domingo, 2 de junho de 2024 às 03:04
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: CLOTHES
Libor Juhaňák

(work) hand in glove with sb

úzce spolupracovat, ruku v ruce, spolu

Our aim is to run two channel hand in glove, and in such a way as to provide choice programme by programme.IE

They cause half the trouble and work hand in glove with communism for the downfall of the system.IE

She did the bending and the kneeling, and they worked together hand in glove. BNCB

after a fashion

nepříliš dobře, nedokonale, částečně, jakž takž

She can paint after a fashion. Lingea

That is true after a fashion, bud don´t trust him. Lingea

However, he begins, after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed, by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs. BNCB

ankle socks

kotníčkové ponožky

She wore white ankle socks; my mother preferred me to wear fawn knee-length ones, but our skirts and berets were the same except mine had a leather band inside you couldn't see. BNCB

And then it was summer to put ankle socks on she wouldn't take them off then. BNCB

 Scottie is mainly black, with a white chest and white ankle socks on black legs. BNCB

argyle socks

ponožky s vícebarevným kosočtvercovým vzorkem

You had to wear argyle socks to match the vest. WebC

My argyle socks looks really cool. WebC

These classic argyle socks are knit in Sweden. WebC

at the drop of a hat

ihned, bez zaváhání, bez čekání

I would go to the India at the drop of a hat. Lingua

I can't go rushing off to Florida at the drop of a hat. CIDI

We now have a situation where laws may be changed at the drop of a hat. CIDI

baggy trousers

široké, neforemné kalhoty

What is often dismissed rather contemptuously as baggy trousers and tunic by English people exists in fact in a variety of styles. BNCB

The tramp clown is the one that usually appears in a circus with baggy trousers and overlarge shoes. BNCB

The modern femme fatale in baggy trousers, sloppy T-shirts and Doc Martens. BNCB

ball gown

plesové šaty

She wore a yellow taffeta ball gown with black pumps and matching bum bag for her liver treats! BNCB

She was wearing what seemed to be a red silk ball gown, embroidered with silver flowers on the bodice and very long and full in the skirt. BNCB

For the funeral attended by 150 family and friends at Crawley, Charlotte was dressed in her favourite ball gown. BNCB

ballet shoes

baletní obuv, tzv. piškoty

He'd walk me home from school and it's often said that he carried my ballet shoes, which sounds kind of romantic, but he actually did sometimes, if I was carrying a whole load of things. BNCB

Then she opened her eyes, and rose to her feet She was wearing a black shirt outside black jeans, with black ballet shoes. BNCB

I should get her the ballet shoes cause it was a ballet dancing that would be very appropriate and I'll get her some flowers. BNCB

ballet skirt

sukénka baletky

To make a Liberty Belle: white ballet skirt with a layer of blue net dotted with silver stars. BNCB

Paint the top part of the ballet skirt --; the body part under the neckline a sparkly silver, using a paint brush and food lustre. BNCB

This usually includes leotards, ballet skirt and ballet shoes. WebC

baseball cap

baseballová čepice

He used to play baseball and he wears a white baseball cap that one day may become as famous as Pat Cash's chequered headbands. BNCB

For Mr Rushdie wore huge, bright orange-rimmed sunglasses and a baseball cap. BNCB

Just to fool any assassins, he wore huge orange-rimmed sunglasses and a baseball cap. BNCB

bathing cap

koupací čepice

Jazz was frowning too, from natural inclination, mostly at having to wear a bathing cap, which he hated. BNCB

A minute after I got into the water a large woman in an orange bathing cap swam up and asked if I was a newspaper correspondent. BNCB

Alice, more sporty, boasted navy blue knickerbockers and striped jersey, without stockings, and serviceable yellow jaconet bathing cap. BNCB

bathing suit

dámské plavky

A tall, well-built girl in a star-spangled bathing suit knelt by Miss Liberty, and picked up the coronet. BNCB

Emmie ran across the fields to the pits, towel and bathing suit flapping from her arm. BNCB 

She was looking very pretty in her bathing suit, her hair still damp from swimming. BNCB

be all mouth and trousers

mít plnou pusu řečí (ale skutek utek)

He knew his son was all mouth and trousers. BNCB

He is always all mouth and trousers but he is a lier. BNCB

Don´t be all mouth and trousers! Do it right now! IE

be as mad as a hatter

být úplný cvok, být vzteky bez sebe

A long time ago, people who made hats used a substance that gave them an illness which made people think they were crazy. CIDI

Her brother's as mad as a hatter. CIDI

From what I can gather he was as mad as a hatter, and really no good at all. BNCB

be as soft as velvet

být hebký jako samet

He showed her the stables, and one of the old mares nuzzled Isobel's hand, with a mouth as soft as velvet. BNCB

The products leave the skin as soft as velvet. WebC

Her fur is short and as soft as velvet. WebC

be as tough as old boots

být velmi silný, hodně vydržet

'Do you think Grandad will ever recover?' 'Of course, he's as tough as old boots.' CIDI

He's as tough as old boots, but playing with drugs is still a mug's game. BNC-B

And she has shown already, beneath her frail exterior, Kylie is as tough as old boots. BNC-B

be at one´s heels, at the heels of sb

být komu v patách

Dr Grange walked through the ward with a group of student doctors at his heels. CIDI

With so many promising young contenders at his heels, Roper can't afford to make any mistakes. CIDI

There are many younger women snapping at her heels, eager to replace her as company director. CIDI

be below the belt

pod pás, nečestný (chování)

I think that he was hitting below the belt when he began to criticize me after I told him my true feelings on the matter. IC

In a boxing match it is wrong to hit the person you are fighting against below the belt.CIDI

It was below the belt to mention his brother's criminal record. CIDI

be caught sb´s pants/trousers down

chytit, přistihnout koho při činu, in flagranti, nachytat na švestkách

He was caught with his pants down when he was asked for the figures but was unable to produce them. IC

Apparently he was caught with his pants down. His wife came home to find him in bed with the neighbour. CIDI

He asked me where I'd been the previous evening and I was caught with my trousers down. CIDI

be dressed (up) to the nines

naparáděný, vyfiknutý

They were dressed to the nines when they went to the opening of the new theater production. IC

They must have been on their way to a wedding or something. They were dressed up to the nines. CIDI

 She wouldn't be here now, dressed to the nines for an evening that would be about as thrilling as an attack of flu, if she hadn't again responded in anger to her emotions. BNC-B

be dressed to kill

být nápadně, výstražně oblečený, vyparáděný, vyfiknutý

She was dressed to kill when I saw her at the sales convention. IC

Rosie emerged from the house, dressed to kill and clutching a bottle of champagne. CIDI

He had just completed his preparations --; dressed to kill would have been an apt description of his appearance --; when suddenly he froze, head cocked in a listening attitude. BNC-B

be hot/hard on one´s heels

být těšně v patách

She ran down the steps with a group of journalists hard on her heels. CIDI

They know we're hard on their heels and they've got to win their next three games to retain the championship. CIDI

The thief couldn´t escape because John was hot on his heels. BNCB

be in fashion

v módě, módní, moderní

Things looked different about a generation ago, when the New Left was still new and the texts of the young Marx were in fashion. BNCB

Hmm hmm I know because it's back in fashion but this was built initially this was something that you could find very much in thirties. BNCB

A giant poster advertising Calvin Klein shorts for men, which stood in Times Square, New York in the early 1980s, inaugurated a new freedom in fashion's portrayal. BNCB 

be in sb´s shoes

na místě koho, v kůži koho

If I were in your shoes, I'd speak to the boy's parents. CIDI

Poor Matthew. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes when the results are announced. CIDI

I would hate to be in his shoes now that he has lost his job. IC

IC= The Idiom Connection (

be in vogue

být v módě, moderní, módní

About this time crochet garments were in vogue, so I answered another advertisement. BNCB

They were made in silver, Sheffield plate or earthenware and were in vogue from the mid-18th century until about 1820. BNCB

The micro is currently much in vogue, and indeed my presentation is followed by a presentation specifically on the subject of micro computers. BNCB

be well-dressed

být pěkně oblečená

Being well-dressed doesn't improve a person's ability to do accounts, or whatever. BNCB

He is always well-dressed, usually in smart suits and casual shirts, though in deference to the Jewish tradition which he discreetly adorns, he rarely wears a tie. BNCB

 She was accompanied by a dark, well-dressed woman. BNCB

be/fall head over heels (in love)

být až po uši zamilovaný

It's obvious that they're head over heels in love with each other. CIDI

As soon as we met we fell head over heels in love. CIDI

I fell head over heels in love with Simon on our first date.CIDI

be/go out of fashion

vyjít z módy, nebýt módní

Tie Rack looks rather out of fashion as sales slow down Outlook. BNCB

On the western side this was always an area characterised by a militancy which is presumably going out of fashion now too. BNCB

These are as out of fashion as boned corsets or shoulder pads. BNCB

beat the pants off sb

porazit, převálcovat na plné čáře

The mathematical odds against you producing a new miracle are incalculable, and there can scarcely be a permutation that hasn't been tried before, but it has happened, and no doubt will again, that an amateur somewhere in a small garden with limited resources will beat the pants off the professionals. BNCB

She beats the pants of her brother whenever they play scrabble. IE

The team of Red Wings will beat the pants off the Nashville players, I am sure. IE

beat/bore/scare the pants off sb.

porazit na plné čáře, převálcovat, nudit se k smrti, být vyděšený k smrti

I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. CIDI

Horror films scare the pants off me. CIDI

The mathematical odds against you producing a new miracle are incalculable, and there can scarcely be a permutation that hasn't been tried before, but it has happened, and no doubt will again, that an amateur somewhere in a small garden with limited resources will beat the pants off the professionals. BNC-B


zvonové kalhoty

Other retro favourites are flares and bell-bottoms, such as all-in-one Barbarella-style pants suits, skimming the body down into gentle flares. BNCB

They called the shots while we were still tiny, and they didn't spring into crushed velvet bell-bottoms in 1966, just because it was a happening thing to do. BNCB

MADONNA appears in the new US Vogue magazine in a variety of retro '60s fashions, including neo-Janis Joplin gear, hip-hugger bell-bottoms, and an almost see-through top costing $800. BNCB

birthday suit

roucho Adamovo/Evino

The little boy was running around the picnic site in his birthday suit. IC

Babies are naked at the time of their birth.CIDI

He walked out of the bathroom in his birthday suit - obviously not expecting to find anyone in the flat.CIDI

blue-collar workers

dělníci, manuální pracovníci

Blue collar workers in the factories and shipyards were demanding wage increases. CIDI

They are hoping the new factory will create many more jobs for blue collars. CIDI

 Stanley & Iris Once one has got over the novelty of seeing Jane Fonda and Robert de Niro don blue collars to play working-class lost souls, Martin Ritt's adaptation of the novel Union Street (set on Teeside) is fairly absorbing. BNCB

bobble hat

čepice s bambulí (pletená)

She's got this cute little duffle coat on and a bobble hat with her hair sticking out the bottom. BNCB

They put a temporary dressing on his cut nose and his wife puts a bobble hat on his head. BNCB

I was still trying to work out what that meant as she flurried off up to her bobble hat in snow. BNCB

bobby socks

kotníčkové ponožky (dívčí a dětské)

A frightening and under-hand piece of work that must be addressed, since a whole new generation of Pop kids are now getting into `;the bobby socks and engine-stripping club; Weltsschmertz} of Grease --; a musical that came out before The Manic Street Preachers were born . BNCB

The Fifties meant sand shoes, bobby socks and net skirts for Muriel Knowles on the nights --; and afternoons --; she spent out dancing. BNCB

She was wearing cute pink bobby socks together with a beautiful pink skirt. IE

bow tie


He was painted by Modigliani and Picarbia in a white shirt and tiny bow tie. BNCB

He constantly fiddled with that badge of office, a ready-made, multicoloured, bow tie, as he talked to Jane. BNCB

Medallion silk waistcoat and bow tie from Oxford and Swan, perfect for your groom or best man. BNCB

bowler hat


A caricature of the city gent was achieved by the combination of crombie, bowler hat and black umbrella, which sometimes had a sharpened ferrule. BNCB

He described James as of medium height, aged about thirty, dark, with a moustache, and wearing a scruffy frock coat and bowler hat. BNCB

He was talking with a tall, overweight man, dressed in Whitehall pin-stripe and bowler hat. BNCB

box hat

hedvábný klobouk

With the long beard and the sort of box hat. BNCB

She stalked off across the road, her box hat jammed firmly on her head and her mouth set in a mutinous line. BNCB

She fanned herself with the box hat. IE

boxer shorts

boxerky, trenýrky

He undressed, but could not bother to do so in the proper order, to remove his socks before stepping out of trousers and boxer shorts. BNCb

Nat let him in and went to fetch Tony who appeared wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a big smile. BNCB

The walkers still have some finger nails left and don't have skid marks in their boxer shorts. BNCB

boxing gloves

boxerské rukavice

The view through the small rear mirror is rather limited, as Jill Stanton has mentioned before, and the manual wing mirrors are so stiff that trying to fine-tune them is like trying to thread a needle wearing boxing gloves. BNCB

