úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.28
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

off the top of one’s head

bez přípravy, bez rozmyšlení

And he proceeded to do so, off the top of his head at considerable length, to the admiration of all present.

I attach a proposal drafted somewhat off the top of my head, which you may like to use to open discussions with the Navarra Ministry.

I decided, off the top of my head, to start playing a song that I had started writing earlier in the week. And so I just started playing it and the other guys started improvising.


on hand

po ruce, k dispozici

That packet of cherries was the only decoration I had on hand. I haven’t been doing much baking lately.

Events are being organised at venues throughout London and the south-east aimed at beginners of all ages and levels of fitness. Members of orienteering clubs in the region will be on hand to help you get started.

They’ll also be on hand to arrange car hire, and give any other advice you need.


on the face of it

na první pohled

On the face of it, the Friend 3 seems the model least likely to benefit from flexibility - the thick stem interferes little with the working of the cams, both designs have the same strength rating

She spent her time shopping, reading women’s magazines, listening to pop music and watching television. On the face of it, she and Prince Charles had very little in common when they re-met in 1979. Quite apart from the intellectual and educational differences, they did not even share the same hobbies.

The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked. On the face of it they may appear to do little more than give effect to the government’s consistent promise to maximize the opportunities for parental choice in the education system.


on the nail


By the end of the ten years he would have paid the firm £9,946.80. Not paying on the nail could be extremely expensive.

I’m really glad that Jeff Beck and Joe Satriani found the Nigel Tufnel article so brilliant; I bet they paid their £1.80 on the nail when they got the magazine.

I was perhaps the only one who knew he was doing it for Duke. He brought the dog in every two or three days and paid on the nail.


on the tip of one’s tongue

na jazyku

Gray is talking in his trademark way (as if he's just remembered a name that's been on the tip of his tongue for months) about his debut novel Lanark.

The words and phrases they need for meetings, negotiating, and presentations will no longer be on the tip of their tongues but at their fingertips.

I don't mean Carole Lombard, do I?, said Jannie. No, no. The name's on the tip of my tongue.


one’s ears are burning

musí škytat – hodně se o něm mluví

Court, neither of them known as clumsy organisers? The Break of Day is running at the Royal Court on its own, except for two Three Sisters matinees on January 6 and 13. A missed opportunity: I hope ears are burning in Sloane Square .

I hope even more ears are burning in North Wales at the board of the Theatr Clwyd in Mold which did not renew the contract of its artistic director, Helena Kaut - Howson.

My mother’s ears are burning and she squirms in her seat. I begin to pronounce the sequence of words and numbers that will prevent her from giving him a piece of her mind.


open one’s heart

svěřit se

Because this is what he always felt after his father died - that if he could just speak to him now, he could really open his heart and say everything, without feeling that strange mute on his vocal chords.

He speculated whether he should speak to the friar, open his heart, tell him his secrets, get rid of the sea of misery he felt bathing his body, drowning his mind.

For her part, she felt that he was someone to whom she could open her heart and who would understand.


open somebody’s eyes to something

otevřít oči

It is through patient persuasive reasoning together with voluntary suffering that they must seek to melt the heart of his opponent and open his eyes to the truth.

Daughter of the Queen Igrayne and half-sister to King Arthur, she revealed to him the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere by giving him a magic draught which opened his eyes to the perfidy.

Oh, you’ve repaid him: you’ve opened his eyes to things that’ve been under his nose, and he couldn’t see the wood for the trees.


out on one’s ear

letět („ještě jednou to uděláš a poletíš!“)

No, don’t you go writing things down, or you’re out on your ear.

Colonel Fagg, he goes mad if anyone wakes him up. Comes out of his room like a rocket and you’re out on your ear. I’ll be careful, Mr. Ramsbum.

And if you’re a professor, well you have to like studying and you have to like reading and you have to like teaching and all these other things. If you don’t, you’ll soon be out on your ear.