neděle, 7. července 2024, 19.07
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

over my dead body

jen přes mou mrtvolu

'Josh says he's going to buy a motorbike.' 'Over my dead body!'(CIDI)

If they cut down those trees, they'll do it over my dead body.(CIDI)

"Joe says he's going to buy a motorbike." "Over my dead body!"(CALD)

pass away


She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week. (CALD)

Mr Henderson passed away peacefully in the night. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Grandma passed away in 1974. She was 92. (W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

peg out

zemřít, přestat fungovat

The car finally pegged out about 20 miles from home.(CALD)

 Pegged out: dental problems may be a symptom of other illness in the body, above. (BNC)

Don`t worry about me! I`ve no intention of pegging out just yet! (English Idioms, Oxford)

pop your clogs

zemřít, zatřebat bačkorama, natáhnout brka...

This place hasn't been the same since poor old Harry popped his clogs.(CIDI)

I think I'll leave all my money to charity when I pop my clogs.(CALD)

He just went on his knees and popped his clogs. (BNC)

psychiatric/mental hospital/home, insane asylum

psychiatrická léčebna

Recently, six Humberside teenagers ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a form of schizophrenia after taking the drug.

(BNC)We tested the assumption that most patients with presenile Alzheimer's disease are eventually admitted to psychiatric hospital. (BNC)

He required physical restraint and was then taken to the local psychiatric hospital by the police. (BNC)

put sb`s life on the line

dát život v sázku

According to some theorists, that's the only way men can let down their macho defences: in blood-letting, catastrophe, a suicidal willingness to put your life on the line. (BNC)

Then we thought of David's `;Death of Marat';, because, in my opinion, that painting contains the idea of the artist putting his own life on the line. (BNC)

Politicians aren't the ones putting their lives on the line fighting wars.(CIDI)

put/place sb`s life in sb`s hands

svěřit svůj život do čích rukou

She was not ready to place her life in the hands of any man. (BNC)

Every time you drive a car, you put your life in the hands of other motorists.(CIDI)

When you fly, you put your life in the hands of pilot. (Lingea)

recharge sb`s batteries

dobít si baterky, načerpat novou energii, znovu nabrat síly

A week away would give you time to rest and recharge your batteries.(CIDI)

She took a trip to the South of France to recharge her batteries.(CALD)

Wright replies that built into her schedule will be visits to a favourite retreat house in Edinburgh;to recharge my batteries. (BNC)

remain in hospital

zůstat v nemocnici

He will have to remain in hospital for a week. (Lingea)

How long do older people remain in hospital? (BNC)

She is expected to make a full recovery but will remain in hospital for at least two weeks. (BNC)

rule your life

ovládat něčí život

Don`t let drugs rule your life. (Lingea)

It is you, having shut the door on your fears which have hitherto ruled your life, who can open a new door. (BNC)

But it's silly to let a baby rule your life ain't it? (BNC)

run/be running/have a (slight/high) temperature -

mít teplotu, horečku

Clare was fired for turning up late after she had to wait for a doctor because Josh had a temperature. (BNC)

 Harvey said he still had a temperature and must have something to eat before he went to bed. (BNC)

By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home. (BNC)

save sb`s breath

(informal) nenamáhat se, neunavovat se, šetřit s dechem (marnými radami atd.)

No one is listening to your advice, so you might just as well save your breath. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I don't know why I bother speaking to him - I might as well save my breath.(CALD)

I don't know why I bother talking to you -- I might as well save my breath. (CDAE)

sb/st`ll be the death of me!

to (kdo) bude můj konec, to (kdo) mě přivede do hrobu

That will be the death of me! (lingea)

That boy is going to be the death of me! (LDCE)

You'll be the death of me with all your questions. (BNC)

see life

poznat svět, těšit se ze života

I want to see life a bit before I sattle down. (Lingea)

He joined the army to see life, but he spent two years at a training camp near his home town. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Service controller Joanne Edwards is also keen to see life on board, as are the other sixteen volunteer technicians. (BNC)

sell sb`s life dearly

prodat svou kůži lacino

He decided to sell his life dearly. (Lingea)

Tyrion reeled to his feet, determined to sell his life dearly. (BNC)

I picked up a dental chisel and resolved to sell my life dearly. (BNC)