Mine had been a decade earlier when Marcel Marceau removed my hands from behind my back; hands, which at that period didn't resemble hands at all, but strawberry coloured boxing gloves. BNCB

There were shoes and coats from Marks and Spencer, the National Sporting Club sent a pair of boxing gloves and an Essex butcher provided beef sausages for all, once a week. BNCB

bridal gown

svatební šaty

Emma Samms (above) even had one leg chopped off to get into her bridal gown  BNCB

Stiff, but at least there's no bridal gown, going-away dress or morning suit to buy. BNCB

For her wedding to Captain Mark Phillips in 1973, she wore a high-necked, princess-line bridal gown in ivory silk by Maureen Baker of the design house Susan Small. BNCB

buckle down

máknout na čem, opřít se do čeho, pustit se do něčeho

He'll have to buckle down (to his work) soon if he wants to pass these exams.CIDI

I told her that it was time that she buckled down and began to work harder than before. IC

The first afternoon of the course, we did nothing, as the participants all had to buckle down and clean out the premises, including the lavatories and the windows. BNC-B

burn a hole in sb´s pocket

pálit koho v kapse (peníze, chtít rychle utrácet)

The money that he made at his part-time job is burning a hole in his pocket and he will probably spend it quickly. IC

If money is burning a hole in your pocket, you are very eager to spend it. CIDI

Very few working men or women are able to save one dollar out of any week wages, and money kept at home are liable to burn a hole into the pocket. Times 1915

burst at the seams

praskat ve švech, být nacpaný k prasknutí

The train station was bursting at the seams as everyone was waiting to go away for their holidays. IC

When all the family come home the house is bursting at the seams. CIDI

The ground will be bursting at the seams and buzzing and we can be encouraged by the fact that have tended to produce our best form against the big sides. BNC-B

bush shirt

bavlněné safari - košile s páskem a čtyřmi kapsami

She had dressed her hair with a dark, crocheted net beneath her sun helmet and put on new, snug-fitting breeches and a tailored bush shirt that flattered her slender, shapely figure. BNCB

Her bush shirt was sticking to the small of her back and she could feel tiny rivulets of perspiration trickling between her breasts. BNCB

She closed her eyes to hide her revulsion as he pressed his open mouth against hers and began fumbling with the buttons of her bush shirt. BNCB

business suit

tmavší vycházkový  oblek

But Hank protested firmly that he wanted a dark business suit, three white drip-dry shirts, dark socks and tie, black shoes, a light overcoat and an appropriate hat. BNCB

A few seconds later a smug, exhausted man in an impeccable business suit went staggering past. BNCB

 Rex took a deep breath, sprang out from hiding and drew down upon the boy in the business suit. BNCB


na knoflíky

It was so dark a blue as to be almost black, with button-down cuffs and epaulettes and a broad welt that fastened around his hips with a buckle. BNCB

A chalk grey suit, a new starched white shirt, a tie with diagonal stripes, the shirt with a button-down collar. BNCB

Crew necks were worn with button-down collars kept inside the neck. BNCB

button-down collar

límeček s knoflíčky ve špičkách

A chalk grey suit, a new starched white shirt, a tie with diagonal stripes, the shirt with a button-down collar. BNCB

He was dressed in plus fours, tweed waistcoat (the jacket, and his waxed Barbour were hanging behind the door of the bothy), thick socks, brogues, and a fawn country shirt with a button-down collar. BNCB

Talbot looked at Dr Wickram who, in startling contrast to Benson, was thin, dark and immaculately dressed in a blue suit, white button-down collar and a black tie, the funereal hue of which went rather well with the habitual severity of his expression, and said: `;Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry, Dr Wickram?'; BNCB

camouflage clothing

krycí, maskovací oblečení

The photos are of variable quality, but often interesting; the same can be said of the colour plates, which show an extraordinary range of service-specific camouflage clothing and insignia, but are sometimes rather stylised in appearance. BNCB

Soldiers usually wear camouflage clothing to hide them against their enemy. Lingea

Nowadays it is very expensive to buy camouflage clothing and moreover it can be also bought only in specialized shops. WASP

cap and gown

univerzitní uniforma, akademický úbor (talár a baret)

Led by a forlorn figure dressed in Victorian night cap and gown, dozens of unhappy protesters braved heavy rain to tour the banks' London headquarters with their own yuletide messages. BNCB

Hands clapping and bodies swaying, an estimated 9,000 sang along as Calloway (85), clad in the ceremonial cap and gown, belted out the tune in his gravely voice. BNCB

It may well be, in any case, that we now have a high enough proportion of school-leavers in cap and gown. BNCB

casual clothing

neformální oblečení

Staff at the BICC wiring division headquarters on Merseyside crossed their divide when Riley recommended casual clothing for a discussion day he had arranged in the Lune Valley. BNCB

Meanwhile, staff at the Credit Card Centre paid £2 each to wear casual clothing for work. BNCB

Then there's rainwear, and we have a deal on other casual clothing in the States, an arrangement with a bank, for cars, non-alcoholic beer and a breakfast food, various commercials, company days, a three&rehy;book deal with a publisher, and so on. BNCB

click one´s heels

srazit paty (together - k sobě)

The chief of police rose to his feet, bowed to us, and then clicked his heels together with such vigour that one of the constables drroped his rifle. IE

Introductions were accompanied by a considerable amount of clicking of heels and kissing of hands, formalities she was unused to in an English drawing-room. IE

Soldiers were told to click their heels together. WebC

clothes basket

koš na prádlo, prádelní koš

Children used to take the clothes basket. BNCB

Put into the clothes basket and then pick it up on our way home from school. BNCB

And I Oh I I can't remember any anyway we used to take the clothes basket. BNCB

clothes designer

oděvní/módní návrhář

There are alcoves for exchanging intimate gossip, and a small shop where Sola, a local clothes designer, shows her wares. BNCB

Lola Taiwao is a clothes designer, and last spring she and her partner opened their own boutique, Culture Trend. BNCB

`Credibility' now meant working with the right video producer, clothes designer and hair stylist. BNCB

clothes horse/hanger

sušák, věšák na sušení prádla

They had erected a little shelter, an old curtain spread across one corner of the balcony and held up by a clothes horse and a chair. BNCB

When I wash the garment I just shake out the water and hang it over a clothes horse or the back of a chair. BNCB

 She wants to be known as a workhorse and not a clothes horse. BNCB

clothes line

prádelní šňůra

We had very little experience in clothing design at that stage, although we had run a small experiment with Habitat called Clothes Line. BNCB

Place a block of wood over the plastic tube and knock into the ground, occasionally placing the clothes line pole into the tube to check the tube is vertical. BNCB

Behind the house, a rotting clothes line stretched, a forked hazel bough still holding it aloft. BNCB

clothes peg

kolíček na prádlo

Virtually everyone sings with a clothes peg on their nose and a space Cockney accent, no-one is very happy and Mr Synthesiser is given a free rein. BNCB

When having a clothes peg on your nose, your will be speaking in a funny way. Lingea

Clothes pegs are mainly used to attach clothes to the clothes line. Wasp

clothing industry

oděvní průmysl

The clothing industry, including flax, had flourished because it supplied both the Tsarist and the Red Armies which trampled through Belorussia. BNCB

We needed an effective and interesting way of telling our jobseekers about training and job opportunities in the clothing industry. BNCB

Exports from the Clothing industry showed a decline and the Textile industry continued to suffer. BNCB

clutch bag

dámská kabelka

Maggie remembers one dress: it was plum velvet with lace all round the neck and cuffs, clutch bag to match. BNCB

She dropped her clutch bag and George frowned as she strained to pick it up. BNCB

Rayleen raised her eyebrows to the heavens and reached into her clutch bag for a pack of cigarettes. BNCB

coat hanger

ramínko na šaty

A better tool than a wire coat hanger has yet to be developed. BNCB

She hung it up carefully on a big wooden coat hanger and began to brush hard at the dried mud. BNCB

And if I've hung his coats up once I've hung up, I've hung them up a hundred times, he's got a coat hanger on the back of the coat hook on the back of the door. BNCB

collar stud

knoflíček do límce

When he started to dress in front of the fire the two older girls turned away and when he looked for a collar stud the boy ran to attend. BNCB

Jack Carbery had put on his blue serge suit for the occasion and sat in the middle of a few friends, his collar stud gleaming, and the apple in his throat bobbing about like a cork on water as he drank. BNCB

Meanwhile here was he, the magistrate, in tight breeches, dirty cravat and too tight a collar stud, dressed as Scrooge. BNCB

combat trousers


She pulled some of the letters from the thigh pocket of her combat trousers. BNCB

It's in Kent, one of these paintball guns and combat trousers action games for bored executives. BNCB

It is in fashion to wear combat troseurs. Lingea

come into fashion

přijít do módy

There's always a danger these days that an artist can come into fashion and then go out again. BNCB

 Boar has come into fashion in recent years as farmers diversify to beat the recession. BNCB

He then paid tribute to the Alresford Society, pointing out that when they started pushing for environmental improvements in the 1970s, it was before conservation had come into fashion. BNCB

cool one´s heels


The youths were left to cool their heels overnight in a police cell. CIDI

Saturn's brakes are well and truly on today as you are left to cool your heels with nothing special to do and no particular place to go. BNCB

The threat comes from the experienced Pakistani politicians who have been cooling their heels for the last four and a half years. IE

coolie hat

kuželovitý slamák

I am enjoying myself playing with the autopilot, either adjusting the trim with the `;coolie hat'; on top of the cyclic or playing disconnect, move and reset as an alternative. BNCB

A decrepit old man, supported by a young boy in a huge coolie hat, was tapping his way down the alley, patterned robes trailing in the rainwater. BNCB

Large lapel buttons have been selling across the country depicting a white man in front of three other men: an Oriental wearing a coolie hat, a Sikh in a turban and a black man clutching a spear. BNCB

corduroy trousers

manšestrové kalhoty

He wasn't the least bit fashionable, but he certainly had style, the way he shuffled around in sneakers and sweatshirts, hair pointing in all directions, corduroy trousers rumpled and baggy. BNCB

 With his highly polished boots and gaiters, corduroy trousers and tweed jacket, he looked the epitome of authority. BNCB

The stitching of the rent in his corduroy trousers was his own work, the runs in his pullover were his cat's. BNCB

costume jewellery


But they did escape with some cash and costume jewellery which did not have any great value but which was important sentimentally to me. BNCB

Mrs Hatton and her mother were both in black, smart unseasonable black relieved with a great deal of showy costume jewellery. BNCB

But costume jewellery had the distinct advantage of not pretending to be anything other than what it was. BNCB

court shoes


Cinderella's Slippers will cover your favourite pair of court shoes in the fabric of your choice for shoes that perfectly match your wedding dress or going away outfit. BNCI

She dressed carefully, green herring-bone tweed suit, pinch-waisted, court shoes, very plain, and a complicated face, the tricky little eyeliner triangles at the lid-corners almost smudged by the swaying train. BNCI

With low-heeled black court shoes, and delicate gold hoop earrings, she felt as confident as she could be, in the circumstances. BNCI

cowboy boots

kovbojské boty

And, dressed in cowboy boots, tight jeans and a black T-shirt, she could easily pass for someone half her age. BNCB

But one sacrifice Antonia could never see herself making was to exchange her jeans and cowboy boots for the frumpy frocks and sensible shoes of a Tory wife. BNCB

Model Nikki is on target for a very strange tan in fringed bikini, cowboy boots, bandana and six-shooter. BNCB

cowboy hat

kovbojský klobouk

A tall man with a droopy moustache, cowboy hat, neckerchief and walking staff, he looked like a scout for the Seventh Cavalry. BNCB

She was dismayed to see these strangers accosting her when she expected to see an old man in a cowboy hat with a black and white photograph face. BNCB

The press photographs show the artist in cowboy hat with a shotgun, surrounded by skulls and horns. BNCB

crew neck

výstřih ke krku

Available in purple and pumpkin, is the crest logo crew neck top, with matching stonewashed short. BNCI

For a soldier he was casually, almost comfortably dressed, a heavy pullover and an old-fashioned thin tie just showing over the crew neck, pressed trousers and polished shoes. BNCI

Men's stripy yarn dyed crew neck shirt finished with a twin-stitched band at the neck and a breast pocket. BNCI

crumpled clothes

zmačkané, nevyžehlené oblečení

Christina went upstairs to her bedroom, peeled off her sticky, crumpled clothes, and jumped into a tepid shower. BNCB

He ran into the room a few minutes later and began to tear off his crumpled clothes. BNCB

In accordance with his instructions it had been left as it was, forlorn, unwashed, the crumpled clothes. BNCB

cut one´s coat according to one´s cloth

kupovat jen to, na co si můžeš dovolit

He talks a lot of tommy rot about not making ends meet, but what I say is you've got to cut your coat according to your cloth. BNCB

The school won't charge you this time, but you must cut your coat according to your cloth. BNCB

She spends money like water, I wish she cut her coat according to her cloth. BNCB


ustřižené džínsy

She put on her sunglasses to decrease her visibility, but she could still see something of herself; brown knees, frayed cut-offs. BNCB

Cut-offs for clinical variables were taken from the predictive models of Farr et al. BNCB

