úterý, 2. července 2024, 23.01
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

fight for sb`s life

bojovat o život, zápasit se smrtí

I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I shall fight for my life,'; he said. (BNC)

Tributes poured in from showbiz stars as Leslie fought for his life in hospital last night. (BNC)

Suddenly the ropes were cut, and the ring was invaded and Burke had to fight for his life. (BNC)

flog st to death

přetřásat, rozebírat něco až do omrzení

He basically takes one theme and flogs it to death for three hundred and fifty pages.(CIDI)

No sporting event is beaten to death more than the Sugar Bowl - it is analyzed again and again by the commentators.(CIDI)

It`s a theme that's been flogged to death.(CALD)

flog/beat a dead horse

zbytečně se sanžit, ztrácet čas (marným snažením)

I`ve been showing the new clerk how to use the computer but it`s like flogging a dead horse. He simply can`t remember which keys to press. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Oh nothing is worse Than to flog a dead horse. (BNC)

If something is carried on then it is flogging a dead horse or blind ambition. (BNC)

food poisoning

otrava jídlem

Graf never blamed her upsets on family problems, flu, food poisoning, sinus trouble and a variety of other problems. (BNC)

Later Ministry of Agriculture officials told the nuns that this was a mistake and that the food poisoning was due to Salmonella typhimurium. (BNC)

Evidence of salmonella in chickens or in the hen house did not mean that the eggs were infected to levels that could cause food poisoning, he said. (BNC)

for life

na celý život, doživotně, po zbytek života

His career, literally, hung by a thread of tissue which, if it had broken, would have forced him to wear a colostomy bag for life. (BNC)

And drama has so much to offer in terms of equipping a child for life after school. (BNC)

It was a job for life. (BNC)

for sb`s pains

za všechno své úsilí, snahu, námahu, snažení

This is what I have got for my pains. (Lingea)

All she got for her pains was a slight smile but no verbal reply as with efficient ease he filled and switched on a percolator. (BNC)

And when the silly girl found out and rejected him he raped her for her pains. (BNC)

for the life of me

ani za Boha

I cannot remember it for the life of me. (Lingea)

 I can't for the life of me understand what it is you see in it. (BNC)

I cannot for the life of me imagine a place as distant as Italy. (BNC)

frighten/scare sb to death / be frightened/scared to death

vyděsit / vystrašit k smrti, být vyděšený / vystrašený k smrti

I'm scared to death she's going to tell him.(CIDI)

She's frightened to death of dogs.(CIDI)

David suddenly appeared in the doorway and scared me to death.(CIDI) 

gain/put on weight

přibrat (na váze), ztloustnout

In the weeks that followed, he found that the food supplements seemed to be making him put on weight, which was slightly worrying. (BNC)

Paula Yates, for instance, admits in an interview in Woman magazine that she is so thin that she had to put on weight before she could become pregnant. (BNC)

People who don't put on weight take it for granted that the rest of us are greedy and lacking in will power. (BNC)

gasp for breath

lapat po dechu

He kissed the damp pulse at her throat as she gasped for breath, exhausted with pleasure. (BNC)

He gasped for breath but managed to finish a scathing indictment that wasn't as effective as he might have wished. (BNC)

The dumbfounded girl gasped for breath. (BNC)

general hospital

všeobecná nemocnice

In the average district general hospital a significant proportion of medical admissions are emergencies.(BNC)

 I am advised that there were no serious repercussions for any patient at Sunderland general hospital last year. (BNC)

Mrs Allan was taken to nearby Kelowna General Hospital after the body was found. (BNC)

geriatric hospital

domov důchodců

She was doing all right as a nursing orderly in a geriatric hospital; one of her favourite; legitimate; jobs as it gave her easy access to sleeping pills and downers. (BNC)

For those who expressed interest in institutional care there was no clear statement in favour of either public or private care, although the geriatric hospital was unambiguously the least favoured option. (BNC)

(BNC)Approximately 20 per cent of subjects reported that they would be pleased to enter a private/public sector home, but only 10 per cent favoured the geriatric hospital. (BNC)

Get a life!

Trochu víc žiovota (do toho umírání)!

You're surely not going to stay in and clean the house on a Saturday night - oh, come on, get a life! (CIDI)

I hear him talking about his stamp collection and I feel like saying, 'You sad man, get a life!'(CIDI)

I've just one more thing to say --; Simon, get a life and some new cliches!! (BNC)

get out of breath

nevystačit s dechem, docházet (někomu) dech

Because I'm getting a bit old I have a tendency to get out of breath. (BNC)

I'm happy if I can go up several flights of stairs and not get out of breath. (BNC)

Oh, you may notice that you get out of breath when you have been running or that you hold your breath when frightened. (BNC)

get sb`s breath back

(znovu) popadnout/chytit dech, vzapamatovat se, vzchopit se

Let her get her breath back first. (BNC)

When I got my breath back I pushed between them. (BNC)

You've hardly got your breath back, and we're already talking about `;next time';? (BNC)