вторник, 16 июля 2024, 15:44
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: WORK & LEISURE

mail-order business

zásilkový obchod
It presents tips and hints for starting a mail order business.

make a killing

zarobiť veľa peňazí

1. But an on-the-ball whisky shop could make a killing with its special EC-label malt Scotch at £27.70 a bottle. BNC

2. We've been worried for years about their tendency to see Britain as a soft market in which to make a killing. BNC

3. Once it has been led farther and farther away from the nest by the parent bird, it will have difficulty in rediscovering the position of the nest and will, in all probability, set off to search elsewhere if it fails to make a killing. BNC

make a meal out of

zbytočne niečim strácať čas

1. We've added controls which take full advantage of the instant responsiveness and controllability of gas, so you needn't make a meal out of cooking up a snack. BNC

2. I only asked her to write a brief summary of the main points but she made a real meal out of it. CIDoI

3. Grandmother Maidment was a good manager, a good cook who could make a meal out of nothing and was especially expert with currant duff, steamed suet pudding made in a cloth. BNC

make a quick/fast buck

prísť k peniazom

1. Young hopefuls in dead-end jobs with a burning desire to make a quick buck were seen, along with unworldly yet ambitious and arrogant graduates. BNC

2. Of course no bright young thing who wants to make a quick buck would consider going into the ministry. BNC

3. Others would prefer just to fuel the war, and make a quick buck at the same time. BNC

make a virtue of necessity

urobiť z núdze cnosť

1. However, my brief was to make a virtue of necessity, as we all have to do from time to time, and concentrate on the planting. BNC

2. Because import duty (35 per cent on ornamented goods) and freight charges, had from the start pushed prices up in the US, Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag. BNC

3. It`s a long way to drive so I thought I`d make a virtue of necessity and stop off at some interesting places along the way. CIDoI

make hard work of something

niečo zbytočne komplikovať

1. You can make hard work of an easy job if you don't know the right way to go. BNC

2. He`s really making hard work of that ironing. CIDoI

3. Gloucester never got themselves into gear and they made hard work of what should have been a straightforward game. BNC

make headway

mať úspech

1. The trouble is that small boats make headway a lot faster than big governments. BNC

2. To put that off, she needed to make headway that would be noticed in the real world. BNC

3. In the 1890s purists began to make headway at a local level by persuading the police and the courts to support their programme. BNC

make it

byť úspešný v práci, presadiť sa

1. Now he`s got his own TV show he feels as though he`s really made it. CIDoI

2. She hasn`t got a hope of making it as a dancer. CIDoI

3. She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I don't continue, but the way I am feeling now, I don't want to. BNC

make it big

presadiť sa

1. Legent Corp is aiming to make it big in systems management. BNC

2. After years of trying, he finally made it big in America. CIDoI

3. Noblenet Inc, the Natick, Massachusetts-based developer of EZ-RPC transport-independent remote procedure call software, is trying to make it big and and is looking for OEMs to sell its distributed computing technology. BNC

make light work of

niečo rýchlo zvládnuť

1. Make light work of cooking with the help of Philips' electronic HR2898 food processor. BNC

2. Heather made light work of painting the walls. CIDoI

3. You made light work of that chocolate cake! CIDoI

make sth out to sb

vypsat co na koho, adresovat co na koho:to write a cheque/money order to a named person or company
  • Shall I make out the cheque to you or to the company? - Mám ten šek vypsat na vás nebo na firmu?
  • Make it out to the company. - Adresujte to na firmu, napište to na firmu

make up for lost time

dohnať zameškané

1. I'll have to work a bit harder to make up for lost time when I get there. BNC

2. Nonetheless, we immediately started our other meetings to make up for lost time. BNC

3. Certainly, it will need to work hard to make up for lost time; the party has neglected the cause of democratic socialism in the North for far too long and it has allowed would-be Labour activists to become demoralised. BNC

manufacturing plants

výrobní provoz, továrna

I work with managers at our manufacturing plants.

many hands make light work

čím viacej ľudí, tým je práca jednoduchšia a rýchlejšia

1. Many hands make light work, and if everyone volunteers to do one small job, then no one is overburdened. Google

2. Many hands make light work, and if those hands are editing electronic versions of the same document, version control software can merge their changes with little clerical overhead. Google

3. Saturday, at the cemetery clean up, there were between 60 and 70 volunteers to
make "light work of many hands." Google

market research

- study of consumers’ needs & preferences, often for a particular product

Market research shows that demand for small cars will continue to grow.

maternity leave

mateřská dovolená

We will increase the amount of maternity leave for pregnant women.

mind the store

niekoho (dočasne) zastúpiť v práci

1. The conventional wisdom of his time, like that of our time, held that the best way to run a business (or a department) was to mind the store, managing one's field and only one's field, watching it like a microscope image, getting better and better at knowing and doing just one thing. BNC

2. Dana, please mind the store while I go to the post office. Google

3. So who`s going to be minding the store while your manager`s away? CIDoI

mix business with pleasure

miešať prácu a zábavu

1. Still, learn from experience: and the moral of this story is: don't mix business with pleasure. BNC

2. Look, I know that one shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but if I asked you again, would you come out with me? BNC

3. The occasion was ostensibly to mark the birthday of his wife, Barbara, and was an excuse to mix business with pleasure, since invitations were issued not only to personal friends of the chairman's but also to various luminaries of the art world, and a few favoured clients. BNC

monetary policy (financial policy )

finanční, měnová politika


morální stav, morálka

Morale has been at rock bottom ever since they announced the job cuts.


mortgage - hypotéka

I got a mortgage on my new flat.

Mr Big

šéf, hlava

1. Turner nearly became Mr Big at Barnet a couple of years ago when he fronted a consortium negotiating to buy the club from chairman Stan Flash&rehy. BNC

2.Mr Big of this particular syndicate turned out to be a wealthy bookmaker who owned a Newmarket racing stable. BNC

3.   Kenny Dalglish was last night named as the new Mr Big of Premier League football ; by rival boss Bobby Gould. BNC