 MEL SMITH looked a treat --; matted unwashed hair, dirty denim cut-offs revealing pale chubby legs. BNCB

deck out

vystrojit se, vyšňořit se

I saw her at the concert last night and she was all decked out in a beautiful silk dress. IC

Stanton was decked out in cowboy boots and a work shirt. CIDI

She had helped enthusiastically with the costumes, making for Mary a trailing blue robe of cornflower taffeta, her own Cambridge May Ball dress sheared apart at the seams, lending or donating bright belts and beads to deck out the three kings, one of whom wore a peacock-feathered turban made of the shot-silk stole she had worn with that dance dress. BNC-B

designer clothing

značkové oblečení

Since that date she has been the subject of TV documentaries, a feature film (Frida by Paul Leduc), a stage play, numerous publications and the inspiration for designer clothing. BNCB

In just one raid alone, trading standards officers siezed fifteen thousand pounds worth of fake designer clothing. BNCB

He ran a few yards to discover the raiders reversing a stolen grey Japanese jeep through the front of Pursuit, the men's designer clothing shop in Crown Street. BNCB

die with one´s boots on, die in one´s boots

zemřít ve stoje (hrdě, při práce)

I never want to retire - I'd rather die with my boots on. CIDI

I don´t want to think up things to do when I retire. I´d rather die in my boots. IE

God, he thought, don´t let me die with my boots on. IE

dig one´s heels in, dig in one´s heels

zapřít se, zašprajcovat se

We suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she dug her heels in and insisted on taking the train. CIDI

But if you continue to dig in your heels over this then one friendship or involvement may become a casualty now. BNCB

She digs her heels in whenever I suggest her a new solution to her problem. She thinks that only she is right. BNCB

diving suit

potápěčský oblek

Crabb was also going to wear a black rubber one-piece diving suit made by the Avon Rubber Company. BNCB

The Chibis suit (resembling the lower half of a diving suit) which the cosmonauts use to draw the blood into the lower pad of the body and legs has apparently been found unsuitable for women. BNCB

Dreams were of a notoriously low standard, blurry beyond the bedroom, giving the dreamer the feeling he was dybbukking a deep-sea diving suit rather than a human body. BNCB

double-breasted suit

dvouřadý oblek

Bobby would still whistle in his brown double-breasted suit. BNCB

With his conventional double-breasted suit, carefully cut to disguise a distinctly stocky figure, and his watchful courtesy he was in sharp contrast to Hutton's hard-edged efficiency. BNCB

William saw that he was well dressed with a dark, double-breasted suit and polished shoes. BNCB

down jacket

péřová bunda

Simon is wearing Scarpa Trionic Manta Attak boots, Rohan Bags, a Mountain Equipment fleece and RAB Carrington Andes down jacket, with Lowe thermals as the base layer. BNCB

Lynda is wearing Scarpa Trionic Lady boots, Rohan Hot Bags, a RAB Carrington Andes down jacket, with a Karrimor fleece and North Cape thermals underneath. BNCB

In winter my mother always wears a down jacket to prevent her from getting cold. Lingea

dress shirt

smokingová košile

Julia looked at the present Earl's neatly barbered head and immaculate dress shirt collar with interest. BNCB

Zach put it on and when the jacket was done up it looked as if he was wearing a proper dress shirt. BNCB

He was wearing a dinner suit tonight, the fine black cloth fitting snugly across his wide shoulders and muscular chest, the thin lawn of his dress shirt gleaming white against the tanned smoothness of his freshly shaved skin. BNCB

dress suit

večerní oblek, frak

And really, it is surprising that a company such as Gay Sweatshop still finds a need to have a dyke in a dress suit and a queen in a fluffy frock bitching over a Judy Garland album. BNCB

Once he dared to knock on Emmett's door late at night and asked to borrow his dress suit. BNCB

She halted, left a trifle breathless as usual by the sight of him in a dress suit. BNCB

dress up

vyšňořit se, nastrojit se, naparádit se, přizdobit, převléknout za koho

I decided to dress up to go to dinner on Saturday night. IC

Small children usually love dressing up in their mothers' clothes. CIDI

He dressed up as a cowboy for the party. CIDI

dress watch

hodinky pro sváteční příležitosti

Keep elegant time with our Lorus Quartz dress watch offer and sustain some passion with our Endless Kiss free gift lipstick.  BNCB

Souvenir hunters could bid for Maxwell's engraved 18ct gold Parker fountain pen, estimated at £220, or his gold dress watch and alarm calendar watch, a snip at £1,000. BNCB

Dunhill Wafer is the definitive dress watch. WebC

dress well

dobře se obléci

She was wearing blue tights and sandals and had hitched her dress well up in order to swing her legs. BNCB

Karen didn't dress well, trying unsuccessfully to disguise her wolfish sexuality with lambswool pullovers and flowery skirts. BNCB

But his social position had always required him to keep up appearances, and especially now that he was court kammermusicus he and his wife expected to dress well, entertain their friends, keep a carriage, and domestic help. BNCB

dressing gown


When the doctor had come and gone and the place was quiet again, Richard put on his dressing gown and tiptoed across. BNCB

Mrs Knelle soon appeared in a dressing gown, and we sat down to a soothing breakfast of toast. BNCB

I was barefoot and cold; all I had on were my underpants and my dressing gown which, by this time, was just ripped to shreds. BNCB

drip-dry clothes

nežehlené oblečení, není třeba žehlit

If I were you, I'd hang that sweater on the line and let it drip-dry. CIDI

A senior citizen is one who was here before the pill, before television, frozen food, credit card and ballpoint pens, for us timesharing meant togetherness, not computers and a chip meant a piece of wood, hardware meant hardware and software wasn't even a word, teenagers never wore slacks, we were before pantyhose, drip-dry clothes, dishwashers, clothes driers and electric blankets, we got married first and then lived together. BNCB

Drip-dry clothes is very useful for men. Lingea

drop earrings

visací náušnice

And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara, pearl drop earrings and gold watch. BNCB

She sighed, and adjusted her pearl drop earrings and the pretty gold locket at her throat. BNCB

She rummaged in the open jewellery box on the bed, and took out a pair of large drop earrings which she had bought in Liberty's the week before. BNCB

dry clean

chemicky čistit

And it might say do not dry clean and the customer has it dry cleaned and of course the garment is very likely going to be ruined. BNCB

Erm the cleaning of the carpets on the first and second floors erm they obviously fumigate them erm, but we don't do the dry clean like we do the carpets over here. BNCB

This dress has to be dry cleaned. CIDI

duffel coat

plášť s kapucí

Wearing a duffel coat over yesterday's military outfit, he was feeding hazelnuts to a squirrel. BNCB

A girl in a duffel coat and jeans was taking an early lunch in the corner, reading a magazine and eating a sandwich from an open plastic container on the seat beside her. BNCB

She was wearing a navy blue duffel coat with a tartan-lined hood, black stockings and pointed shoes with very high heels. BNCB

dull colour

nevýrazná barva

The set of his mouth suggested that he was angry, and Lindsey felt the dull colour rising in her cheeks as she wondered why. BNCB

Thus jade, the material held most precious of all by the Chinese, was assigned by Kluge to his fifth and lowermost grade on account of its dull colour and lack of transparency. BNCB

`;Do you really think so little of yourself that that could be all I wanted?'; she stabbed back and was pleased to see dull colour rise in his cheeks. BNCB

dust coat

pracovní plášť po kotníky

Durkin was dressed for motoring in a long white dust coat and cap. BNCB

He had read a file on Stepan and Ilya Holovich that would have come with a dust coat out of a Home Office basement reserved for the histories of Aliens (Naturalized). BNCB

Luckily that aerial only pierced his dust coat. BNCB

eat one´s hat

ať jsem papež jestli, ať se propadnu ( o něčem nepravděpodobném)

If we can't beat a second-rate team like Sheffield, I'll eat my hat. CIDI

I wrote back, Paz said, I told him, Dada dead as dodo eat your hat. BNCB

I will eat my hat if he lost his game. Lingea

Eton collar

široký škrobený límec košile nošený přes límec kabátku

He dried it on his sleeve and said, `;I've a snapshot at home of myself aged ten wearing an Eton collar. BNCB

North Stainmore school, Hannah's father in Eton collar, back row, behind the long-haired girl in white dress. BNCB

A Titford family photograph taken in the early 1890s shows husband and wife with five daughters and young Marwood, the girls in neat smocks or severe black dresses, the son in an Eton collar, and every one of the group looking his or her most miserable Sunday best Those photographers. BNCB


evening bag

večerní kabelka

And then there was Our Lady of the Leftovers who entered the NFT bar wearing a fur stole and carrying a sequinned evening bag. BNCB

She grabbed her black crocheted shawl and velvet evening bag, and hurried down the stairs to open the door. BNCB

She stuffed the sandwiches into her evening bag and continued on her way, her eyes sparkling. BNCB

evening dress

večerní oblečení, večerní toaleta

Modigliani sketched a middle-aged couple in evening dress who had probably dropped in to the Rotonde late one night. BNCB

She managed to pare it down to two skirts, two jumpers, a cardigan, three coats, a hat, a dressing gown and a black lace evening dress. BNCB

It was a tactful way of explaining that change meant evening dress for her and dinner jacket for him. BNCB

evening gown

večerní šaty

The evening gown hung strangely on her one-legged pirate's body. BNCB

He was turning to speak to the other person, who appeared to be wearing an evening gown; as her hand moved, there was a glint of dress jewellery. BNCB

She only needed an evening gown like the one Dana wore in the magazine picture and no one would believe there were two of them. BNCB


snobský, afektovaný

We liked the restaurant's food but not the fancy-pants decor. CIDI [always before noun]

I don't know what she sees in that fancy-pants college professor of hers.CIDI

Claude Rains or Sydney Greenstreet, or one of those fancy-pants villains. BNC-B

fashion consultant

módní poradce

A designer chose the only flat with a garden and a fashion consultant, Juliet Mann, who is similarly keen on horticulture, chose the only unit with a flat roof so that she could establish a roof-top conservatory above her flat. BNCB

He prefers to structure his shows as an interview session, with fashion consultant Colleen Brand, where the audience can also ask questions. BNCB

As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label. BNCB

fashion designer

módní návrhář

 A TOP fashion designer has won back the son she was accused of stealing. BNCB

They say they've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer. BNCB

The Venus awards are presented every season for the best fashion designer, make-up, set design, model etc. BNCB

fashion magazines

módní časopisy

Because I know Ruth likes clothes too, and reads fashion magazines, I know she appreciates what look I'm aiming for. BNCB

She wasn't a girl at all, in any sense that the fashion magazines would recognize. BNCB

Week after week it's splashed across fashion magazines, alongside tales of her jet-setting travels, stunning performances at fashion shows and star-studded lifestyle. BNCB

fashion model

model(ka), manekýn(ka)

Although she may have many other fine qualities, she is clearly not an international fashion model. BNCB

She saw him glance at her gracefully curved female body, as beautiful as any fashion model's; but there was no appraisal of her beauty in his eyes. BNCB

Maria das Gracas Meneguel, better known as Xuxa, started her career as a fashion model. BNCB

fashion plate

osoba jako z módního žurnálu, oblečená podle poslední módy

She looked like a fashion plate. BNCB

"Quite a change," said Jane, wondering what mother would have thought of this fashion plate. BNCB

Right, this is a fashion plate; a ball dress in the eighteen-forties, and I'm just showing this actually to make another point; sort of change of direction maybe, because I'm now going to almost undo everything that I've just said, and say that this was the fashion, high fashion of the eighteen forties. BNCB

fashion show

módní přehlídka

Sally and Edward sat in the very front row of the audience at the Fashion Show on canvas hospital-style chairs. BNCB

But in spite of what had happened at the fashion show she did not think Paula had any hand in it until next day at breakfast. BNCB

IVANA TRUMP and Chris Eubank were just two of the celebrities at Esquire's charity midsummer fashion show. BNCB

fashion victim

oběť módy

This design has been commissioned from award-winning designer Sheila Moxley, and you can be sure that no fashion victim will be seen without one of these on their back in the coming months. BNCB

We were very successful with his extreme, fashion victim look in the mid-1980s. BNCB

Don't let your patient become a fashion victim. BNCB


zajímající se o módu

The UK has the most fashion-conscious record buyers in the world. BNCB

LATEST colour ideas from Courtelle UK provide a tantalising glimpse into what next year's fashion-conscious shopper might be buying. BNCB

Oxfam has launched its new autumn collection of clothes with the boast that the fashion-conscious can dress themselves for just twenty five pounds! BNCB

fashionable clothes

módní oblečení

I would really like to wear some fashionable clothes on the slopes but haven't got a clue where to start looking. BNCB

She could hear Tess moving about, and then saw Tess leave the house, fully dressed in her fashionable clothes. BNCB

Despite these facts it is still incredibly difficult to find great, fashionable clothes in these sizes. BNCB

fasten one´s shoes

zavázat si boty

Well let mummy fasten your shoes first and Grant'll be in from school in a few minutes. BNCB

You should fasten your shoes otherwise you certainly fall. Wasp

My sister is not able to fasten her shoes at the age of 6, I am hopeless! Lingea

feather in sb´s cap

další úspěch, trefa

It will be another feather in his cap if his team wins. Lingua

Winning the speech contest was a feather in his cap and the greatest honor that he has ever won. IC

