úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.34
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

on a war footing

ve stavu válečné pohotovosti

The area was on a war footing and all was bustle and preparation, expecting the hourly arrival of the enemy. (BNCI)

People are extremely tense because it's now a year since the Vietnamese left, and the whole country's on a war footing. (BNCI)

 It was followed, on 18 June, by a letter from Franco to Hitler, in which the Caudillo indicated that he was prepared to enter the war on the Axis' side, once the latter had recognized Spain's right to a portion of territory in North Africa and had provided sufficient economic and military aid to enable the Spanish Army to be placed on a war footing.(BNCI)

opinion poll

výzkum veřejného mínění

1. The latest opinion poll shows that the president's popularity has declined. (Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)

2. True, the opinion poll showed only 5% white support for both the IFP and the liberal Democratic Party. (BNCI)

3. The opinion poll, carried out by The Northern shows that 15.3pc of the town's electorate are still unsure how they will vote on Thursday enough to swing the result to either Conservative or Labour. (BNCI)

outbreak of war

vypuknutí války

On the Saturday night after the outbreak of war, the general manager of Glascoed got a telephone call from the Ministry of Defence. (BNCI)

The outbreak of war in January had led to a sharp reduction in oil supplies from Iraq. (BNCI)

With the outbreak of war in Europe the Communist party was banned in France, and hundreds of Vietnamese communists were rounded up, including Truong Chinh. (BNCI)

overhead projector

zpětný projektor

Another is to record it on a transparency sheet, which can then be displayed by means of an overhead projector on a screen or blank wall. (BNCI)

One should decide whether any information would be better given on a hand-out, or on the overhead projector. (BNCI)

Disadvantages of the overhead projector are few, and mainly relate to technical breakdown, such as a bulb blowing, or the fuse breaking. (BNCI)