вторник, 16 июля 2024, 16:08
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: NATURE

linden tree


  1. Fritzsche and Merek are seated beneath a linden tree. (COCA)
  2. Christina took the little boy when he was still very young to see the great linden tree that stood between Linnhult and Jamsboda, a village nearby. (COCA)
  3. The linden tree casts dappled shadows that hood his eyes in darkness. (COCA)

little bird told me

štěbetali si to vrabci na střeše

  1. Where did you hear it? Little bird told me. (Google)
  2. A little bird told me, you'd better listen to the law. (Google)
  3. A little bird told me, that you're feeling down today. (Google)

loan shark


  1. Sheriffs and bailiffs from numerous interdimensional realms, and a loan shark named Vinnie. (COCA)
  2. She was so desperate that she was going to go to a loan shark in Pretoria who would make her pay 100 percent interest. (COCA)
  3. The next morning, she made a new friend: a loan shark, whom she must repay $8 for every $5 borrowed. (COCA)

lock horns

dohadovat se

  1. Arab nationalism had risen, and the two superpowers had begun to lock horns. (COCA)
  2. Washington and Brussels will just as likely lock horns over the Middle East. (COCA)
  3. I knew that she knew, but neither of us were willing to lock horns over the issue. (COCA)

low tide


I'll maroon you on the rock there at low tide, for the waves rising to take you! BNC

Chink's warning floated like a buoy at low tide. COCA

"The house smelled like low tide," she complained. Times