It's a real feather in our cap to be representing Britain in this contest. CIDI

felt hat

plstěný klobouk

She was wearing her felt hat and her tweed jacket with the jewelled brooch pinned to the lapel. BNCB

Mrs Browning had a felt hat tied on with a scarf knotted under the chin, a thick tweed suit, woollen gloves, and fleecy-lined suede boots. BNCB

She wore a moulded oval felt hat, with a deliberate dent at the high point. BNCB

fill/step into sb´s shoes

nahradit koho, zaujmout něčí místo

When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. CIDI

It will take a very special person to fill Barbara's shoes. CIDI

But a sprained ankle prevented her from dancing, and at the same time created an unexpected opportunity for Miss Mary Munro, of the Ballet Rambert, to step into her shoes. TIMES 1954

fine-tooth comb

dělat něco velmi pečlivě

 My accountant is going over my tax return with a fine-tooth comb. (Free Dictionary)

He examined the figures with a fine-toothed comb but found no errors. (YourDictionary)

Immediately comb the hair with a fine tooth comb. (Google)

fit like a glove

padnout jako ulitý

Her new dress fit like a glove so she was very happy. IC

Your new jeans fit like a glove. Lingua

My new jeans contain Lycra so they fit like a glove. CIDI

flak jacket

neprůstřelná vesta

Wearing a flak jacket beneath his dark green anorak, Mr Major flew into the former Yugoslavia amid strict secrecy and high security. BNCB

Anyone who gives him a flak jacket (that is, consent) may take it back, but the doctor only needs one and so long as he continues to have one he has the legal right to proceed. BNCB

Osborne too felt his viola was mightier than the machine-guns: he used it as his only protection, making a conscious decision not to wear a flak jacket. BNCB

flared trousers

rozšířené zvonové kalhoty

In the beginning, more than fifteen years ago, when she was much slimmer and wore flared trousers, she seemed to enter a magnetic field whenever she came close to Tom. BNCB

Then he would don his man-made fibre flared trousers of airforce blue and a clean, ironed shirt and drive into the neighbouring town for the opening of the office. BNCB

Master administrator, father figure, the last hope for flared trousers, these are but a few of the attributes a manager must posses. BNCB

flat cap


Glancing towards the car park, I am transfixed by the sight of a man in a flat cap cleaning our car. BNCB

On the bank, stood a small man, dressed in a stained old raincoat, wearing a flat cap, fishing tackle packed in an ex-army gas-mask carrier. BNCB

If they went for the traditional look I suppose they'd all be wearing hard hats that looked like the flat cap Victorian cyclists always wore. BNCB

flat-heeled shoes

boty s nízkým podpadkem

One day at a time was how it now must be, and this one day she was adrift, tired and hungry, with new flat-heeled shoes that hurt like hell. BNCB

She wore a black sacklike dress, a large silver medallion on a chain, black nylon stockings and flat-heeled shoes. BNCB

Upstairs she changed into trousers and a light sweater and some flat-heeled shoes. BNCB


vietnamky, gumové sandály

Tourists inevitably end up having to buy either wellies or flip-flops when the weather does something perverse. BNCB

High heels would have elevated it to borderline evening wear but she hadn't brought heels with her so she decided on gold leather flip-flops. BNCB

Her working gear comprised an oversized boat-necked T-shirt which had a habit of slipping off one shoulder, frayed denim shorts and flip-flops. BNCB

fly/drive the seat of sb´s pants

střílet od boku, spoléhat na instinkt, jednat intuitivně

He was forced to fly by the seat of his pants when nobody was in the office to help him fix the computer. IC

None of us had ever worked on a magazine before so we were flying by the seat of our pants. CIDI

We found our way by the seat of our pants, but if I ever did another jungle trek I'd take a guide. CIDI

follow fashion

sledovat módu

Adults follow fashion in clothes and social habits as assiduously as their children. BNCB

I usually follow fashion very slowly and creep in just as it starts to look dated, but then I think that's the way I should do it. BNCB

Richards is inclined to follow fashion in identifying `;the road lobby'; as a prime cause of our troubles when the great majority of people have access to a car and want to use it. BNCB

formal clothes

formální oblečení

The formal clothes should have made him look more urbane and civilised, but they didn't. BNCB

His clothes were in a heap, sadly formal clothes compared with hers, one sock suspender hanging from a chair-rail, a jacket sleeve turned inside out. BNCB

To leave the ever-present tension of Great Meadow was like shedding stiff, formal clothes or kicking off pinching shoes. BNCB

full skirt

kolová sukeň

A full skirt of crimson and black swelled over her hips and was lifted and pinned at one side to reveal a cascade of lacy petticoats. BNCB

She hitched the full skirt of her Summer dress up above her knees, and swung her long legs for him to see. BNCB

She felt the full skirt of her Summer dress being swept up to bare her silken thighs and round firm bottom. BNCB


s podšívkou, podšitý

Made in the UK to our own design from 100% cotton with a fully lined nylon interior. BNCB

Made in the UK to our own design from 100% cotton with a fully lined nylon interior. BNCB

What it's like: fully lined cover that supports baby's head, adjustable inner seat, padded shoulder straps and waistband. BNCB

fur coat


I daren't wear that nice fur coat that cousin Freda gave me in case I get bombed by the Animal Liberation Front. BNCB

The tunic might have a silken decorative border, and in winter a fur coat of ermine would have been worn over the tunic. BNCB

Jennifer wears a sable fur coat around town and drives to her job as a receptionist in a Cadillac. BNCB

garter belt

podvazkový pás

She'd stripped to her stockings and garter belt, and carried a high stool centre stage. BNCB

Her garter belt was a pre-war birthday present, and she wore a pair of the precious nylons that Sylvia had brought back from the States. BNCB

Clad only in garter belt and nylons, she was confident of her sexual attractiveness. BNCB

get dressed

obléci se

She kissed him lightly on the lips and rose from the bed to get dressed. BNCB

I think about how I could get dressed up and go out somewhere, for a couple of hours, and just leave it all, because I get so sick of it sometimes… BNCB

The best thing she could do was take a shower, get dressed and go out for some fresh air. BNCB

get/be given the boot

dostat padáka, vyhazov, kopačky

Did she tell you why she got the boot? CIDI

She gave him the boot because he wouldn't stop talking about his ex-girlfriends. CIDI

If the old boy´s son has not got a job to go to when he comes out of the army, I will be getting the order of the boot. IE

give sb the boot

dát padáka, vyhodit,  dát kopačky (partnerovi)

They gave him the boot for swearing at his manager. CIDI

She gave him the boot because he wouldn't stop talking about his ex-girlfriends. CIDI

Did she tell you why she got the boot? CIDI

go well with st.

hodit se k

This produces early colours that go well with the wax-polished timbers, and accumulates to give the finish a smoothness and richness of texture impossible with more modern paints. BNCB

Simple heavy cotton parkas and overjackets go well with chunky sweaters and jeans. BNCB

Mind you, the red shoes go well with that dress I got in the sales. BNCB

gum boots


When gardening he often wore very baggy trousers with braces, gum boots and a waist-length black donkey jacket which hung loose and looked as if it was too short. BNCB

One morning, he stayed at home and dropped his gum boots hard beside her bed to wake her up. BNCB

A young man in gum boots saunters along the road with a shotgun under his arm. BNCB

gym shoes

tenisky, cvičky

On his sockless feet were soiled gym shoes. BNCI

For sportswear, though, leather or canvas trainers and gym shoes are by far the healthiest choice --; they let feet breathe, unlike plastic shoes, or those lined with nylon or PVC. BNCI

I trailed up the hill after the others, thinking how different she looked wearing that stiff new uniform instead of her tatty little cotton dress and gym shoes. BNCI

hacking jacket

tvídové sako

Above, Slater sported a well-worn hacking jacket over a black shirt and a black bow tie which appeared to have lots of small, dull red stones set in it. BNCB

Sir, i it was a terrible brief point about clad in jodhpurs, riding boots and hacking jacket but all the point that I was going to make that I've heard about riding roughshod over Europe but Mr Deputy Speaker this is ridiculous. BNCB

I saw him wearing a worn out hacking jacket, he should buy a new one. Wasp

hair net

síťka na vlasy

Dry your hair through an old fashioned hair net or a soft silk scarf. BNCB

Mrs Hill was a small, plump, middle-aged woman, with fine frizzy hair which she encased in a fine frizzy hair net; she always wore a purple and blue flowered pinny, a garment more in keeping with an aunt or a cleaner than with a lover of science. BNCB

On the second day of their slow ride up the river they found traces of Morthen, a snail-shell hair net, slung from the branch of a tree close to the cold remains of a fire. BNCB

hand-me-down(s) (clothes)

obnošené oblečení, odložené šactvo

During his childhood growing up on a farm he wore many hand-me-down clothes. IC

As a child I was always dressed in my sister's hand-me-downs and I longed for something new to wear. CIDI

Things are so grim that the pals are throwing in hand-me-down clothes for the baron's American wife Jeannie. BNC-B

handle/treat sb with kid gloves

jednat s kým v rukavičkách

You must handle the new computer with kid gloves as it is very fragile. IC

Kid gloves are gloves made from very soft leather which would feel very soft if someone touched you with them. CIDI

Linda can be a very difficult woman - you've really got to handle her with kid gloves.CIDI

hard hat

ochranná přilba

 He took off his hard hat and wiped his brow, after checking for scaffolding. BNCB

Next to the notice was a fat man in blue dungarees and a white hard hat. BNCB

A hard hat can protect you from having a metal spike go through your skull and into your brain. BNCB

hard/hot on the heels of st

bezprostředně následovat

A film contract came hard on the heels of the success of their first album. CIDI

Her succes came hot on the heels of the book edition. Wasp

What should come hot on the heels of being rude? IE

hat shop


Would she be like the Misses Cardings, the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist's? BNCB

The next minute she was running out of the yard and into the street again and into the shelter of the doorway leading into the hat shop. BNCB

They turned away and she walked up the street, past the baker's, past the shoemaker's, and the hat shop, and she rang the bell that was attached to the wall at the side of the door leading into the sweet shop. BNCB

have a bee in one´s bonnet

mít brouka v hlavě, být posedlý myšlenkou

She has a bee in her bonnet about going to the USA. Lingua

She has a bee in her bonnet about going to live on an island and starting a herb farm. IC

She's got a real bee in her bonnet about people keeping their dogs under control.CIDI

have an ace/card up one´s sleeve

mít eso v rukávu

I still had a card up my sleeve in the form of a letter from his father. CIDI

The new game show has an ace up its sleeve. It will allow viewers to play from home and win prizes. CIDI

She surprised all of us, we didn´t know that she has had an ace in her sleeve. EI

have ants in one´s pants

být neposeda, chvíli neposedět, mít roupy

You are moving around as if you have ants in your pants the teacher said to the little boy. IC

She's got ants in her pants because she's going to a party tonight. CIDI

He has ants in his pants as he is going to the concert tonight. Lingua

have nothing to wear

nemít co na sebe

Every girl thinks that she has nothing to wear although the wardrobe is full of clothes. Lingea

But now Miss Kyte must leave you, or she will have nothing to wear for the occasion. BNCB

Kate is doing shoppig all the time and all the time she claims she has nothing to wear. BNCB

have st under one´s belt

mít úspěšně za sebou, mít na svém kontě

Now that you have experience working for an international company under your belt you will have more chances to apply for a better job. IC

She was a capable individual, with fourteen years as managing director under her belt. CIDI

He has several major drama awards under his belt. CIDI

have st up one´s sleeve

mít schované v rukávu (pro příhodnou dobu)

If this trip doesn't work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve. CIDI

He didn´t lose his head, he had another anwer up his sleeve. Lingua

They had many excuses for their absence up their sleeve that I couldn´t say anything. IE

heart is in one´s boots

být celý nervózní a zkroušený

My heart was in my boots as I waited for the results. Lingua

His heart was in his boots as he waited for news of the accident. CIDI

Why was your heart in your boots? What happened? WASPS

high fashion

top móda (tvořená špičkovými světovými salóny)

We grew up in a world of chainstore high fashion, middle-of-the-road revolution, cover-version original pop music. BNCB

 It manufactures high quality men's leather Goodyear welted and high fashion Dr Martens footwear under licence. BNCB

Those ladies slim and brave enough to wear the high fashion were ethereal in gauzy dresses that clung to their bodies as they moved. BNCB

high-heeled shoes

boty na vysokém podpadku

It was not only her matching handbag and high-heeled shoes which fired my enthusiasm. BNCB

She had pulled down her veil as she sat down, hitched up her skirt to show pretty feet in high-heeled shoes, and lit a cigarette. BNCB

She was wearing a loosely belted grey dress and black high-heeled shoes with very little jewellery or adornment save a jet pendant at her throat. BNCB

hiking boots

turistické boty

The first pair of real hiking boots I ever had were Daisy Roots and I've always been impressed by their comfort. BNCB

It had only taken a matter of yards for her to acknowledge that her sandals made abysmal hiking boots. BNCB

