tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 17:39
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: FAMILY

marriage counselling/guidance

manželské poradenství

In our marriage counselling we have met many who have a good understanding of how they should be treating their partner, but they lack the proper motivation. BNC

Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling. BNC

I agreed to marriage counselling but only if I could go alone, although I knew that going alone was a bit like filing fiddled expenses. BNC

marriage portion


Parents tried to help their children set up home with the aid of a marriage portion but most couples had to rely mainly on their own savings. BNC

This was in the event of land being given as a marriage portion. WebC

A written marriage contract shall be based upon a written agreement providing the wife's marriage portion. WebC

marriage proposal

nabídka k sňatku

Since it was swiftly followed by a marriage proposal it must have gone down fairly well. BNC

The refusal to accept a marriage proposal was often interpreted as a statement of superiority. WebC

Despite becoming constant companions, she says his marriage proposal still came as a shock. BNC

marriage rate


This trend reflects a steady decline in the teenage marriage rate since 1970. BNC

In January there had been twenty-six fresh applications; the marriage rate in Derry was 420 per year and there were at least one thousand applicants on the waiting list. BNC

UK has the highest marriage rate in Europe and a divorce rate of twice the european average. BNC

marriage without parental consent

sňatek bez souhlasu rodičů

The legal age for marriage without parental consent is 18 for both male and female. WebC

Carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of marriage without parental consent before coming to a final decision. WebC

An edict of 1556 outlawed "clandestine" marriage, meaning marriage without parental consent. WebC

married life

manželský život

This does not, like a divorce, enable the parties to marry again, but it releases them in other respects from the duties of married life.

"While I was with her", I said, "she told me what a wonderful husband you had always been to her - always, in every way, all your married life." BNC 

On a nest of cotton wool, in a little box, my grandmother kept the two wedding rings which had worn thin, then broken, during her married life, because of her handling of corn. BNC

married state

stav manželský

There is a growing number of people who see cohabitation as a complete alternative to the married state. BNC 

A marriage contracted by a person so insane at the time as not to appreciate the nature of the obligations of the married state may be set aside at the suit of either party. BNC

Alida had been conscious of Dorothea's married state, hating her for it, burning with scorn at the preoccupations and trivialities of a marriage. BNC

marry off

provdat, vdát (dceru), oženit (syna)

And it is not over yet - you know we have Mary to marry off to Alex McLaggan this Friday coming. BNC

Any girls born that year would, by tradition, have been fated to make men unhappy, and would thus have been hard to marry off. BNC

"Besides, I've got two more sons to marry off yet!" BNC

maternity benefits

mateřské dávky

The European Commission has agreed the directive on maternity benefits. BNC

Maternity benefits and an increase in maternity leave are also being offered by some companies. BNC

The new system should, it was argued, include family allowances, maternity benefits and provision for widows. BNC

maternity dress

mateřské šaty

Four weeks pregnant, she was standing in line waiting to pay for her first maternity dress when things began to go wrong. BNC

It was hardly a secret by this time; even her loose maternity dress could not disguise the fact that she was expecting a baby in six weeks' time. BNC

They let me wear a maternity dress then, because I hadn't worn one up till then. BNC

maternity hospital


Both were born on Tuesday, November 24, at the Princess Anne Maternity hospital in Southampton. BNC

All the local maternity hospital could do was suggest that Allison should wait another three months before trying again. BNC

A trained nurse, now forced into exile in Mexico City, had worked in the Maternity Hospital of San Salvador until 1981 and described conditions there. BNC

maternity leave.

mateřská dovolená

Maternity leave does not break one's period of continuous employment and indeed it counts as part of that period. BNC

The only returners that some companies regard as worth training are young high-flyers coming back from maternity leave; it won't hurt to shake them up a little. BNC

Britain also objected to the new directive on maternity leave. BNC

mother country

rodná vlast/země

They can be sure they will hear news and debates on issues that affect them and their families in Britain and back in their mother country. BNC

She saw at first hand the imperialist arrogance of the British in her mother country, aptly illustrated by the signs in the parks which baldly stated "no dogs or Chinese allowed". BNC

The S. African British are entirely relieved from any obligations to the mother country. BNC 

mother of all sth.

mimořádný, jako řemen

Mike's suffering from the mother of all hangovers after the party last night. CIDI

Dropped by helicopter at Fifth Reef Pipeline, he saw the mother of all waves rear up out of the water. BNC

First I get stuck in the mother of all traffic jams, and then I'm confronted by a woman who blocks her ears to reason and is a complete and utter pain in the ass. BNC

mother tongue

mateřský jazyk

Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate. WebC

To compare the phoneme charts of the mother tongue and the target, language gives a general idea of where the main pronunciation problems may arise. WebC

In obvious ways a native-speaker setting out to become a teacher of her/his mother tongue has a clear head start. BNC