úterý, 16. července 2024, 15.02
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

nail down

vypátrat, přesně zjistit

John Wrench does much to nail down the specific ways in which employment opportunities are much narrower for the black kid seeking apprenticeships in industry.

There is an aimless air of insubordination ready with spurious justification and impossible to nail down.

Any attempt to nail down individuals with the aid of rules and collective values seems doomed to vague and complex generalities.

In turn, these two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization’s fundamental needs: to add real value to work as it moves through the organization, to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value-adding process.


nail up

přitlouci, připevnit

He found it necessary to nail up his bed-room windows with many plies of blanket, and thus to allow day and night to glide unnoted past, for all was dark.

The windows which had been nailed up as an anti-escape measure were thick with steam, and water was pouring down the panes.

Hell was a wooden arch with a cloth tunnel behind it and a simple catch holding shut the green eye. It smoked because there was a length of tarry rope nailed up behind the gullet which Lucie set alight before going on stage.


nose to tail

jeden za druhým, těsně za sebou

If you are just beginning to ride, I would strongly recommend at least half a dozen lessons on the lunge before you join the crocodile of horses marching nose to tail around a school.

They were proceeding north on the A5 when Mr Woodward’s attention was suddenly drawn to what he first thought were three buses stood nose to tail.

That said, those winter mornings found our Russian cars nose to tail in true Politburo style, and us half asleep, boxed in their cabins, yawning like a pair of pre‑packed orchids.

A closed van was coming fast from the other direction, and the Montego was nose to tail with the car in front of it. He kicked down the accelerator - he was in automatic - and against all his better instincts overtook a Vauxhall and slewed.


not lay a finger on

nezkřivit ani vlas, ani se nedotknout

You needn’t worry any more, because you arouse nothing in me and haven’t done for many a year. I wouldn’t want to lay a finger on you.

She was not deterred. Crew indeed! He wouldn’t dare lay a finger on any of us.

My dad always brought me up saying you never lay a finger on a woman, never ever.

She turned, eyes flashing. I detest you. Don’t you ever lay a finger on me again, or, so help me, I’ll see you live to regret it!


not lift a finger

nehnout ani prstem

But Mum didn’t lift a finger to help and gave as good as she got.

But once the women returned, the men weren’t prepared to lift a finger to help.

She didn’t need to work; she didn’t in fact even have to lift a finger because the man or her servants would do all this for her. (BNC-B)

not to bat an eyelid

ani nemrknout

The pictures shook and one fell, just missing Frankie’s head, but he didn’t bat an eyelid and just kept on reading his comic.

Duchamp did not bat an eyelid at the destruction of his Large Glass.

And farmers watching a demonstration of grass cutters didn’t bat an eyelid at the state of the pasture.                   (BNC-B)

not to believe one’s ears

nevěřit svým uším

Paul says: I was listening to the Chancellor and couldn't believe my ears for a moment when he announced the exemption.

He jumped off his cart which was nearby and ran after the runaway. He soon had it back with Granny's belongings intact, and I could hardly believe my ears and eyes when I heard her thank him and allow him to lift her back onto the driver's seat.

She's really upset about falling out with Bert. They've been going out on and off for years. I couldn't believe my ears when she said she hated her father. (BNC-B)

not to do a hand’s turn

nezvednout ani malíček, nehnout prstem

But it was mostly the other thing, that he’d had to sweat all his life and she’d never done a hand’s turn. She rose up in the world without lifting a finger when she married into the gentry.

Useless, she had jeered, like all spoiled rich girls. Never done a hand’s turn in her life, and wouldn’t know how!

That would be wicked! I mean, she’s never done a hand’s turn for her father or her grandfather.


not to turn a hair

nehnout ani brvou

Some said his wife didn't turn a hair any more when Sammy was carried in like a drowned rat.

I moved corpses minus their heads, legs and arms, and didn't turn a hair. But when you lift a corpse that looks anything but a corpse, it's terrifying.

So Herbie didn't try and jump in the car before I could lift him and trying to get Audrey in with her stiff leg. And then get the rug across her. She didn't turn a hair when she said two hundred and ninety three pounds.