úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT

javelin (throw)

hod oštěpem; oštěp (disciplína)

Women already compete in the javelin, shot put and discus, although the weight and size of the objects being thrown by the different sexes does still differ. Google

The events that are slated to be held at Nagarcoil includes 100m, 200m, 800m, 3000m, shot put, discuss throw, javelin throw and long jump for men, while the women will participate in all the events except shot-put and javelin throw. Google

There's a lot of skill in javelin throwing. BNCB

javelin thrower


She was built like a javelin thrower, but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands. BNCB

A beautician has been telling a court she thinks Olympic javelin thrower, Tessa Sanderson, is a bitch for stealing her husband. BNCB

A top-level sprinter could not be a top-level javelin thrower and even less possible is it that he could reach the top in another sport as well. BNCB

jump rope


I wanted to tell you how to make a 5 string braided jump rope in five easy steps. Google

The Original HeavyRope® is a weighted jump rope allowing an athlete to gain both a cardiovascular & upper-body strength workout in one. Google

Now you can buy the same quality jump rope for your children, athlete in the family, or favorite sports team. Google

jump the gun

 předčasně vystartovat; ulít start

Apparently, he jumped the gun in his heat and was disqualified. Google

It would be a shame for an athlete who has prepared the whole year to be disqualified because they got a little excited and jumped the gun. Google

Under IAAF rules, if this is under 0.1secs, the athlete is adjudged to have jumped the gun - the reasoning being that no human can react that quickly. Google

jumping pit


The jumping pit was roughly 50 feet long. Google

At Mardela, coach David Kroon got some help from some staff members at the school to build a jumping pit and is waiting to have it filled with sand. Google

Owens was silently berating himself alongside the jumping pit when he was approached by another competitor, Germany's Luz Long. Google