In the kitchen, open shelves are lined with French country pottery and baskets of fruit; in the mud room, row upon row of wellies and hiking boots. BNCB

hobble skirt

dlouhá úzká sukně

The demure Lily in her straw hat, a hat I could describe to you now, still, as well as if I had it here in front of me, the crown swathed in a pale tulle the colour of a summer haze… in a long-sleeved, high-necked, pink-and-white striped blouse… a dark-blue hobble skirt, beside whom I walked across Regent's Park in the spring of 1914. BNCB

The hobble skirt trammelled her steps, yet charmingly; she swayed a little, seemed to both hesitate and float as she came towards us. BNCB

I couln´t walk properly in my hobble skirt. IE

hooded jacket

bunda s kapucí

Jamies wears Marks & Spencer cord trousers, £19.99 and hooded jacket, £47.50. BNCB

They described the man seen leaving the rear of the building as male, white, between 5ft 8in and 6ft tall, and wearing a hooded jacket. BNCB

Nowadays it is in vogue to wear a hooded jacket. Lingea 

hot pants

zapálená lýtka, nadrženost, obtažené sexy kraťasy

During the Seventies a hazy eroticism was on offer every week, courtesy of Pan's People in their gold Lurex hot pants. BNC-B

Bikini bottoms look more like high-waisted hot pants, while swimsuits are squared off across the thighs or skirted. BNC-B

During the Seventies a hazy eroticism was on offer every week, courtesy of Pan's People in their gold Lurex hot pants. BNC-B


nepadnoucí, špatně sedící

I was wearing the shoes, as ill-fitting as ill-gotten, and the pain in my feet as I pounded the pavements was excruciating. BNCB

He was dressed neatly enough in grey breeches, white shirt and an ill-fitting blue coat, but was barefoot. BNCB

Zero is dressed in a plain white T-shirt and ill-fitting jeans rolled up about six inches. BNCB

in all shapes and sizes

různorodý, všech tvarů a velikostí

They come in all shapes and sizes: as flat sheets, in decorative shapes, and as mirror tiles or mirror mosaics. BNCB

Trees grow in all shapes and sizes and their timbers look very different. BNCB

They come in all shapes and sizes, from spacious Queen Anne farmhouses to two-bedroom bungalows. BNCB

jogging suit

tepláková souprava

I look for the dog or the jogging suit and if they haven't got a dog or a jogging suit I think what are they up to? BNCB

Instead I rummaged in my suitcase, pulled out a jogging suit, an old pair of running shoes. BNCB

On offer to those who raise the target figure is a five-day all expenses trip which includes flights, accommodation in a Central Manhattan hotel, transfers and insurance, guaranteed race entry, participation pack, a specially designed jogging suit, and more! BNCB

keep sb´s shirt on

uklidnit se, nerozčilovat se

Keep your shirt on. You shouldn`t get so excited about small problems. IC

Keep your shirt on! I'll be with you in a second. CIDI

You must keep your shirt on immediately. Lingea

keep st. under one´s hat

držet pod pokličkou, v tajnosti

Keep in under your hat! Lingua

I've got some interesting news, but you must promise to keep it under your hat for the moment. CIDI

I plan to keep my plans to apply for a new job under my hat. IC

kick in the pants

pobídnutí k lepšímu výkonu, práci

Christopher´s tutor told him that all the teaching staff were expecting him to fail his exams. That was a real kick in the pants for him. From then on he started to take his studies seriously. EL-English Idioms

This was rectified to an extent by switching in the active circuitry, which gave the signal a kick in the pants, but care had to be exercised to avoid muddying-up the lower-mid frequencies and making the treble over-twangy. BNC

The discipline within the team let us down when we were put under pressure --; but perhaps it's the kick in the pants we needed,'; Jennings said. BNC

kick one´s heels

přešlapovat, nečinně a netrpělivě čekat

I'm fed up kicking my heels at home while all my friends are out enjoying themselves. CIDI

And it's even more noticeable once you go into the, the year twelve, that first twelve months is crucial, if you just kick your heels and do nothing, you'll find it very very difficult to work to pull up. BNCB

I don´t want to kick my heels but I don´t know what to do. Wasp

kick up one´s heels

dělat věci, co tě baví

After the exams, we kicked up our heels and had a really good party. CIDI

Bob Gurney, was kicking his heels and pulling on his pipe in the corridors a couple of days later. EI

This is your chance to kick up your heels and support this group of anonymous women artists. BNCB

kipper tie

velmi široká kravata

Many fashions such as the kipper tie and the string tie have come and gone, and in recent years there has been an upsurge in the popularity of vivid colours and flamboyant designs. BNCB

Scott Svenson wore blue jeans and jacket over a navy T-shirt and a wide, striped kipper tie, which looked ridiculous. BNCB

It is out of fashion wearing a kipper tie. IE

lace-up shoes

šněrovací boty

Now the headmaster is insisting that every child should possess a pair of lace-up shoes. BNCB

In her flat and comfortable lace-up shoes, she made good progress on her daily outing. BNCB

Like a good many others, I had one pair of lace-up shoes for winter and a pair of sandals for summer, and that was it. BNCB

laugh up one´s sleeve

vysmívat se někomu za zády

He persuaded people to believe in him and all the time he was laughing up his sleeve at them. CIDI

Two of the boys had been nasty to Jimmy, so he laughed up his sleeve when they both failed the maths test. EI

He laughed up his sleeve finding out that John had lost his job. Lingea

leather jacket

kožená bunda, sako

Julia, wearing a black leather jacket and faded jeans, hid her face as she scurried through Heathrow. BNCB

The man in the leather jacket stood on the platform for a moment longer before stepping up into the carriage next to Donna's. BNCB

The keeper wiped dirty fingers on a stained leather jacket and jangled a huge bunch of keys. BNCB

leather loafers

kožené  mokasíny

Left Betty Jackson matt gold and leather jewellery as before; Russell & Bromley gold leather loafers at £59.99. BNCB

They wore the standard uniform of the well-to-do American out of office hours: Lacrosse sports shirts, tan cotton Oxfords, leather loafers. BNCB

 He wears leather loafers because they are very comfortable. Lingea

leisure suit

domácí oděv, souprava

One of the most notorious ways of spreading infection has been the computer game Leisure Suit Larry, which was widely pirated and became infected. BNCB

The game appears to have a similar smut to the Leisure Suit Larry series but goes further in different ways! BNCB

That's more than likely why the likes of Solitaire and Minesweeper get booted as often in offices around the country, and why Leisure Suit Larry was so popular with the City types a while back. BNCB

lick sb´s boots

podlézat někomu

They are windbags who lick boots for status. WASPS

I'm not prepared to lick someone's boots to get a promotion. CIDI

Far too much boot-licking goes on in this office. CIDI

life jacket

záchranná vesta

Without my helmet and life jacket it could have been a very different story. BNCB

In which we had to be very responsible like wearing a life jacket and plimsolls so we didn't slip on the floor. BNCB 

But I mean being in the water I had no life jacket or anything like that so it was a matter of trying to keep afloat and er kicking off my boots and getting me overalls . BNCB

long johns


Thermal underwear was in another drawer, vests sleeved and buttoned, a pair of long johns. BNCB

You might see a pair of long johns, then long johns, and a pair of socks, but Paul said they've opened windows and Trevor said it's nearly knocked him off the ladder. BNCB

At the beginning of the winter I always feel a bit reluctant about working outside until I get my long johns on. BNCB

loose fitting

volný, široký

Both trousers are cut to be loose fitting and this is a tremendous benefit for the fair skinned in hot climates. BNCB

Wear loose fitting clothes to ease pressure or rubbing on the rash. BNCB

Wear loose fitting clothing to protect your shoulders, arms and legs when you're walking around in the sun. BNCB

lose one´s shirt

příjít o poslední košili, přijít o všechno

He lost his shirt gambling and now is in serious financial difficulty. IC

He said he'd lost his shirt on that race. CIDI

He is in debt due to his betting on horses, in the course of time he lost his shirt. Lingea

lounge suit

tmavší vycházkový oblek

The origins of today's single-breasted lounge suit came from another sporting garment, the Deeside coat, originally styled for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's shooting trips in Scotland. BNCB

He was wearing a decent black cloth lounge suit, and had no intentions of changing his mode of attire. BNCB

 From the brilliantined hair and the smart lounge suit, Wexford gathered that here was a wedding guest. BNCB

low-heeled shoes

boty s nízkým podpadkem

Shoes had to be low-heeled and black. BNCB

He slid the low-heeled court shoe into place, lifting his hands in simulated amazement. BNCB

With low-heeled black court shoes, and delicate gold hoop earrings, she felt as confident as she could be, in the circumstances. BNCB

machine wash

prát v pračce

Because the vast majority of fibres have been treated for a machine wash, shrinkage is minimal. BNCB

They should have some stickers on saying machine wash washable. BNCB

It's made of easy-care 100% acrylic that you can machine wash (40°C cycle). BNCB

make one´s own clothes

šít si oblečení

If you go into any of the high-street shops, and try and get something decent over a size 14, there's no way you can do it, unless you want to make your own clothes.  BNCB

I admire your adroitness, I have never mad my own clothes. Lingea

Making your own clothes is the cheapest way to get dressed. Lingea

man-made fibres

umělá vlákna

Synthetics are man made fibres ranging from simple nylons to very complex micro fibre materials intricately woven together. BNCB

Considerable work has also been undertaken to develop new blends using wool and experimenting with new man- made fibres and dyestuffs. BNCB

Man-made fibres and plastic sheeting have long since replaced the porous cambric or fine cotton linen which had been the standard material for sails over seven decades. BNCB

maternity clothes

těhotenské šaty

Some I think went to London, but by now I was wearing maternity clothes, and Mr Vinct composed a special lullaby and played it in the house. BNCB

She was wearing big maternity clothes and felt" dead weird" being with everyone else in school uniform. BNCB

I said I'd try and see Steph one day next week and take her some maternity clothes and erm I'll wash some of these baby things. BNCB

morning suit

sváteční oblek, obvykle šedý nebo černý, nosí se s cylindrem

Stiff, but at least there's no bridal gown, going-away dress or morning suit to buy. BNCB

I climbed out of my hired morning suit, mused lingeringly on everything I'd experienced that eventful day… and fell fast asleep. BNCB

He was dressed in a Victorian morning suit, high starched collar, watered-silk cravat. BNCB

muddy boots

zablácené boty

They had muddy boots which they kicked against the kitchen step, and muddy hands which they washed at the sink. BNCB

As a gardener's daughter she would have been accustomed to muddy boots and black finger-nails. BNCB

Mary Jane says that she loves the feeling of space but the only drawback is not having a hallway to put the wet coats and muddy boots in when it rains. BNCB

night gown

noční košile

In her blue-lit room, Aunt Margaret was dressing sweet, clean Victoria in her night gown in an odorous fog of damp talcum powder. BNCB

Clinton was there wrapped in a military cloak and Dacourt, looking rather ridiculous in a long night gown, stood near Vulcan's stable. BNCB

Seeing her in a luscious night gown, he was astonished. IE

Norfolk jacket

pánské volné sako s páskem

As a pedestrian, however Shaw was still supremely noticeable as he sailed by in his knee breeches and Norfolk jacket for walks of up to six miles. BNCB

One of her designs is for a lady's version of the Norfolk jacket, which has been worn by Prince Charles on Sandringham shoots. BNCB

She smiled when she saw him attired in Norfolk jacket and cords --; his idea of how the conqueror would dress. BNCB

off the cuff

spatra, bez přípravy

He made several off-the-cuff remarks which he later denied. CIDI

She wasn't expecting to give a speech and just said a few things off the cuff. CIDI

He made a very interesting off-the-cuff speech at the party last night. IC

off-the-peg suit

hotové šaty, konfekce

Most plans are like off-the-peg suits, they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly. BNCB

The new Conservatives not only wear off-the-peg suits, they adopt off-the-peg philosophies: they have something their predecessors would have sneered at. BNCB

Most plans are like off-the-peg suits, they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly. BNCB

old bag

rašple, rachejtle

When the photographer had done with us Helene said that she was an ugly old bag and she hated having her picture taken. IE

His name was Oedipus, he was Greek I think. Well, the old bag turned out to be his mother. IE

Mrs Letouzel, you cantankerous od bag, what do you mean, by complaining about your money!

old hat

stará vesta =  dávno známá a nudná věc, osoba

A 24-hour banking service may seem old hat in the United States, but it's still innovative in Europe. CIDI

Much of what the latter says about information theory, feedback and signal detection is old hat, but he generously leaves us one or two bones to pick. BNC-B

Meanwhile, fashion pundits were speculating last night that although Anne is likely to splash out on a new outfit, she will be wearing an old hat when she walks up the aisle. BNC-B

old school tie

The old school tie still has enormous power in many City companies. CIDI

As a result, it is hardly surprising that everything from Patches to the Daily Telegraph employs at least one rock correspondent, from a teenage school-leaver in doorstep Nikes and a back-to-front baseball cap to some affable dilettante with a plum in his mouth and old school tie. BNCB

Such a system, based on social class and the old school tie, had never become quite so entrenched across the Atlantic in the first place, and had largely broken down by the end of the 1950s. BNCB



She led him straight into an old-fashioned kitchen where a coal range gave out a dull red glow. BNCB

