždy opustit (formal, church language)

In loving memory of my dear husband, who departed this life on May 5, 1978. (CALD)

Here lies Henry Stanford, who departed this life January 13th 1867. (CIDI)

 In Memory of Mary Leapor Daughter of Philip and Ann Leapor: who Departed this Life Nov. y 26. 1746 Aged 24. (BNC)


dice with death

zahrávat si se smrtí

You're dicing with death driving at that sort of speed on icy roads.(CIDI)

Not everyone yearns to dice with death!, she retorted sweetly. (BNC)

 A charity stunt team which drives volunteers through a tunnel of fire has been warned by experts that it's dicing with death. (BNC)

die a violent death

zemřít násilnou smrtí

Like the latter two, he was to die a violent death, but that was not in the mind of his flatterers at that time. (BNC)

One or two English kings were murdered and one died in battle in this period; no French or German king died a violent death. (BNC)

She is believed to have died a violent death five years ago. (BNC)

die a(natural)/the death

být fiasko

I can feel that tonight I will die the death. (Lingea)

The principle of free health care for everyone is likely to die a death in the next ten years.(CIDI)

The play, like so many others, died a natural death after only one week.(CIDI)

The play, like so many before it, died the death after a week.(CALD)