Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 13:55
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: MONEY

make a bundle

vydělat balík

When the market went up they made a bundle. (Google)
Will the devopers make a bundle off the disaster? (Google)
Manfred made a bundle selling real estate. (Google)

make ends meet

vyjít s penězi
  1. She is forced to buy things from charity shops to make ends meet. (BNCB)
  2. It was the time of their lives when they found it hardest to make ends meet. (BNCB)
  3. She is unemployed and depends upon benefits to make ends meet. (BNCB)

money to burn

peníze na rozdávání

Christine's new boyfriend seems to have money to burn. He's always buying her extravagant gifts. (FreeDictionary)

Of course, Bennett will have money to burn until he keels over dead. (Google)

She´s bought brand new shoes, I can´t believe she can afford them. - Well, she has money to burn.(Google)