úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.25
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

mailed fist

železná ruka

Such optimism may still prove to be justified: but the bets are much riskier, now that China ’s leadership has shown its continued reliance on the mailed fist and its continued vulnerability to factional disputes.

Rather than overload the suit’s resources, he relaxed. The power axe, clenched in his mailed fist, still hewed away at the same small area in front of him, but for the life of him he couldn’t push himself into the space it liquefied, nor could he shift the weapon to left or to right.

I bear the same arms now but the middle finger of the mailed fist is no longer extended since the Queen’s herald, Rouge Croix, discovered that in certain parts of France such a gesture could be taken as offensive or obscene.


make a clean breast of something

upřímně přiznat

Besides, Mr. Aichi made a clean breast of it, and he returned the money to Recruit.

She preceded him out of the lift very much aware that, no matter how conscience and love might insist that she make a clean breast of everything, to confess was something she simply could not do.

A week later, they decided to make a clean breast to the police. Instead of being saluted for their honesty, they were prosecuted.


make a pig’s ear of


He made an equally fine job of the creatures, large and small that run around on the land; He even gave us the best crags in the world. So why did he make such a pig’s ear of the climate?

Helping him hire an assassin isn’t what I had in mind. Chant was very discreet. Death makes you that way, I find you really have made a pig’s ear of the whole thing.

She hoped, for the sake of appearance at the wedding, that the children’s clothes would be properly cut and fitted, she also hoped that between them Cynthia and her dressmaker would have made a pig’s ear of the business.


make a poor fist of something

zpackat, udělat nešikovně co

There are far too many organisations trying to save hunting. They are making a thoroughly poor fist of it, and many people have virtually given up.

Off on business with a milliner from Spalding leaving a list of jobs as long as his arm and a warning against making a poor fist of it.

Derbyshire made a poor fist of making 291 for victory. The early-order batsmen left Cork with an awful lot to do and, even in his week of glory, the task proved beyond him.


make eyes at somebody

dělat oči, házet očkem na koho

And when the vet came to take out Little Chef’s stitches, it was Ricky who held the wildly trembling dog in his arms. Any visiting player who was foolish enough to make eyes at Perdita, or disparaging cracks about Little Chef’s appearance, got very short shrift. By the beginning of August Ricky’s arm was so much better that he was able gently to stick and ball.

Can I come too? asked Tristan, playing his part. To make eyes at Miss Adeane? enquired Gemma, playing hers. Oh, absolutely not, my darling. Since it is Miss Ernestine Baker who has my heart.

It was a strange day outside. The wind was moving everything along like a nervous policeman. A drunk and disorderly can clattered on a grating. Torn Sunday colour supplements made eyes at her from the railings.


make up one’s mind

rozhodnout se

Hello, Sergeant. I am just trying to make up my mind whether to stay overnight with my cousin Katy McKay or walk to Achnacarry. Well, Piper, if you can not make up your mind, you are welcome to spend the night at the Police Station.

I still can't make up my mind what exactly to do about trying to get a university place or something like it, and I would feel better, I think, if we could talk about what you said when I visited you.

They hadn't come in yet so I started getting some food ready and tried to make up my mind what to tell Rick.


more than meets the eye

je to složitější, než se zdá, než to vypadá

There is no doubt that attentive, active listening is hard work (we will be thinking about this in the next chapter) but how much one learns through it! Certainly more than meets the eye. Have you noticed that you are becoming increasingly aware of people and of the message they are conveying?

But did you know Miele also make kitchens? The same principles of design, quality and attention to detail ensure that Miele kitchens offer much more than meets the eye.

And before the letters flood in from feminists, neither is this meant as a slur on womankind. Research confirms, however, that in the case of Caribbean cricket folklore there is more than meets the eye. West Indian parents have brought a touch of ingenuity to their adversity. Cricket represented a better life for their children.




My friend Kevin, muscleman and minicab driver, says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it wasn’t tipping down with rain the whole time.

Sylvester Stallone, 46, says he is flattered that a spoof of his Rambo films is being made. Charlie Sheen, who will play a dim-witted muscleman in the film, Hot Shots 2, said: I’d be flattered if a spoof was made of one of my movies.

MUSCLEMAN Arnold Schwarzenegger has secretly fought crippling pain with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Years of pumping iron have taken their toll on the 45-year-old’s body.


My lips are sealed.

Dám si pusu na zámek.

I can see what you mean, well, don't worry, my lips are sealed!

This was a very personal thing between Caduta and me. I'm saying nothing. My lips are sealed.

Have you ever had points on your licence? Yes, but my lips are sealed. It's all too embarrassing. (BNC-B)