Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 2:57 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: HEALTH

make a full recovery

zcela se zotavit

She is expected to make a full recovery but will remain in hospital for at least two weeks. (BNC)

Julian then made a full recovery and lived for another forty years. (BNC)

I'm glad to say he has made a full recovery, sir. (BNC)

make sb sick

znechucovat někoho, hýbat žlučí někomu

People like you make me sick! (LDCE)

Todays moral makes me sick. (Lingea)

If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick.(CALD)

- (spoken humorous) to make sb feel jelaous

You make me sick with your ‘expenses paid’ holidays’!(LDCE)

maternity home/hospital, obstetric hospital


Increasing grants have been made by some governments for the contruction of free maternity homes or maternity ward in general hospitals. (OED)

The supervision of midwifery, including the establishment of maternity homes. (OED)

Manchester has long felt the want of a maternity hospital. (OED)

maternity leave

mateřská dovolená

Some women choose to take maternity leave and return to work relatively soon after the birth of their child, either through financial necessity or from choice.(BNC)

I shall be on maternity leave from the end of December and plan to return to the editor's chair in the summer. (BNC)

At the meeting, she was told that the store had coped without her during her maternity leave and to cut costs she was now being made redundant. (BNC)

meet sb`s death/end

(literally), zemřít, najít svou smrt

In any case, a double indicates the Fanatic has met his end and the model is immediately removed from the table. (BNC)

Remembering how General Steiner had met his end in the Gestapo cellars at Prinz Albrechtstrasse, it seemed likely to Schellenberg that Himmler might have other reasons. (BNC)

 Find out why men and women became pirates, where they operated and how they met their end. (BNC)

meet sb`s maker

odejít na pravdu boží (euphem.)

I'm afraid Zoe's rabbit is no more. He's gone to meet his maker.(CIDI)

The one down his front said," ARE you READY TO MEET YOUR MAKER?" (BNC)

You'll see when you meet your maker... (WebCorp)