вторник, 16 июля 2024, 13:32
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: WORK & LEISURE


Americans are way too informal in their dealings with their counterparts abroad, and they end up perceived as uncouth (neotesaný) and even obnoxious (urážlivý, odporný)

old hands

experienced members of personnel

on a shoestring

on a shoestring - with limited money
Example: "They started their company on a shoestring and built it up to one of the largest companies in the world!"

one´s beauty sleep

spánok do ružova, spánok pre krásu

1. I 'm going to get my  beauty sleep , and wake up as a peacock! WASPS

2. She started her new job on Monday and she said she needed her beauty sleep before tackling the front attic. WASPS

3. Young ladies proverbially make sure they have their beauty sleep. WASPS

open a new branch

otevřít novou pobočku/ filiálku

Technetix Group continue their expansion by opening a new branch in Germany.

opt out of sth

rozhodnout se proti čemu/k neúčasti v čem: to disagree to join sth
  • I think we should opt out of the proposed merger with Leisuresale. I do not believe they are financially as sound as they claim. - Myslím, že bychom se neměli pouštět do navrhovaného obchodního sloučení s firmou Leisuresale. Nevěřím, že jejich finanční situace je tak dobrá, jak tvrdí.

order sb about

poroučet komu, hov. sekýrovat/komandovat koho
  • I do not think I can work for my boss any longer. He is always ordering me about instead of explaining and discussing things with me. - Myslím, že pro šéfa nevydržím déle pracovat. Pořád mě sekýruje, místo aby mi věci vysvětlil a probral je se mnou.


nákup služeb mimo podnik

Outsourcing became part of the business lexicon during the 1980s and refers to the delegation of non-core operations from internal production to an external entity specializing in the management of that operation. Outsourcing is utilizing experts from outside the entity to perform specific tasks that the entity once performed itself.

outstanding invoices

nezaplacené účty,faktury


přečerpání účtu

- deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing more money than is paid in

The bank offers overdraft facilities.