úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

mace nutmeg

muškátový oriešok

make a meal (out) of

dělat z komára velblouda, zbytečně dlouho mluvit o nějaké nepříliš významné události

I know what I’ve done is wrong but there’s no need to make a meal out of it . (Longman)

After all, they've had their say years ago and made a meal of it: undeclared top-roping, hold chipping, secret rests, etc. BNC

Nobody could deny Mr Gummer this small triumph, but he might make more friends if he didn't always insist on making such a meal of it. BNC

make sb's blood boil

přivést čí krev do varu

Seeing him beating that little dog made my blood boil. (Oxford Idioms)

meat and potatoes

grunt, to nejdůležitější, to hlavní, základ

Satanic and necrophiliac obsessions, the meat and potatoes of death-metal, don't so much take a back seat as miss the bus altogether thankfully. BNC

meat of a nut


As all the meat of a nut is packed into the shell, so the whole pith of the Swami's lecture against us is compressed into the handbill above mentioned. WebCorp 

An old method of hiding scratches is to rub the meat of a nut, like a pecan or walnut, over the scratch. WebCorp

To look to such earthly ordinances now in view of Christ's historic appearance and work is to look for the meat of a nut in an empty shell. WebCorp



melted butter

rozpuštěné máslo

Drape four or five squares of filo, each in a slightly different position, over each ramekin, brushing layers with melted butter. BNC

Layer two sheets of filo, brushing each with melted butter. BNC

Brush with more melted butter and sprinkle with sesame seeds. BNC

milk float

mlékárenský vůz

At the gatehouse the milk float arrives with the daily delivery and Tim Tyier, the milkman who has served the Centre for many years, starts his rounds. BNC

Yesterday, French farmers were joined by others from Spain, Belgium and Germany marching through Strasbourg behind a milk float loaded with vegetables, milk and wine to a football stadium rally. BNC

The aggressive promotion of milk sales by the supermarket giants such as Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda and Safeway, has already rocked the milk float, traditionally the most profitable side of the business for both farmers and dairy groups. BNC 

milk for babes

pohádky pro děti, primitivní literatura

milk in the coconut

zarážející fakt, vysvětlení zarážejícího faktu

milk of human kindness

vrozená lidská dobrota

There's not much of the milk of the human kindness in him. I've never known such a hard man. (Oxford Idioms)

milk teeth

mléčné zuby

In contrast, we evolved a system with a single tooth replacement, of milk teeth by adult teeth. BNC

Needham examined the IQ of children and the quantity of lead found in their (shed) milk teeth. BNC

Peter Harvey and colleagues at the University of Birmingham analysed blood lead from pre-school children in Birmingham, and Marjorie Smith of the Institute of Child Health studied lead levels in milk teeth shed by London children. BNC

milk the audience

hrát na aplaus, přehrávat

milk the ram/the bull/the pigeon

mámit tele z jalové krávy

Gazing down from his plinth in Lichfield, you could almost hear Dr Johnson muttering: "Socialism, Sir, is a cow, which will yield such people no more milk--and so they are gone to milk the bull". BNC