I was not from a religious background, and I had previously thought that anyone who went to the mikva had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses with thick tights and live in a Yiddish-speaking ghetto! BNCB

It's a telling detail, this appreciation of cafes, and one which (with his turn-of-the-century clothes and his clipped Viennese psychiatrist accent) hints that Daniel Barenboim is a thoroughly modern maestro with a thoroughly old-fashioned sensibility. BNCB

on a shoestring

se silně omezeným rozpočtem, za pár korun (něco podnikat)

The restaurant is run on a shoestring, so we can't afford to take on any more staff. CIDI

We went to China and Japan on a shoestring and enjoyed it very much. IC

Feeling uneasy, we turned to our Africa on a Shoestring handbook, learning that the Kalahari consists of some of the most arid and remote land in the world. BNC-B

one´s Sunday best

My clothes were my Sunday best. IE

In addition, as part of their public strategy, the demonstrators invariably wear their Sunday best and carry their most impressive school-books. IE

And there were the clothing workers themselves, dignified but a little prim in their Sunday best. IE

padded jacket

teplá bunda, vatovaný kabátek

On top of the thin dress she wore a brightly coloured, predominantly red, Chinese padded jacket; it seemed to sparkle in the room's dim lights. BNCB

When last seen he was wearing blue jeans, a cream sweatshirt, blue padded jacket and black shoes. BNCB

As Jelka watched, the men subdued her, forcing her into a padded jacket, the over-long arms of which they fastened at the back. BNCB

pass the hat (a)round

udělat sbírku, vybrat peníze

We're passing the hat round for Simon's leaving present. CIDI

We're going to pass the hat round later, buy some beer and go back to their place. BNC-B

A guaranteed payment plus `Pass the hat around' or similar arrangement. BNC-B

patched jeans

zalátané džíny

True, some of the filling-in was performed by a young guitarist in patched jeans, whose contribution was generously acknowledged, but Pete has no trouble playing the guitar. BNCB

One of the men, bearded, with roughly patched jeans and a loud laugh, leaned on the back of Rain's chair, his head close to hers, and talked to Oliver as though she were not there. BNCB

He was wearing patched jeans and a dark brown jacket tied with string. BNCB

patent leather

laková kůže

Marion looked down at her low-heeled patent leather pumps and sighed. BNCB

Footsteps, then the door opened: a man, fortyish, glasses, slim, dark, meticulously groomed; tailored slacks, a silk shirt open at the neck and patent leather house shoes. BNCB

When found, she was wearing a pink floral dress, lilac tights, a white cardigan and black patent leather shoes. BNCB

patent shoes


They run the Gondola in the summer months too, which provides an additional worry that groups of sweet little old ladies in overcoats, support tights and patent shoes, could find themselves wandering aimlessly on top of a mountain over 4,000 feet high, without any concept of the dangers. BNCB

He held up a pair of shiny black patent shoes. BNCB

He stared at her black patent shoes, those twin vices crushing her toes, telling her to take her feet away. BNCB

peaked cap


There was no escape from it and we longed for the luxury of sun glasses or a peaked cap. BNCB

My door was opened and a very young-looking man in a peaked cap was shown in. BNCB

She reaches over into the back and grabs a couple of cans from the crate lying on the back seat next to his peaked cap. BNCB

pick one´s pocket

You'd think you'd feel something if someone tried to pick your pocket. CIDI

This is in the Sporting Life and it's also in the Racing Post and this is a cynical move by the bookies to pick your pocket. BNCB

He is just asking to get his pocket picked, look at him. IE

picture hat

dámský klobouk (široký)

And again he mimed, this time a mincing gait, and sketched in the air a picture hat, with a spray of feathers, sweeping down. BNCB

She was wearing a bright red dress, shiny black boots, and despite the heat of the day a black feather boa to match the huge feathers in her large picture hat. BNCB

A blonde woman fashionably dressed in half-mourning, wearing a violet gown, her hair dressed high under a huge picture hat trimmed with a bird of paradise in full flight, rose to meet them, or rather to meet Dr Neil. BNCB

pixie hat

dětský klobouk se špičkou

Wearing a woollen pixie hat above his bright red beard, he loudly and uninterruptedly belched and farted his way up and down Moel Hebog with a cheery smile and complete disregard for the appalled looks which followed his thundering progress. BNCB

Helen reached in and stirred with distaste; a brown knitted pixie hat surfaced that her mother used to wear long ago, unravelled now to a skeletal condition. BNCB

When I was at your age, I was wearing a pixie hat. IE

plain clothes

Eliza was now very tall and thin, with a rather sour face, dressed in very plain clothes, and with a cross hanging round her neck. BNCB

Large men in plain clothes and short haircuts had wanted to know his business. BNCB

More than 30 uniformed and plain clothes officers carried out simultaneous raids on homes across Cheltenham early this morning. BNCB

platform shoes

boty se silnou podrážkou

We all wear mutated versions of the school uniform and platform shoes. BNCB

Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity. BNCB

 More resembling the changing rooms at MGM, these have previously included gilded platform shoes and chain-mail tunics that attract a growing number of magazine stylists and video makers. BNCB

pleated skirt

skládaná sukně

A flared cream pleated skirt that complimented those long perfect brown legs, and a powder blue tee shirt that matched her eyes a treat. BNCB

Where to hang the steaming kit for a shadow pleated skirt is always quite a problem. BNCB

She wore a white tennis outfit consisting of a blouse and a short pleated skirt. BNCB

pocket watch

kapesní hodinky

 For the average distance runner fat is about as much use as a pocket watch. BNCB

There you are the silver engraved silver pocket watch, a nice little pendant watch, and we'll have it again now. BNCB

The jewellery pictured includes a silver pocket watch, a pearl brooch, a silver pendant and several tie or stick pins. BNCB


s bílými puntíky, puntíkovaný

The beardless aboriginal, who is wearing a black polka-dot dress, collapses on the pavement. BNCB

 He wore a plain white shirt as fresh as new snow tiny gold cufflinks and a polka-dot tie. BNCB

The stage Englishman wore a pink silk shirt and a lime polka-dot bow-tie. BNCB

polo shirt

tričko s límcem

The black, curly hair had been dried and tamed, soaked black polo shirt and denim Bermudas exchanged for this expensive lightweight grey suit and ice-white shirt. BNCB

The black polo shirt and close-fitting denim Bermudas had moulded a lean hard chest and long, aggressively muscled legs. BNCB

During her absence Nathan had showered and changed into fawn trousers and a pale blue polo shirt. BNCB

pull one´s socks up

plivnout si do dlaní, pustit se do práce

He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team. CIDI

Why don't you just pull your socks up and smarten yourselves up? BNCB

Oh yes, every month I call him into the office and I say, it still isn't good enough, pull your socks up. BNCB

pull the wool over sb´s eyes

věšet někomu bulíky na nos

Don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes - ask for a list of all the hidden charges. CIDI

No, we're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. BNCB

Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. BNCB

put a sock in it

držet jazyk za zuby

Put a sock in it! Some of us are trying to work around here. CIDI

That sort does all sorts of silly things, till experience tells them to put a sock in it. BNCB

Edward Pearce's Sketch Some people really should put a sock in it! BNCB

put on clothes

obléci se

This form of guidance may be used where any instruction involving movement is refused; not tidying up is an obvious one, and failing to put on clothes, replacing knocked over objects are all suitable for the guidance of a child's limb to complete the instructed task. BNCB

First the sadness and disarray, then the evanescent transcendence; then the bodies put on clothes again, and there is a prowl of word and gesture before they go their separate ways. BNCB

Put your clothes on - we're going out. WebC

put on/wear a hair shirt

žít v odříkání, asketicky

I don't think you have to put on a hair shirt in order to be a socialist. CIDI

The food certainly does not wear a hair shirt, and nor does Rex, ebullient and gregarious, ensuring a meal at his place is a sort of crazy party with himself as the slightly eccentric host. BNC-B

If Cleo represented a hair shirt, he would wear it, and withstand the chafing. BNC-B

put/bet one´s shirt on st.

vsadit poslední košili, všechno

I put my shirt on the last race and lost everything. CIDI

Now put your shirt on, and get out of here. BNCB

Oh, why don't you go and put your shirt on? she exclaimed in confusion. BNCB


quake in one´s shoes/boots

být podělaný strachy, nadělat si do kalhot

During the thiller I was quaking in my boots. Lingua

My first teacher had one of those deep, booming voices that had you quaking in your boots. CIDI

Just the sound of her voice made me quake in my boots. CIDI

ragged jeans/clothes

otrhané džíny, oblečení

The children were wearing dirty ragged clothes. CIDI

His head rose above the floor level of the hay-loft in time to see a great deal more of Melody than he had anticipated as she slipped her ragged clothes back on. BNCB

Tall and skinny in his ragged clothes, his skin tanned a deep brown by the sun, stealing from tree to tree in his bare feet. BNCB

rags and tatters

staré hadry

Her hands are claws she keeps concealed within her rags and tatters. BNCB

She propped Scathach against the ledge of the wide window, then made a nest in the middle of the room, furs, clothing, rags and tatters of standards. BNCB

She came out of the marshes, and she was grey all over grey hair, grey face, grey rags and tatters and all mired and spattered, besides, from the marsh mud. BNCB

repeat st. parrot fashion

papouškovat, tupě opakovat

A parrot is a bird that can repeat words and noises it has just heard.CIDI

When I went to Sunday school, we had to recite passages from the Bible parrot-fashion.CIDI

Dealers would repeat this parrot fashion in the same optimistic note that the director had used on them. BNC-B

roll up one´s sleeves

připravit se trvrdou práci, pustit se do čeho

Our local team need to roll their sleeves up and put a bit more effort into their football. CIDI

Let`s roll up our sleeves and begin to work so that we can finish early. IC

I think they'll have to recognize that it's gonna be roll your sleeves up and we're go we aren't gonna be able to do all of the things we wanted to do, and that's the price we're gonna have to pay.  BNC-B

rose-coloured glasses

růžový, příliš optimistický

At least we are much nearer than we were in the era your rose-coloured glasses have alighted upon. BNCB

His third requirement is top-notch chief financial officer who won't see the world through the rose-coloured glasses of an ex-salesman. BNCB

An article in the January Railway World is well worth reading and the editor who interviewed Mr Tony Hills saw the Vale of Rheidol through rose-coloured glasses. BNCB

round neck

ke krku

The sweater is a simple, round neck style that looks good with either skirts or trousers. BNCB

 If you're knitting a round neck and have stitches held on waste yarn, you should make a note of the number of stitches on waste as you knit them off. BNCB

With its pretty round neck, softly padded shoulders and front-pocket detail, it looks great worn with a skirt or trousers. BNCB

running shorts

kraťasy na běhání

She had a sports bag to put all her things in: her swimming gear, her running shorts and her riding things. BNCB

 Prague was the last stadium where I wore conventional running shorts. BNCB

She was in her warmup kit of white tank top, running shorts, red legwarmers, and basketball shoes. BNCB

safety boots


They reckoned that my extra weight had protected my heart, and I was also wearing heavy, rubber-soled safety boots. BNCB

All men on site will be required to wear hard hats and safety boots at all times within the designated areas. BNCB

While some made their way to the more traditional setting of the cafe by choice, two of them in denim overalls and safety boots set about the polishing, cleaning and oiling of duty loco, Maid Marian. BNCB

safety helmet

ochranná přilba

The safety helmet was another of his discoveries, his good ideas. BNCB

He thrust into her hands a blue plastic safety helmet with a transparent visor. BNCB

At the first change over it's off with the shoes and on with the safety helmet. BNCB

sailor hat

slamák, matróz

Margaret examined the pale-blue Breton sailor hat with the enormous upturned brim that by sheer luck exactly toned with my dress and jacket. BNCB

Or the children from primary school on an outing, dressed in sailor suits like Victorian children on their way to the seaside, snaking behind their teacher in twos, each round head and pair of button eyes topped by an identical pudding basin of black hair and blue sailor hat. BNCB

A hoary quarryman wearing the traditional hard hat and `;moleskin'; trousers, and a salty fisherman with sailor hat and jersey exchange gossip on the STONE QUAY built on the site of an earlier one by Morton Pitt as a promenade for the new hotel and a point of embarkation. BNCB

second-hand clothes

obnošené, použité oblečení

The competition set a fairly tight budget so Julia decided to mix second-hand clothes with new ones. BNCB

Hence my association with Flip, because they've been doing second-hand clothes for 20 or 30 years. BNCB

These old shops are still in business today, selling second-hand clothes and materials. BNCB

sewing machine

šicí stroj

I left Aisha's prison in the following way: one day a woman from the same village as Aisha and I came to pick up her sewing machine. BNCB

On Sunday at 11pm, Mrs Biky's basement cavern was still humming with the sound of her sewing machine as she turned out ladies' dresses and blouses. BNCB

I do another cardigan in this way I shall do two or even three lines on the sewing machine. BNCB

sexy underwear

svůdné, dráždivé spodní prádlo

Sexy underwear's got nothing on thermal britches and vests when it comes to keeping you cosy in the depths of winter. BNCB

Now the cartoon Princess stops at the point where she is clad in sexy underwear, instead of stripping down further to the G-string. BNCB

