pátek, 5. července 2024, 22.20
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL
Libor Juhaňák

run a hotel

provozovat hotel

If you work in Ibis you get to learn all aspects of what it takes to run a hotel. WebC

The Chapman family who have run the hotel for the past 40 years have kept the decor in keeping with the atmosphere the building creates. BNC

Two friendly, hospitable brothers own and run the Hotel Gallini and regard both the hotel and their guests with great affection. BNC

run out of petrol

spotřebovat benzín, nemít už žádný benzín

The pair, who made the return journey last weekend in 27 hours travelling across France by freight train, say their biggest fear was that they might run out of petrol.  BNC

We ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. MED

They ran out of petrol some miles from their destination, fortunately near to some houses whose occupants came to their rescue. BNC

rush hour

dopravní špička

In Los Angeles workers joke that the rush hour begins at 5.30am and goes on to 8.30pm. BNC

At the height of the rush hour, when the streets were at their very busiest, two terrorist bombs exploded bringing the city of Manchester to a standstill and injuring 64 innocent people. BNC

As the traffic thickened towards the rush hour it got easier, but more boring, to stay fairly close behind him. BNC

sail close to the wind

držet se jen tak tak v povolených mezích, pohybovat se na hranici (zákona)

You were sailing a bit close to the wind there when you made those remarks about his wife.CALD

It is a shame, while admittedly some of these type of events do sail close to the wind on safety issues, this one in particular was well thought out and executed. WebC

Their ability to sail close to the wind enabled them to escape these patrols as well. WebC


sailing boat/ship


 On 4 September 1843, while Hugo was travelling with his mistress, his newly married daughter Léopoldine and her husband Charles took to the river at Villequier in a small sailing boat. BNC

Diana Campbell, herself a keen sailor despite being confined to a wheelchair for the last 45 years, dreamt up the idea of a specially adapted dinghy sailing boat in the early seventies, and persuaded Roderick Macalpine-Downie to design it. BNC

With a friend he ran away and after some short voyages was bound apprentice to a Mr. Sanderson, the owner of a sailing ship, the Elizabeth Ann. BNC

seaside resort

přímořské letovisko

The house is situated in the seaside resort of St. Anne's-on-Sea in Lancashire and is only a short walk from the beach. BNC

 We passed a pleasant seaside resort on the way to the harbour. BNC

Blackpool is the biggest seaside resort in Europe, attracting around 17 million visitors a year. BNC

season ticket

předplatní/časová jízdenka

The cost of an annual season ticket between Cambridge and London, rises from two thousand three hundred and forty to two thousand five hundred and twenty eight pounds. BNC

 I used to travel by bus a lot, so I had a season ticket. BNC

seat belt

bezpečnostní pás u sedadla

Do you know how to fasten/do up your seat belt? CALD

Wearing a seat belt in the front seat of a car has been the law since 1983.BNC

It is not only your life which is at risk if you do not wear an available seat belt. BNC

see sb. off

vyprovodit někoho (na nádraží, před odjezdem atd.)

My parents saw me off at the airport. CALD

Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre, while I made my way to London, where I was joined by Dana a few days later. BNC

Soon it was time for him to return and it was arranged that Anne and Sarah who were both free would see him off at the station. BNC

self-catering accommodation/holiday

ubytování/hotel s vlastním stravováním

If the informality of a self-catering holiday is more to your taste, Holimarine specialises in this type of holiday for the over 50 age group. BNC

Self-catering holidays have proved the great growth area in the last ten years. BNC

The self-catering accommodation is similarly arranged by price. BNC

service the car

provádět údržbu auta

Very impressive when you consider they had to stop to refuel, change drivers and service the car while the clock was ticking. WebC

There was just enough time to service the car at a local Toyota dealer and to arrange for papers and secure the vehicle in a container. WebC

set forth

vyrazit, vydat se na cestu

Elizabeth Mowbray, accompanied by her daughter and a large entourage, set forth from Framlingham a few weeks later. BNC

He set forth at once for Northampton with a mere three hundred men, leaving Sir Richard Ratcliffe, his knight of the body, at York to raise more troops and follow him south with the reinforcements. BNC

set off for

vydat se někam, odcestovat

When it came time for him to be knighted by Henry I in Rouen, he set off for Normandy with a crowd of these young men about him. BNC

Hence, almost immediately after the Pensions Act was passed, Lloyd George set off for Germany to investigate the longest established national insurance system. BNC

 She was eighteen and had never been out of England, yet she unhesitatingly set off for a remote and savage country in Africa. BNC

set out on a journey

vydat se cestu

On the first day of last July, I with twelve others set out on journey to Minnesette mines, located in Sierras near, head of San Joaquin River, one hundred miles north east of Fresno, driving first sixty miles in light wagons with outfit for journey. WebC

He set out on journey that was to last for three years, visiting many sections of the country and making friends of all descriptions. WebC

The lashing rains and lightening made it quite difficult to set out on journey.  WebC

set sail


They set sail for France.CALD

We enjoyed a lovely day in the sun and set sail on the return trip in time to be back in harbour before dark. BNC

The fisherman cut their lines and set sail for port, but the sea serpent continued to follow them. BNC