úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.36
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

keep house

zvládat domácnost

I hate to keep house. (Google)

I´d rather live in a tent than keep house. (Google)

My mother kept house for nearly sixty years. (Google)

keep the home fires burning - udržovat oheň rodinného krbu

1. Here are a few more ways you can keep the home fires burning: Have a date night that is set in stone. (Google)

2. With your assistance your loved one can keep the home fires burning in a safe and friendly environment. (Google)

3. So Manchester United keep the home fires burning, not in the most incandescent style but with enough sustained spark to reignite their quest for dominance in Europe. (Google - The Telegraph)

kitchen unit

kuchyňská linka

He leaned back against the kitchen unit and folded his arms, his eyes skimming over her slim figure suggestively. (BNC)

Kitchen specialist shops, builders' merchants and the kitchen sections of department stores will often concentrate on the more expensive (but high quality) rigid ranges of kitchen unit. (BNC)

Only reason I've got one of these bloody poxy Hotpoint because they can fit right into my kitchen unit. (BNC)

kitchen unit - kuchyňská linka

1. The integrated kitchen unit intended to make preparation, eating, and cleaning easier and more intuitive than the existing solution. (Google)

2. The invention relates to a kitchen unit for the handling of portions of household garbage at the source, i.e. in the individual households, said kitchen unit being in the form of a box, which fits into a kitchen table. (Google)

3. This model of an integrated dishwasher requires building into a kitchen unit and the control are hidden from view. (Google)


zobrazující život obyčejných lidí

t was to be the first of the kitchen-sink comedies, but, unfortunately, it was not released for three years, making it the last of the kitchen-sink comedies. (BNC)

Kitchen-sink drama came into fashion in the 1950s. (Google)

In his latest work, he is moving away from kitchen-sink realism towards a more experimental style of painting. (Google)