THE ROMANTIC: They may please Barbara Cartland, but the true romantic scorns heart shaped chocolates, Chanel No. 5, sexy underwear and other fashionable cliches of romance. BNCB

shake in one´s shoes/boots

být celý rozklepaný, roztřesený

I was shaking in my shoes before the start. Lingua

Whenever I am waiting for the results of my exams, I always shake in my boots. IC

Why are you shaking your boots? Are you cold? Lingua

shell suit

šusťáková souprava

The shell suit is such a great idea in sportswear. BNCB

 But one look at a new shell suit splashed with luminous paint provides a perfect explanation of why old school is becoming big business for small shops in inner London. BNCB

Some poor little kid six years old and he was wearing his shell suit. BNCB

shipshape and Bristol-fashion

v pořádku

It gave him pleasure to keep things, as he said," shipshape and Bristol fashion". BNCB

These next few pages are the reactions of one who went to the Centre, came away evangelical and kept saying to himself, `All shipshape and Bristol fashion',only to fall from the crest into the deepest trough, but thankfully to climb up again to a sensible plateau and finally discover that he had been fortified in more ways than he had expected. BNCB

Jim Larkin arrives at a Devonshire hotel to find everything shipshape and Bristol-fashion - only there´s no owner, no staff and no guests. IE

shirt tail

spodní okraj košile

I stuffed my shirt tail back into my trousers and tried to straighten my tie. BNCB

But a long shirt tail flopped down around his thighs. BNCB

Now in life there is nothing more defenceless or ridiculous than a man with his pantaloons about his ankles, his shirt tail raised and his mind on other matters. BNCB


teplouš, homosexuál

He was taunted by a chorus of adolescent gay haters shouting 'shirt-lifter!'. CIDI

Nowadays it is very common to meet shirt-lifters in the streets. Lingua

His parents didn´t know what to do when they found out that Jack i a shirt-lifter. Lingua

shoe industry

obuvní průmysl

In Bridge Street is a Museum of Leathercraft, at the heart of the region associated with the boot and shoe industry. BNCB

Northampton, of course, is famous for its `;boots and shoes'; and many of the fine Victorian buildings which abound are derived from the wealth of the shoe industry at the turn of the century. BNCB

And bearing in mind Northampton's the centre of the boot and shoe industry guess what their fans sing… BNCB

shoe polish

krém na boty

He looked up, and rubbed his forehead excitedly leaving another smudge of brown shoe polish above his nose. BNCB

The fish are processed into fish oil for pig and poultry feed, and the manufacture of such commodities as paint and shoe polish. BNCB

Boots which have been factory-treated and given a waterproof finish should not normally be given a wax treatment when new, but should be treated with ordinary shoe polish. BNCB

shooting jacket

lovecká bunda

He had a many-pocketed shooting jacket, brown, with a flat brown tweed cap. BNCB

He wore a tweed hat, the brim turned down, a waterproof shooting jacket and wellingtons. BNCB

For winter camouflage I have an additional item, a sleeveless quilted shooting jacket which slips on rather like a bullet-proof vest. BNCB

shoulder bag

taška přes rameno

Each evening, arriving at a new hotel, she carried from the car one suitcase, one shoulder bag, a striped beach bag and a Guernsey knotted round her shoulders. BNCB

Women models displayed an air-hostess style ensemble of jacket, jupe-culotte, three-cornered hat and shoulder bag, before a series of other changes were revealed. BNCB

With a muffled sound she spun round clinging on to her shoulder bag and ready to fight off an attacker. BNCB

show sb a clean pair of heels

utéct, zdrhnout

Butler showed them all a clean pair of heels as he raced for the finishing line. CIDI

I wasn´t claiming that Bob was a world-class sprinter, but he could show you a clean pair of heels anyway. IE

Ian watched him nervously, ready to show a clean pair of heels as soon as the fuse was lighted. IE

silk shirt

hedvábná košile

His clothes looked undisturbed, if a little rumpled, apart from a sort of embossing of vomit on the front breast pocket of his blue silk shirt. BNCB

He wore a silk shirt with a cravat tucked in round his thin neck, and elegantly uncrumpled linen trousers. BNCB

He's wearing expensive-looking slacks and a silk shirt. BNCB

ski gloves

lyžařské rukavice

So we've borrowed everything erm oh you've gotta buy some proper ski gloves. BNCB

We went to the mountains dressed properly in ski jacket, ski pants, ski gloves etc. Lingea

It is very cold here, I do not understand why you do not have ski gloves on your hands. Wasp

ski jacket

lyžařská bunda, větrovka

A second-hand ski jacket would keep Fergie warm at Klosters. BNCB

Then she leaned against it, realising that in spite of the fact that she was still wearing her ski jacket in the warm flat, she was shivering again. BNCB

It had simply never occurred to her that the young woman in a ski jacket with faded jeans tucked into her boots might actually be Hugo Varna's daughter! BNCB

ski pants

lyžařské kalhoty

My tip is to go for really good quality ski pants in black with braces and team that with a jacket that suits your style. BNCB

The princes wore green rugby shirts and jeans while Diana wore black ski pants, a lambswool sweater over a T-shirt, black shoes and gold hoop earrings. BNCB

Climbing out of the bath, she dried herself, and dressed in black ski pants and a thick jersey knitted by her mother. BNCB

ski suit

lyžařská kombinéza

For a toddler, donning a padded ski suit and three layers of thermals is like putting on a straitjacket. BNCB

Clare, wearing an old red ski suit, stood in a crowd of about three hundred people. BNCB

Another had pock-marked skin, was wearing a pink ski suit and had a flat-topped haircut and a thin moustache. BNCB

slip off

rychle se svléci

She sat him on the bed, and knelt to untie his laces, slip off the shoes. BNCB

Without even being aware of it, tension `;collects'; there --; so when it all gets too much for your, you can slip off your shoes and unwind with a little self-massage, without getting too many strange looks from colleagues. BNCB

She shifted her free shoulder and let the blouse slip off it, then squeezed in her elbows to make the cleavage look really inviting. BNCB


boty, do kterých se pouze vklouzne

Whether it's boots or shoes, slip-ons or sandals, you're bound to take a shine to the latest in leather. BNCB

The leather slip-ons were an old, comfortable pair. BNCB

Avoid slip-ons, as the toes need to grip hard to keep them on and so are put under strain. BNCB

slit skirt

sukně s rozparkem

She was wearing a blue costume with a slit skirt that opened when she crossed her legs. BNCB

The after dark choice was a sleekly sophisticated black velvet dress complete with cutaway shoulders and a de rigueur slit skirt. BNCB

She looked good in a slit skirt and blouse. CDAE

smarty pants

chytrák, přemoudřelec, rozumbrada, chytrolín

That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs --; it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all. BNC-B

Cindy, the little smarty pants, will be the first to tell us where we went wrong. CIDI

Decorators have an extremely bad public image because they have fostered a sort of social, smarty pants, flimsy image of being delicate, emotional and over elaborate. Times 1968

smoking jacket

pánský domácí kabátek, sváteční krátký župan

Reginald had discarded his officer's uniform that he had worn at dinner and was now dressed in ordinary dark trousers and a blue-velvet smoking jacket. BNCB

It would make a beautiful fabric for my next idea, a wonderful Edwardian smoking jacket. BNCB

Lord Grubb, in terror, waved his arthritic right hand at Algy with a patting motion of great violence and scattered cigar ash on his beautiful old green smoking jacket.  BNCB

spend money as if it is going out of fashion

rozhazovat peníze, utrácet plnými hrstmi

In spite of the world recession, there are still some people in the early 1980s who are cheerfully spending money as if it is going out of fashion. IE

I am getting worried about Jack - he is spending money as if it´s going out of fashion. He doesn´t earn all that much, so I only hope he came by it honestly. IE

I don´t want to lose all my money, please don´t spend money as if it is going out of fashion. Wasp

sports jacket

sportovní sako, bunda

An establishment economist was present standing in sports jacket and flannels in the crush. BNCB

Wearing a new sports jacket and grey flannels under his open raincoat. BNCB

Marler was in his early thirties, slim in build, wore an expensively cut sports jacket. BNCB

sports shoes

sportovní boty

Clarks International has unveiled a new range of sports shoes called Cica. BNCB

There a lots lots of shops about that spell sell sports shoes. BNCB

I'm sure Adi Dassler and his brother Rudolph didn't know what they were starting when they began making sports shoes in Germany in the Twenties. BNCB

strait jacket

svěrací kazajka

STRAIT JACKET FITS: New Zealand guitar unit offer a triple track recorded live in the studio with Bad Seeds producer Tony Cohen, prior to their forthcoming new LP. BNCB

I freed myself from the antiquated strait jacket of his verbose speech patterns. BNCB

The shock had been too much for her precarious hold on sanity and she had been removed to Rainhill Asylum in a strait jacket. BNCB

strapless dress

šaty bez ramínek

Susanna wore a black silk strapless dress. BNCB

A short, plain black, strapless dress with a tailcoat top of bold black and white spots sweeping down the back to the floor. BNCB

Her tightly tailored strapless dress matched her lips exactly, as did the shoes that even Belinda recognised as highest quality Italian leather, the kind of leather with a fine grain that was almost like satin to the touch. BNCB

straw hat

slaměný klobouk

Little flames were breaking through the brim of Charlie's straw hat. BNCB

One of the porters beamed at me from under his large straw hat. BNCB

The waiter held out the straw hat which had been left behind on a chair. BNCB

strong suit

silná stránka

Downwind or on a broad reach they are magnificent craft, but upwind sailing is definitely not their strong suit. BNCB

Deacon's escapades aside, housekeeping doesn't appear to be the actor's strong suit. BNCB

Her strong suit was the family chronicle and, if this was to be extended over three or more generations, enough leading personages had to be kept in the land of the living. BNCB

stuffed shirt

suchar, nadutec

I knew he was a banker and expensively educated so I was expecting him to be a stuffed shirt. CIDI

I don`t want to invite him to go with us because he is a stuffed shirt and not very interesting to spend time with. IC

It was a nice yarn of respectable girl from despicable family, married to a stuffed shirt who would cast her out into the snow if a breath of suspicion fell on his name. BNC-B

sun hat


In summer you'll need a sun hat to keep the sun off and in winter don't forget that about a third of body heat is lost through the head so a warm woolly hat is great. BNCB

He placed the helmet squarely on the American boy's head and glanced at Flavia Sherman, who had put on a wide-brimmed sun hat of white felt decorated with coloured ribbons. BNCB

While there he is introduced to Frances Rice, a charming and attractive girl, wearing an even more attractive sun hat. BNCB

suspender belt

podvazkový pás

Her petticoat fell next; then the cami-knickers; after that the suspender belt with its four suspenders clicking in their release. BNCB

After the suspender belt, suspender welt and foot had been cut off, the stocking was tied round the head and the hair rolled over and tucked into a v shape. BNCB

 Jim Scott watched as she finished applying the vaseline, pacing the dressing room as she stood naked before him, slipping on a G-string and a suspender belt. BNCB

sweat pants


She wars a T-shirt, culottes and a baseball cap but can be changed into a sweat-shirt and sweat pants. BNCB

They can wear a sweatshirt or blouse, with culottes or sweat pants. BNCB

I like wearing sweat pants with my favourite T-shirt. Lingea

swimming trunks

pánské plavky

And they all seized their swimming trunks and towels and piled into the BMW. BNCB

For women, tight trousers and top or a leotard or swimsuit; for men, swimming trunks would be ideal. BNCB

 And I've got, we've got three very handsome young men in swimming trunks on top of my roof . BNCB


šitý na míru

And tailor-made… throw-away fashion that suits the pocket of the thrifty. BNCB

Product examples are ships, tailor-made suits and hospital construction. BNCB

Tailor-made short course for individual companies, to bring their staff up to date with modern computer techniques. BNCB

take one´s hat off to sb


You must also take your hat off to Curtis Strange who had not played well during the week but who birdied the final four holes --; no mean feat --; to ensure that his country wasn't beaten. BNCB

I take my hat off to people who do voluntary work in their spare time.CIDI

I take my hat to our teachers who've raised standards in the school with very few resources. CIDI

take to one´s heels

vzít nohy na ramena

As soon as they saw the soldiers coming, they took to their heels. CIDI

Thousands of Eritreans leave homes, take to their heels. WebC

They had only two options- either take to heels or surrender. WebC

tank top

vestička s výstřihem

Once on deck he stopped to admire Ellen who was dressed in a brief pair of shorts and a faded tank top. BNCB

She was in her warmup kit of white tank top, running shorts, red legwarmers, and basketball shoes. BNCB

One of them, a bearded beer-bellied fellow in a tank top and tattoos, approaches. BNCB

ten-gallon hat

kovbojský klobouk

Both sported a magnificent moustache, both wore a ten-gallon hat and both were dressed to kill at the Golden Boot Awards for Westerns in Beverly Hills last night. BNCB

He sticks to his guns and, for that reason alone, deserves a tip of the ten-gallon hat. BNCB

Mildred Fender was in sequins with large feather earrings and a ten-gallon hat. BNCB

tennis shoes


She was wearing white cotton jeans, a peach-coloured T-shirt and white tennis shoes. BNCB

