neděle, 7. července 2024, 20.06
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

shoot up (a drug)

píchnout si (drogu)

She saw a girl shooting up in the toilets.(CALD)

If the lives of gay men are undervalued, how about the lives of homeless black and Hispanic people who shoot up drugs? (BNC)

Because I'd shoot up drugs or have parties and get drunk and sleep with boys? (BNC)

sick note


She's lucky to have a doctor who just says bed rest and signs a sick note. (BNC)

You can ask them for a sick note from their doctor, but only if they have been away for more than seven days. (BNC)

He said when Mr McKay's sick note was sent in it was not picked up that it had anything to do with the accident. (BNC)

sick up

zvracet (BrE informal)

What happens when someone gets sick up in space? I think that's happened a few times. (WebCorp)

Thumbelina was never sick, up until she was about 12.(WebCorp)

One of them began to sick up at class at 1 pm. (WebCorp)

sickness benefit

nemocenské dávky, nemocenská

In the case of insured persons who have attained the age of seventy, the right to sickness benefit and disablement benefit shall cease. (OED)

Unemployment and sickness benefit were put on a new basis. (OED)

The plaintiff`s sickness benefit was liable to immediate cessation. (OED)

sign your/st`s death warrant

odepsat se, podepsat si svůj ortel smrti

The company signed its own death warrant by choosing to remain independent rather than going into partnership.(CIDI)

The cancellation of the multi-million dollar order signed the company's death warrant.(CIDI)

She signed her own death warrant by refusing to do what the boss demanded.(CALD)

signs of life

známky života

She soon fell victim, and ceased to show any signs of life. (BNC)

He was looking at a completely empty street, so lacking in signs of life that it might be a convenient escape route. (BNC)

Andy Lavender looks for signs of life in the Shaw corpus. (BNC)

sleeping pills

prášky na spaní

No doubt you take sleeping pills,'; said Mrs Clancy. (BNC)

The sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy; she knew from experience that unless she rose immediately on waking, she would feel drugged throughout the day. (BNC)

 For sleep, she took sleeping pills. (BNC)

snuff it

zemřít (informal), natáhnout brka

The old chap snuffed it before he had chance to make his will. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I'm dreadfully sorry, Mr Holly, it's the most extraordinary thing but the chap's dead, snuffed it. (BNC)

Even when he snuffed it on Mount Cavalry, he knew he would live again. (BNC)

sound/toll the death knell (for st)

být/znamenat konec čeho

Plans to built a bridge across the river sounded the death knell for the ferry. (LDCE)

The new superstore will sound the death knell for hundreds of small independent shops. (CIDI)

The closure of the local car factory tolled the death knell of the town.(CIDI)

start a new life

začít znova, začít nový život

She decided to start a new life in Australia.(CALD)

Had he stayed in the East End, he may have drifted into delinquency; instead, his mother sent for him when he was 12 to start a new life in Canada. (BNC)

Soon he would be going out to start a new life. (BNC)

start life

spatřit světlo světa, zrodit se

The Simpsons started life as animated shorts breaking up the sketches on The Tracey Ullman Show . (BNC)

Malvern Mill started life as a corn mill and was converted to silk in around 1840. (BNC)

The Cambridge Refugee Committee started life in the Quaker home of Hilda Sturge. (BNC)

stop dead

náhle/znenadání zastavit, zarazit se, ustat

We almost had an accident this morning. A big van pulled out in front of our car and stopped dead without giving a signal. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Simultaneously Lisa felt her heart stop dead and a rush of excitement unleash within her. (BNC)

As soon as I decided not to go farther than Cambridge, I wanted to stop dead in the middle of the road. (BNC)

sugar/sweeten the pill

zmírnit něco (aby to bylo přijatelnější), vynahradit

Since the 1970s there has been a movement to bring art into hospitals, to sugar the pill, to the advantage of both patients and artists. (BNC)

The boss has sugared the overtime pill by offering a large extra payment. (CUP, Eng.Idioms In Use)

Since the 1970s there has been a movement to bring art into hospitals, to sugar the pill, to the advantage of both patients and artists. (BNC)

take a (deep) breath

ndechnout se (zhluboka)

Maidstone paused and took a deep breath. (BNC)

She held the doorhandle, took a deep breath, and opened the door. (BNC)

 took a deep breath and said, yes, all right, he could borrow mine. (BNC)

take sb`s (own) life

vzít si život, spáchat sebevraždu

He took his own life because of her. (Lingea)

But it's still a mystery why Pamela Wray took her life. (BNC)

 One month after Pamela took her life, her family is still searching for a reason. (BNC)