úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.53
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

last word

poslední slovo

Censor Board must have last word on film`s release. (Google)

According to Pope Benedict, Easter liturgy assures us that evil does not have last word.(Google)

They have their own jobs, homes, cars, and even pay their own bills. So do men really have the last word? (Google)

laugh sth/sb off

někomu/něčemu se vysmát

I was so angry when I first read that he laughed off the topic as he did. (Google)

The actress has laughed off reports she is on a crash diet to keep up with skinny Hollywood stars. (Google)

The actress has laughed off pregnancy rumours - but confessed she wants to start a family soon. (Google)

learn lesson

poučiť sa

I'm never going to mix my drinks again - I've learnt my lesson. (Google)

Governments and airlines had failed to learn lessons from the incident. (BNC)

It would progressively develop the Cadbury code of conduct in a non-legalistic way by learning lessons from corporate wrong-doing. (BNC)

lie through one's teeth

lže jako když tiskne

My wife filed a restraining order against me and lied through her teeth about my fiscal abuse and wants spousal support when she has a good paying job. (Google)

The lease contract was very general, and she lied through her teeth about what the horse can do. She said the horse could jump and jump well. (Google)

You both lied through your teeth to me and you know it. (Google)

lodge a complaint

stěžovat si, podat stížnost

If you have not been able to resolve your problem, you can lodge a complaint with the Office of Fair Trading. (Google)

Lodge a complaint using the online complaints form. You may also view the complaints process and contact details. (Google)

There are several ways you can lodge a complaint against a moving company, but before you do, make sure you contact the company directly to try to resolve the issue. (Google)

lost for words

stratiť reč, nemat slov

Tony, looks at me, for once lost for words. (BNC)

My friend, whose ablutions are an elaborate, and to him, essential part of his pre-sermon warm up, was for once lost for words. (BNC)

DRACULA star Sadie Frost, 25, was lost for words in a love scene she was supposed to punctuate with moans. (BNC)


důvěrné, interní informace

I went up there last spring about a year ago, met with Bob, and I got a lowdown on some of the new things coming. (Google)

I got a lowdown today from a Russian in the telecommunications mergers and acquisitions business; he says deal after deal is stalling because no-one will lend money. (Google)

We got a lowdown on why it is that maybe foreigners think French people are rude. They are not rude, they are merely honest. (Google)