úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.17
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

make both ends meet

vystačit s penězi    cool

To make (both) ends meet is to live within one's means, but what are the ends in this instance? WebC

Just about the time you think you can make both ends meet, somebody moves the ends. WebC

It is difficult to make both ends meet these days, the taxes being so high.  WebC

make money fly

rozházet peníze do větru    shy

Somehow the girls make money fly out of peoples wallet. WebC

Certainly business sometimes make money fly emerging well-off liked super credit card afterwards. WebC

From my studies doing so will make money fly far, far away. WebC

make off with

ukrást, pokradmu odnést   tongueout

A thief was tempted to make off with a pet store's brand new attraction, a hairy leg tarantula, and decided to steal it. WebC

Sweet-toothed thieves made off with 230,000 Mars Bars in a cheeky raid on the world-famous chocolate factory. BNC

The robbers then made off with cash and jewellery.  BNC

make oneself cheap

chovat se pod svoji úroveň   thoughtful

She's a woman of great spirit and honour, and will not make herself cheap. WebC

It makes me sick to think of him boasting, thinking he was too cool when all he did was make himself cheap. WebC

I made myself cheap, and must take the consequences. WebC

make the best of a bad bargain

vytěžit ze špatné situace něco dobrého; i zlé může být k něčemu dobré   mixed

Looking at this problem for a time, he finally decided to resign himself to this fact and make the best of a bad bargain. WebC

I had no choice but to make the best of a bad bargain, and to earn my bread by going out to service. WebC

He decided it was his karma to live with what he had and make the best of a bad bargain.  WebC

mind the shop

zastupovat někoho ve funkci    wink

With the leader of the Conservative Party away on holiday, his deputy is minding the shop. PDEI

He told me to mind the shop while he was busy, and not to bother him unless someone important came in. WebC

While Bush is gone, aides will mind the shop at the White House. WebC

money doesn't grow on trees

peníze nerostou na stromech    shy

Here are some money saving tips, because money doesn't grow on trees. WebC

The bad news is that money doesn't grow on trees. WebC

You may tell your children that money doesn't grow on trees, but they don't really understand. WebC

money is no object

cena nerozhoduje, na penězích nezáleží    tongueout

Since money is no object to me when it comes to PC stuff, I will be getting one of these cards. WebC

I asked him for the best repair possible, money is no object to me, as long as the job is well done. WebC

It doesn't matter that money is no object to him, I'm still an honest business person and not out to cheat a customer by overcharging. WebC