Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 2:27 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: WORK & LEISURE

keep your nose to the grindstone

pracovať bez prestávky

1. He keeps his nose to the grindstone and thinks everyone else should. BNC

2. Keep your nose to the grindstone and you'll pass the final exam. Google

3. I`ve only got sex weeks before my exams start so I`m trying to keep my nose to the grindstone. CIDoI

kick up one`s heels

robiť to, čo ma baví

1. This is your chance to kick up your heels and support this group of anonymous women artists. BNC

2. Dulcie, unduly skittish, kicked up her heels every time that Dotty approached her. BNC

3. After the exams, we kicked up our heels and had a really good party. CIDoI

kill time

zabíjať čas

1. I've done nothing but read thrillers since the exams, apart from watching videos and playing patience to kill time. BNC

2. When you had nothing to do but kill time, it dragged incredibly slowly. BNC

3. The meeting was arranged for ten o'clock; in their anxiety, they arrived twenty minutes early, and Ernest suggested that for politeness' sake they should walk up White Horse Lane and back, to kill time. BNC

knee-deep in something

byť niečim zavalený

1. I`m knee-deep in work at the moment, so I`m not stopping for lunch. CIDoI

2. One sign: when Seattle started to charge citizens by the bagful, charity shops found their doorsteps knee-deep in unwanted gifts. BNC

3. But when I got home and found my answerphone knee-deep in angry messages I didn't really have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that you had something to do with it. BNC

know a thing or two

byť skúsený, niečo vedieť

1. My uncle grew up on a farm and knows thing or two about dealing with men. CIDoI

2. However, the one thing the southern hemisphere does know a thing or two about is rugby union and to close the door would be to the detriment of the English game in the long run. BNC

3.  know a thing or two about dogs. BNC

know the ropes

vedieť, ako to beží

1. She`s been in this job long enough to know the ropes. CIDoI

2. Davis's business was concerned with representing people who did not know the ropes, or even that there were any ropes. BNC

3. We know the ropes this time and we will fight on. BNC