středa, 3. července 2024, 20.55
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

hold/hang on like grim death

držet se jako klíště, pevně svírat

Darren always drives the bike and I sit behind him, hanging on him like grim death.(CIDI)

Flupper would pretend to skid and go out of control: it was terrific --; we'd hang on like grim death to the rope. (BNC)

Teeth clenched, she held on like grim death, determined not to embarrass Penry Vaughan with a fit of hysterics just because she was in a boat again. (BNC)

hospital staff

nemocniční personál

The hospital staff I spoke to were almost without exception complacent on the subject of interpreters. (BNC)

As the trip went on he began to feel unwell, and when he left he returned to Kingston, rather than Trinidad, as he knew the hospital staff there. (BNC)

Hospital staff sent him home to try to patch things up with his hot-tempered wife. (BNC)

hospital treatment

ústavní péče

A woman is receiving urgent hospital treatment for AIDS. (BNC)

Like the stroke patient who has received hospital treatment, the head-injured patient may still be fairly disabled at the time he is discharged. (BNC)

A woman needed hospital treatment after being attacked by a parrot as she walked her dog at Ashleworth, near Gloucester. (BNC)

hospital ward

nemocniční oddělení

In rare instances, new-born babies have been studied for several months in a constant environment in a hospital ward. (BNC)

Be aware of the possible need for privacy, for example, in a hospital ward an intimate conversation with close relatives should not be overheard. (BNC)

And Eve's in a hospital ward with broken ribs and concussion and all kinds of things. (BNC)

hospital waste

nemocniční odpad

A public inquiry's begun into plans to burn hospital waste at an animal crematorium. (BNC)

This animal crematorium could soon be burning hospital waste, if it's owner gets his way. (BNC)

The move follows several waste dumping scandals, in particular the illegal export of hospital waste to France and chemical waste to Romania. (BNC)

in the same breath

jedním dechem, a současně, (říct 2 rozporuplné věci)

She said she didn't love him any more but in the same breath said how wonderful he was.(CIDI)

You say you're bored and frustrated but in the same breath say you're resigned to staying in the same job.(CALD)

New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable. (BNC)

isolation hospital

infekční nemocnice/oddělení

In the autumn of 1897 seven children contracted diphtheria and were sent to the Isolation Hospital. (BNC)

Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen. (BNC)

Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital. (BNC)

keep (sb) fit

udržovat se v dobré kondici

Keep fit and run for the charity which values your contribution. (BNC) 

If you want good beaches and good nightlife, but also want to keep fit during your holiday, Dassia is an excellent resort. (BNC)

I have no doubt that I will carry on running to keep fit but there is a difference between that and training to race well. (BNC)

kick the bucket

zemřít, natáhnout bačkory

Didn't you hear? He kicked the bucket. Had a heart attack, I think.(CIDI)

Charlie finally kicked the bucket. He had cancer, you know. (W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

When did Al kick the bucket?(CDAE)

larger than life

velice nadnesený, povznešený, nad poměry všedního dne

In the cameos of street life, certain characters appeared larger than life, as the source of ritualized conflict. (BNC)

He was a huge man, a larger than life character,'; Ufton added. (BNC)

And, though the story kills off the painter, the big draw himself is sure to return larger than life. (BNC)

lay down sb`s life for sb

položit svůj život za někoho

He laid down his life for her. (lingea)

Ray Illingworth was surely not exaggerating when he said that Barrington `;laid down his life for cricket';. (BNC)

I told her that at last I knew what really had happened to my father, her beloved husband, the man who had laid down his life for his country. (BNC)

life after death

posmrtný život

She was asked if she believed there was life after death. (BNC)

Is there life after death for dogs? (BNC)

I don't believe in life after death because I do not believe in our limited concept of time.(BNC)

LIfe goes on

život jde dál

Everybody says sorry and life goes on --; it's that banal. (BNC)

When the shows finish, my life goes on. (BNC)

This is because our movements slowly become stereotyped as life goes on and we tend to move in a way that feels `;right'; to us. (BNC)

live life to the full

žít naplno

Afraid to live life to the full, for fear of injury?(BNC)

 You can `;be alive'; as opposed to `;being dead';; or you can do your best to live life to the full --; putting in and getting out as much as possible. (BNC)

Live life to the full, because tomorrow any one of us could be dead,'; or something like that. (BNC)

live sb`s own life

žít svůj vlastní život, po svém

In Europe terrorist groups were bombing capitalist targets; in London psychologists were saying you had to live your own life in your own way and not according to your family, or you'd go mad. (BNC)

Live your own life --; not your child's. (BNC)

Now that the children have left home I can live my own life again.(CALD)