úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

main concern

hlavní zájem

1. Are both price and quality your main concern? WebC

2. The main concern is how it’s going to affect the environment. WebC

3. Do you think the main concern of the world this morning is the rules that will apply to the treatment of Saddam Hussein? WebC

main street

hlavní ulice

1. In the main street of Gibraltar we saw three red hairs lying on a wheel- barrow before a baker's door. WebC

2. The main attraction in the main street is the only souvenir stall that comes without strong colours, the underground one, just where the street bends. WebC

3. The telephone box and post box are in the main street. WebC

maintenance personnel

pracovníci údržby

1. BLM road maintenance personnel were on hand to collect the debris and haul it to a garbage dump. WebC

2. In some instances maintenance personnel are required to disable or defeat protective devices such as guards in order to perform their tasks. WebC

3. Maintenance personnel can now deliver just-in-time services to minimize operational costs and equipment downtime for maximum profitability. WebC

major road

hlavní silnice, hlavní tah

1. A major road accident took place in Moscow on Saturday afternoon. WebC

2. Police introduce patrols at major road intersections. WebC

3. Kathy Johnson insists her husband predicted their home would have to make way for a major road someday. WebC

make a mention of

zmíňit se o něčem

1. If you have applied with reference to an advertisement in a publication then make a mention of it. WebC

2. In case you have a long working experience make a mention of only the notable posts which you held. WebC

3. Make a mention of how important your relationship is to you. WebC

make ends meet

vycházet s penězi

1. Ehrenreich again took two jobs to make ends meet -- a weekend job in the Alzheimer's ward of a nursing home and a full-time job with a housecleaning service. Google

2. Many families may not be able to make ends meet with only their wages to rely on. Google

3. It was good money and most of the time I could make ends meet. Google

market town

město, v němž se konají trhy

1. Hitchin is a small vibrant market town with a thriving music scene and most of its traditional qualities still intact. WebC

2. Carmarthen town is a bustling market town with a regular market providing a good range of local products. WebC

3. The 8000 residents of the small market town of Alnwick in Northumberland enjoy the highest standard of life in the country, according to a new survey. WebC

medical insurance

zdravotní pojištění

1. First Team Insurance Services offers you a wide variety of medical insurance policies to protect you and your family against the high costs of health care. WebC

2. Providing international and travel medical insurance to travelers, visitors, expatriates, and students, SRI is a world leader in global health insurance. WebC

3. International students are required to present proof of active medical insurance before registering for classes. WebC

mineral spring

minerální pramen

1. The project area, which covers approximately 2,700 sf. comprises a remnant mineral spring, a gently sloping hillside and a spring-fed streambed. WebC

2. It is a thermal mineral spring containing a significant amount of dissolved minerals in a water temperature warmer than 98F. WebC

3. The pool inside is about 120 feet in circumference, and holds 40,000 gallons of constantly flowing, crystal clear mineral spring water. WebC

missing property

pohřešovaný majetek

1. Please note that this form is for lost or missing property only. WebC

2. What happens if missing property is found? WebC

3. Agencies shall maintain records of all stolen or missing property, including private property, regardless of value. WebC

modern art

moderní umění

1. Modern art has been quite self-conscious in its exploration of psycho-physical data and its use of dramatic purpose. BNCB

2. Yet in both its anti-art and anti-dada stages it makes a positive contribution to modern art. BNCB

3. By now free verse has been exposed as decadent, and modern art as the shopworn property of the bourgeois masses. BNCB

modern house

moderní dům

1. Glass is another danger and modern house design tends to favour large areas of glazing. BNCB

2. Modern house building gives less room for more people. BNCB

3. This fine modern house belonged to Fritz's uncle and was near the Castle of Zenda. BNCB

modern sculpture

moderní sochařské dílo

1. The Hirshhorn has one of the most comprehensive collections of modern sculpture in the United States or abroad. WebC

2. His David loses nothing when compared with Verrocchio's, and his Gloria Victis is one of the masterpieces of modern sculpture. WebC

3. The main modern sculpture is directly in front of the Town Hall and occupies the centre of Victoria Square. WebC

mountain climbing


1. Several mountain climbing expeditions are made every year to peaks of such natural wonders as Mount Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro. WebC

2. The first significant achievements in mountain climbing were the ascents of Mont Blanc made by Jacques Balmat and Michel G. Paccard. WebC

3. I love outdoor sports, especially mountain climbing and exploration. WebC

mountain hiking

horská turistika

1. I lived in German Bavaria for four years, where mountain hiking is very popular. WebC

2. Reading one of many good mountain hiking books can provide you a lot of good tips on hiking mountains in general. WebC

3. Most mountain hiking trails and mountain huts are open only from late June to early September because of snow in the higher passes. WebC