The Fish had short hair and wore uninspired clothes, like a white shirt, crumpled suit and tennis shoes. BNCB

She stood up suddenly, so that she could stamp the floor, annoyed because tennis shoes couldn't make a big enough noise to suit her fury. BNCB

the boot/shoe is on other foot

karta se obrátila

In the past, we had great influence over their economy, but the boot is on the other foot now. CIDI

Sometimes the boot is on the other foot, the cargo is allowed to pass by the British and stopped by the enemy. Times 1940

Now the boot is on the other foot, and again they show signs of falsifying the outlook by interpreting it in the old and doctrinaire terms of class warfare. Times 1949

three-piece suit

třídílný oblek

He wears a three-piece suit with an old-fashioned watch-chain looped across his waistcoated paunch. BNCB

The boatman wears a traditional thick navy woollen three-piece suit over a white woollen shirt. BNCB

He wore an immaculately tailored three-piece suit, cut from a cloth of apricot cream. BNCB

thrift shops

obchody s použitým zbožím, jejichž výdělek jde na charitu

She takes as her working material clothing scavenged from thrift shops and garage sales, women's clothes mostly from the 1950s, and combines them with various substances including hair, urine and even faeces. BNCB

Two seasons ago Metro Pictures treated us to a collection of found art, paintings by anonymous amateur limners purchased mostly at thrift shops by a West Coast artist named Jim Shaw. BNCB

Revenue from the Thrift Shop (which shares the same premises as St. Bride's Stall) helps to offset some of that expenditure for both parishes. BNCB

throw/toss one´s hat into the ring

ohlásit kandidaturu

She's seriously considering throwing her hat in the ring and declaring herself a candidate for the election. CIDI

The new political party called Rednecks threw its hat into the ring. Wasp

It is very serious, they are throwing their hat into the ring. IE

tie (up) one´s shoes

zavázat si boty

Difficult problems like learning to type, ride a bicycle, tie shoes, or knit seem almost impossible at first, but once learned become as matter-of-fact as breathing or walking. BNCB

Tie up your shoes otherwise you cannot walk properly. Lingea

For small children it is not easy to tie up their shoes because most of them do not know how to do it. Wasp

tight trousers

těsné kalhoty

He saluted a little man in tight trousers and a yachting cap, standing by a boat pulled up on the bank. BNCB

For women, tight trousers and top or a leotard or swimsuit; for men, swimming trunks would be ideal. BNCB

He watched with interest a young girl in front of him in tight trousers. BNCB

tighten one´s belt

utáhnout si opasek, uskromnit se

If we want to going on a holiday to Europe this year we will have to tighten our belts and begin to save some money. IC

I've had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time. CIDI

When my father died, we had to tighten our belts to survive. BNC-B

top hat


The tall lantern jawed villain in top hat and tails plays an organ. BNCB

When he came home he found her peering into the well of his top hat. BNCB

He looked down at Harriet's motionless body and took off his top hat. BNCB

toreador pants

tříčtvrťáky, kalhoty do půl lýtek

Whenever it is warm, he is wearing his toreador pants to attract girls. Lingea

It is very comfortable to wear toreador pants in summer. IE

John likes wearing toreador pants but they are out of fashion now. IE

torn clothes

roztrhané šaty

There were two cardboard boxes in the middle of the room full of bits of glass and torn clothes. BNCB

Shreds of torn clothes disguised her battered body. BNCB

They scrape me down from head to foot --; my torn clothes, my hands, my broken knees, the nose on my face. BNCB

town and gown

obyvatelé a studenti (univerzitního města)

Certainly, it's the strongest point of contact between town and gown. BNCB

In doing so, the Riverside has forged strong links between town and gown. BNCB

1990 marked a time of celebration of a joint venture between town and gown which has given pleasure and interest to many, with the publication of the 7th pamphlet of the Bristol Branch of the Historical Association, under the continuing editorship of Emeritus Professor Paddy McGrath. BNCB

tracksuit trousers


Fumblingly, shaking with excitement, I struggled to pull up my tracksuit trousers, half praying, half whispering: Wait, Lawrence. BNCB

This time Leonora was allowed only a short session with Emma before Penry returned, damp about the head, but clean again in navy guernsey and tracksuit trousers, his bare feet in ancient espadrilles. BNCB

Leonora watched numbly as Penry, who had now added the navy guernsey to his tracksuit trousers, made the bed with a swiftness and dexterity any ward sister would have approved. BNCB

trail one´s coat

provokovat (ke sporu)

In the hope of making a few other people laugh at themselves no doubt I overdo it a bit, deliberately trailing my coat, as I did with those notorious brown and white eggs. CI

Two emotions are dominant in Hedda, the fear of scandal and the fear of ridicule, and we know that Ibsen, though willing to trail his coat in print, was privately dominated by these emotions. CI

At Easter the Republicans hold their parades, to the fury of the Orange Order who in their turn march about the streets. It falls to the army t keep these remarkable manifestations apart and to prevent their coat-trailing brinkmanship from erupting into physical violence. CI


nepromokavý kabát

He is wearing a tweed cap and an ancient blue trenchcoat. BNCB

Ron wears a kilt, a pair of orange Day-Glo tights, heavy green military boots, a pink macrame tank top and a yellow trenchcoat. BNCB

You have to know how to keep ahead of this game if you don't want to wind up in a wooden trenchcoat. BNCB

trouser leg


 I look at the false leg for a bit while he pulls up his trouser leg. BNCB

 Henry licked his finger, then rubbed it against his trouser leg. BNCB

Masklin took a standing jump and landed on the trouser leg, just as the foot moved. BNCB

trouser suit

kalhotový kostým

 A soft cotton wrap gives a relaxed look to a smart tailored trouser suit. BNCB

He would like her, in her trouser suit, blue and new, frilled collar and cuffs with lace. BNCB

Opening the catalogue, a gnarled and beringed hand pointed to a slim dark-skinned young woman modelling a trouser suit. BNCB

try on


The woman was wearing a red hat which Katharine impertinently asked to try on. BNCB

Put yourself in the hands of our experts, who will transform your hair and make-up and let you try on the latest fashions. BNCB

In front of mirrors women try on dresses, men select ties. BNCB


sušička na prádlo

These matter rolled round and round my brain, like a thunderstorm, like clothes in a tumble-drier. BNCB

She had been watching the tumble-drier for ages and still her clothes weren't quite dry. BNCB

And then, you can always take out the extra insurance with er, no but it isn't very much for a tumble-drier, for five years and there's no problems that way. BNCB

undo one´s shoes

rozvázat si boty

Okay, plonk your bottom down there and we'll undo your shoes. BNCB

Can someone help me to undo my shoes? Lingea

You forgot to undo your shoes, do it right now. Wasp

vital statistics


These goals will be for weight and also possibly for size, i.e. your vital statistics. BNCB

Managers need information on population size and characteristics, vital statistics, finances, personnel and facilities. BNCB

Used by agency models, the card shows a photograph of the model with her vital statistics -height, bust, waist, hips, shoes, colour of hair and eyes; detailed alongside. BNCB

walking boots

vycházková obuv

These boots are a fine, solidly made pair of traditional walking boots. BNCB

Most modern walking boots come with removable footbeds or insoles, allowing greater flexibility of fit. BNCB

The man is dressed in walking boots, brown cords and a shirt and green hiking jacket. BNCB

walking cane

vycházková hůl

He opened his cyanide powder and with a long spoon, fashioned from a elegant old walking cane, tipped powder down the hole. BNCB

She put on a coat, took down her walking cane which hung behind the door and then we left. BNCB

The Countess jabbed her walking cane in the direction of a girl with bright gold ringlets and eyes as radiant as sapphires. BNCB

wash/air one´s dirty linen in public

prát své špinavé prádlo na veřejnosti, tahat hádky nebo problémy na veřejnost

His personal problems are nobody else`s business and he doesn`t like his wife to air his dirty linen in public when they go out with friends. IC

I was brought up to believe that it was wrong to wash your dirty linen in public. CIDI

You shouldn't wash dirty linen in public but, as far as I'm concerned, if it's a reality, it should stand. BNC-B

waterproof clothing

nepromokavé oblečení, oděv

Go well prepared with a map and compass and warm waterproof clothing. BNCB

Most sailing courses can provide buoyancy aids and waterproof clothing, while a pair of trainers and shorts will get you by with a borrowed lifejacket while crewing in the summer. BNCB

For waterproof clothing, when weight is not a problem, some people still like waxed cotton jackets. BNCB

waxed jacket

nepromokavá bunda (z voskového plátna)

Harriet stood there in breeches and waxed jacket, holding a rope halter and a plastic bucket. BNCB

Gone was the waxed jacket and jeans, replaced by a dinner-jacket that made him look formal and distinguished --; and even more dangerously attractive. BNCB

With a brief announcement that she was going out, she grabbed a waxed jacket from the hall and ran out to the Volvo, her stomach in knots as she unlocked the door. BNCB

wear black

chodit v černém

Although Southall likes to wear black --; he was head to toe in it on international duty for Wales in Belgium on Wednesday --; he hasn't lost his colourful sense of humour. BNCB

Averland's soldiers wear black and yellow. BNCB

Although she was a widow, she didn't usually wear black. BNCB

wear one´s heart on one´s sleeve

mít srdce na dlani, mít co na srdci, to na jazyku

She is wearing her heart on her sleeve and everyone knows that she is having problems with her boyfriend again. IC

John's always worn his heart on his sleeve, so there's no doubt who he'll be supporting. CIDI

It is not always great to wear your heart on your sleeve. Lingua

wear out/down/thin

obnosit, opotřebovat se

Interlining will add years to the life of your curtains and you are likely to tire of them well before they wear out. BNCB

" If you wore iron boots on your feet, you would wear out twelve pairs of them before you found her! BNCB

Truly sir to wear out their shoes to get myself into more work. BNCB

wear the trousers/pants

být hlava rodiny, rozhodovat

I don't think there's any doubt about who wears the trousers in their house. CIDI

She seems to wear the pants in her family and is always telling her husband what to do. IC

My wife is trying to wear the pants in our family, but it is impossible. Lingua

wear thin

ošoupat se, ošlapat se, docházet, ztrácet

I've warned you several times about being late and my patience is wearing thin. CIDI

This excuse about not having enough staff to run the trains is wearing rather thin, don't you think? CIDI

We had been told to wear thin summer frocks, although it was November. BNCB

wear through

roztrhat nošením

Till our bums wear through the three piece. BNCB

In each case, it has to go into a sail pocket and, to avoid wear through abrasion, the rod should have cappings or a Dacron polyester tape reinforcement at each end, or the fabric will soon become pierced. BNCB

As their men humped coarse sacks down this narrow lane, the gritty sugar inside would wear through the hessian and rub raw against their shoulders. BNCB

wear two hats

mít dvě zaměstnání, dvě funkce

Because I breed racehorses, I also am a farmer so I wear two hats, but I've actually seen foxes sit down we move the hounds move in, si sit down and scratch in the middle of a field, and then they think ah! BNCB

Her husband died five years ago, she has two small children, that is why she wears two hats, she must provide enough food for them. Wasp

 Nowadays, he wears two hats so that his son John could go to university. Lingea

wedding dress

svatební šaty

She says to tell you she's seen Princess Di's wedding dress in a Coney Island store front and should she check it out for you? BNCB

The ceremony was held in a hotel, complete with flowers, wedding dress and all the trimmings. BNCB

He found his father's suits, carefully folded and smelling even now of camphor, and his mother's wedding dress, the silk rotting and the lace yellow with age. BNCB

wet suit


Unless you live in a warm climate a wet suit will be a necessity, as it is very difficult to learn anything if you are cold and shivering. BNCB

A wet suit will also enable you to spend more time on the water than if you only venture out when the sun is shining. BNCB

The wet suit should be tight fitting and allow reasonable freedom of movement. BNCB

wet the clothes

počůrat se, pomočit se

Small children frequently wet their clothes. Lingua

She was feeling really embarrassed because she wet the clothes before my eyes. Lingua

It is not normal to wet the clothes at the age of seven. BNC-B

white-collar workers


Routine white-collar workers include such groups as clerks, secretaries and shop assistants. BNCB

Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class. BNCB

It is offensive of the company to give an assurance to hourly-paid staff, but not extend it to white-collar workers. BNCB

winter coat

zimní plášť, kabát

It is also difficult to save for an emergency such as house repairs or other expenses like a new winter coat. BNCB

He's got his big winter coat on with silver buttons and his tall hat. BNCB 

I was dressed in a heavy winter coat and still wore my gloves. BNCB

wool socks

vlněné ponožky

Black leather loafers, £79.99, Jones The Bootmaker; grey wool socks, Burlington. BNCB

Three pairs of navy wool socks and a white-spotted red cotton scarf made up the total. BNCB

In winter my mother loves wearing wool socks. Lingea

wrap-around skirt

zavinovací sukně

She had short blonde hair and was wearing a yellow blouse and a cotton wrap-around skirt also in yellow but blotched with large orange flowers. BNCB

Now she was positively skinny, a fact which the dark red silky dress with its cross-over bodice and wrap-around skirt did little to conceal. BNCB

A light blue wrap-around skirt and a beautiful white silk blouse. BNCB