mardi 16 juillet 2024, 16:06
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


po kolena (hluboký)

At least, as much of a rest as you can get standing in knee-deep water unable to put down your rucksac.

I found myself on one of the many little islands standing knee-deep in the sea.

Off the prows, the first man to jump knee-deep into the water clutching a mooring-rope met three feet of good German steel.


knock something on the head

skončit s něčím, zastavit co, hodit pod stůl

If it gets any worse, I’ll knock it on the head. The time has come for me to get it sorted out

I told the others, we either write some new songs and start behaving like a proper band again or knock it on the head, this time for good'.

He'll need daily blood tests, and we’ll have to watch for any respiratory or renal involvement. But I 'm pretty sure we’ll be able to knock it on the head.


know a place/ person/ thing like the back of your hand

znát někoho/ něco jako své boty

You should learn your river and your places like the back of your hand, a senior officer said. I mean I used to. I could have at one stage recited to you every discharge from the estuary upstream for fifty miles on the north bank of the river, in order.

You must know the moor like the back of your hand. I know it pretty well.

Mapping seems to be rather neglected by many people but I reckon that it is vital if you are to get to know a water like the back of your hand. Cameras and notebooks eliminate the need for a Mastermind memory and confer the vital ingredient of confidence which is so necessary for a concerted attempt at big fish.


know something by heart/ learn something off by heart

umět/naučit se něco nazpaměť

But he had written his book - the people in Glasgow and Paisley knew it by heart, nearly -- now it was up to themselves.

I once knew by heart a poem by the Russian, Fyodor Tyuchev entitled Vyesna (Spring). It began: Already in the fields.................

As presentation day grew closer with Mark racing against time to complete the plan and finalise the slide illustrations, so Klepner read and re-read it until he had almost learnt it off by heart.