вторник, 16 июля 2024, 15:28
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: HEALTH

never in my life

nikdy v životě, nikdy za celý svůj život

I`ve never seen such a beauty in my life. (Lingea)

I never in my life heard a train say licketty split or tickety boo,'; protested Lydia. (BNC)

Never in my life have I questioned an appointment," she said, weighing every word. (BNC)

Never say die.

nikdy se nedávej, naděje umírá poslední

There are still a couple of job agencies that you haven't tried. Never say die.(CIDI)

Set your goals and try to achieve them. Work hard. Never say die.(W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

Come on Sally-Anne; never say die! (BNC)

not be right in the head

být blázen, nemít to v hlavě v pořádku

His aunt's not right in the head, poor soul - you sometimes see her wandering up the street in her nightie.(CIDI)

Satirists are often not right in the head. (BNC)

They had one daughter, who I believe is not right in the head; but that may not be the one you met. (BNC)

Not on your life.

v žádném případě, ani za nic

"So you're going to bring Kev, are you?" "Not on your life!"(CALD)

Not on your life,'; she muttered through trembling teeth. (BNC)

'Would you kiss him?' 'Not on your life!' (CIDI)

not to have time to draw breath

nemít čas si ani vydechnout

He surfaced, briefly, but the swell rolled him over and drove him down again before he'd even had time to draw breath. (BNC)

For one thing it gives me the opportunity to write to you, and also I must have time to draw breath and come to terms with this astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me. (BNC)

Hanging back as he strode off to get it, she protested worriedly, `;I really think it might be best not to --; and I don't know quite how it is, but although you all seem to move without speed, not to hurry, I feel as though I'm being rushed along without time to draw breath!'; (BNC)