utorok, 16 júla 2024, 13:25
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

narrow alleys

úzké uličky

1.  I normally would have chased him off for I prefer exploring narrow alleys and dark shops by myself rather than having a guided tour of the local tourist traps. WebC

2. Narrow alleys give this picturesque village an air of enchantment. WebC

3. Old Trondheim consisted of timber houses separated by narrow alleys, and there were numerous devastating town fires. WebC

national park

národní park

1. After many journeys to Isle Royale, we feel strongly connected to the wilderness of this island national park. WebC

2. Farley Hill was officially opened as a national park by HM Queen Elizabeth II in 1966. WebC

3. Hakone is a well preserved national park of Japan. WebC

national treasure

národní bohatství

1. Akershus Fortress is a national treasure in the heart of Oslo. WebC

2. President Donald Zacharias called the arboretum a state and national treasure. WebC

3. The main building is a national treasure. WebC

need a rest

potřebovat odpočinek

1. I have one chair for my older folks who just need a rest. WebC 

2. Just making myself lunch was enough to make me need a rest! WebC

3. Some of those people now need a rest. WebC

neglected area

zanedbaná, zchátralá část města

1. It has also built 112 of the 148 primary schools in this harsh and neglected area. WebC

2. Southbank was once an old and neglected area, mostly industrial, which has recently been rejuvenated as the heartbeat of the central city area. WebC

3. Having its own guide may well help this long neglected area receive a little more popularity, as it surely deserves. WebC