úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.28
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


výroba krajek

1. Cutwork, or various combinations of early lace forms with embroidery , also formed an important step in lace making. WebC

2. Men worked at lace-making as a sideline, in the evenings, especially sailors back from long voyages. WebC

3. She worked as a lace designer with the Sybil Carter Indian Lace Association, and taught lace making to Native Americans as a means of increasing their income. WebC

lack frash air

pociťovat nedostatek čerstvého vzduchu

1. We have no shelter and nothing to eat, we lack fresh air and all the other things we need to survive. WebC

2. Hospital buildings, she said, lack fresh air from open windows and may have poor ventilation systems. WebC

3. During transport the animals are chained or crammed into small cages that are often hot, lack fresh air and adequate water supply. WebC

lawn clippings

posekaná tráva

1. A recent study found that 147 homeowners who quit bagging their lawn clippings saved over half an hour on each mowing - an average of seven hours per season. WebC

2. Should you leave your lawn clippings on the grass or rake them up? WebC

3. The major sources of phosphorus in runoff are from lawn clippings and tree leaves left in the streets and gutters. WebC

light industry

lehký průmysl

1. Light industry in the Krai is represented by clothes enterprises and knitted-goods factory. WebC

2. It is widely used in chemical, light industry, food, pharmacy, metallurgy and other trades. WebC

3. The light industry branches employ approximately 19% of the people working in industry. WebC

light traffic

slabý provoz

1. The drive from downtown takes about 20 minutes in light traffic. WebC

2. This is a two-lane undivided highway with light traffic. WebC

3. The morning rush hour closed today with light traffic levels in the Twin Cities. WebC

limited resources

omezené zdroje

1. It is a must for those who manage, lead or play a key role in helping technical teams deliver successful projects with limited resources. WebC

2. Governments have limited resources for addressing the world's economic challenges. WebC

3. The supply of water declines along the line of distribution, leading to unequal sharing of the limited resources. WebC

local bus

místní autobus

1. The Transport for Lancashire website is an excellent way to find out about local bus services. WebC

2. For all local bus and travel information contact the transport office on 01572 772392. WebC

3. The Bath Bus Company provides ordinary local bus services in and around the City of Bath, and on contract to local authorities. WebC

local industry

místní průmysl

1. Should government protect local industry? WebC

2. The city council offers a range of assistance to local industry, including low-cost managed workspaces and property lists. WebC

3. There are many activities that governments can instigate to further enhance local industry. WebC

local knowledge

znalost místních poměrů

1. Any local knowledge would be greatly appreciated. WebC

2. Members have access to international experiences, case studies, resources, local knowledge and expertise from every other member. WebC

3. The long-term impacts on the northern environment will be monitored by using local knowledge. WebC

local politician

místní politik

1. Jacob Broom was a local politician whose interests remained focused throughout his career on the government of his city and state. WebC

2. When the son of a local politician is assassinated, Taggart and the team are called in to investigate. WebC

3. Well, at one time Mr. Bush was a local politician, and just because he has the title of President doesnt give him a magical authority and superior morality. WebC

local town council

místní městská rada

1. This was where the local town council looked after the affairs of the burgh for over 400 years. WebC

2. Its local Town Council has met this challenge by investing in sport and social activities and supporting local commerce and community events. WebC

3. Both the Bridport and Dorchester Tree Partnerships are administered by the local town council. WebC

look out onto

mít výhled na

1. The windows look out onto the most important monuments and have a view of the hills surrounding Florence. WebC

2. Recently, he remodeled the master bedroom to look out onto the backyard. WebC

3. Located close to the beach, all rooms have individual terraces with sun loungers which look out onto the resort's landscaped gardens. WebC

lookout tower

rozhledna, vyhlídková věž

1. You can drive a few miles from route 3 to the trail head and walk around a mile up a steep rocky trail to the Magalloway Lookout tower. The view is worth it! WebC

2. The Berri Lookout Tower has been formed by converting a disused town water tower into a lookout. WebC

3. The steel lookout tower on Petrin Hill was under reconstruction. WebC

lord of the manor

majitel panství, zámecký pán

1. He really should grow up and act a bit more like a lord of the manor. I told him so, but he only shouted at me. WebC

2. His father was a lord of the manor, near Spilsby, here in Lincolnshire. WebC

3. After your meal take coffee in the lounge and sink into the traditional furniture like a lord of the manor! WebC