úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.30
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

mainframe computer

elektronkový počítač

This type of information used to be held on an IBM mainframe computer, but this closed down for financial reasons. (BNCI)

A NEW mainframe computer has been installed in the Fettes Row data centre to support the Branch Banking System throughout the UK. (BNCI)

The departmental network is linked to the University's mainframe computer services for statistical analysis packages and similar services. (BNCI)

majority party

většinová strana

Although in recent Parliaments, Labour and Conservative Speakers have alternated, there is a much longer tradition that a new Speaker is chosen by the majority party. (BNCI)

In Germany, in July 1932, the Nazi party won 230 seats in the Reichstag, which made them the majority party, although Adolph Hitler was not able to become the Chancellor until January 1933. (BNCI)

In practice, however, this is not the case because the party organises the Commons as well as the electorate and the leadership of the majority party forms the government and Cabinet. (BNCI)

make a deal

uzavřít dohodu, domluvit obchod

The unions and management have made a two-year pay and productivity deal.(Cambridge Dictionary)

I'll make a deal with you - you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight.(Cambridge Dictionary)

It is likely that he will set out to make a deal with the aborigines, offering compensation in return for legislation that clarifies their rights over land.(BNCI)

managing director

generální ředitel

1. There's a board of five directors, but she is the Managing Director.(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2. Even though this case dealt with a managing director who was clearly in a fiduciary position , its principles are equally applicable to other employees.(WASPS)

3.Write personal letters to both the company 's chairman and the managing director explaining your position and asking for their help.(WASPS)

market economy

tržní hospodářství

1. More than 1,300 Soviet businessmen, managers and scientists from the state and private sectors are planning to form a business lobby to help fight for a market economy in the Soviet Union. (BNCI)

2. In May 1990, in Hungary, the forum focused on bringing the enterprise culture to the evolving free market economy. (BNCI)

3. More likely, China is still trying to reconcile the irreconcilable: Marxism with a market economy, central control with the reality of powerful politicians in the provinces. (BNCI)

marketing research

průzkum trhu

A function of marketing research is to provide information that will help opportunities to be identified, evaluated, compared and selected. (BNCI)

 International marketing research in the gathering of information from search activities into international markets. (BNCI)

Its main object of attention is the customer (or market-place), and it is the customer's response, or non-response, that gives rise to most of the problems which marketing research is applied to. (BNCI)

mass immigration

masová imigrace

There is no other example in the world of a Government, that in peacetime has deliberately allowed its major population and economic centre to be overwhelmed by mass immigration as is the case with Auckland.(WebCorp)

Fortuyn wanted to completely stop mass immigration into Holland and allow the country to absorb and assimilate the huge number of immigrants that are already in the country. (WebCorp)

More and more newspaper commentators are now questioning the received wisdom that Britain has to have mass immigration in order to survive as a nation.(WebCorp)

mass privatization

masová privatizace

1. These are the mass privatisation of 600 large firms and the `;enterprise pact'; under which trade unions have promised to support the privatisation of 4,000 smaller firms in return for a say in running them (see page 43). (BNCI)

2. The price put on Russian industry comes from the government's programme of mass privatisation. (BNCI)

3. Important steps in reforming the structure of the economy during June included the launch of a mass privatization scheme, while the position of Yegor Gaidar, who was closely associated with the reform programme, was apparently strengthened when President Boris Yeltsin named him as Prime Minister on June 15. (BNCI)

middle-of-the-road party

strana politického středu

It is the party of small farmers and the lower middle-class; it is a middle-of-the-road party.(Google)

"I've always believed that the country was richer with a middle-of-the-road party such as the Liberal Party of Canada," said Rouselle. (Google)

Now, I think that all of us should hold this one truth in mind: every Republican, everybody he reaches, every independent, every discerning Democrat should be appealed to on the basis that we are truly a middle-of-the-road party and by that I don't mean just walking a wishy-washy path between right and wrong, not at all. (Google)

minority party

menšinová strana

 It is likely to come about only as a consequence of a general election yielding a majority for no single party thus putting a minority party favouring change in a strong position to secure it as a price for joining or supporting another minority party in government. (BNCI)

The administration's minority party has put off a decision whether to withdraw support for Prime Minister Albert Reynolds. (BNCI)

So, when Councillor Peter Bradley replied to a letter from a resident he was careful to describe himself only as a member of `;the minority party';. (BNCI)

molecular biology

molekulární biologie

The introduction of foreign DNA sequences into mammalian cells mediated by DNA transfection is a basic method in modern molecular biology. (Google)

And they come from diverse backgrounds: not only physiologists but also physicists, molecular biologists and mathematicians are attracted into neuroscience which threatens to displace physics and even molecular biology as the queen of the sciences. (Google)

The revolution that resulted in molecular biology enabled us to begin to understand many of the processes in the cell at the molecular level, although it must be stressed that we have a long way to go. (Google)

money laundering

praní špinavých peněz

1. If found guilty, Mr McNamara, who has been charged with mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering, could face up to 30 years in jail, the seizure of all his assets and fines amounting to more than $800m. (BNCI)

2. New legislation against" money laundering" came into effect on Aug. 1, 1990, making complicity in the laundering of" dirty money" (essentially the proceeds of the international drugs trade) a criminal offence punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years, and compelling banks to identify the true owner of monies deposited with them. (BNCI)

3. On the other hand, controls of all kinds and state interventions do not have an impressive record in avoiding money laundering, while they frequently create opportunities for corruption. Does this still hold true in a context of globalization?(WebCorp)