utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:25
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES

padded jacket

teplá bunda, vatovaný kabátek

On top of the thin dress she wore a brightly coloured, predominantly red, Chinese padded jacket; it seemed to sparkle in the room's dim lights. BNCB

When last seen he was wearing blue jeans, a cream sweatshirt, blue padded jacket and black shoes. BNCB

As Jelka watched, the men subdued her, forcing her into a padded jacket, the over-long arms of which they fastened at the back. BNCB

pass the hat (a)round

udělat sbírku, vybrat peníze

We're passing the hat round for Simon's leaving present. CIDI

We're going to pass the hat round later, buy some beer and go back to their place. BNC-B

A guaranteed payment plus `Pass the hat around' or similar arrangement. BNC-B

patched jeans

zalátané džíny

True, some of the filling-in was performed by a young guitarist in patched jeans, whose contribution was generously acknowledged, but Pete has no trouble playing the guitar. BNCB

One of the men, bearded, with roughly patched jeans and a loud laugh, leaned on the back of Rain's chair, his head close to hers, and talked to Oliver as though she were not there. BNCB

He was wearing patched jeans and a dark brown jacket tied with string. BNCB

patent leather

laková kůže

Marion looked down at her low-heeled patent leather pumps and sighed. BNCB

Footsteps, then the door opened: a man, fortyish, glasses, slim, dark, meticulously groomed; tailored slacks, a silk shirt open at the neck and patent leather house shoes. BNCB

When found, she was wearing a pink floral dress, lilac tights, a white cardigan and black patent leather shoes. BNCB

patent shoes


They run the Gondola in the summer months too, which provides an additional worry that groups of sweet little old ladies in overcoats, support tights and patent shoes, could find themselves wandering aimlessly on top of a mountain over 4,000 feet high, without any concept of the dangers. BNCB

He held up a pair of shiny black patent shoes. BNCB

He stared at her black patent shoes, those twin vices crushing her toes, telling her to take her feet away. BNCB

peaked cap


There was no escape from it and we longed for the luxury of sun glasses or a peaked cap. BNCB

My door was opened and a very young-looking man in a peaked cap was shown in. BNCB

She reaches over into the back and grabs a couple of cans from the crate lying on the back seat next to his peaked cap. BNCB

pick one´s pocket

You'd think you'd feel something if someone tried to pick your pocket. CIDI

This is in the Sporting Life and it's also in the Racing Post and this is a cynical move by the bookies to pick your pocket. BNCB

He is just asking to get his pocket picked, look at him. IE

picture hat

dámský klobouk (široký)

And again he mimed, this time a mincing gait, and sketched in the air a picture hat, with a spray of feathers, sweeping down. BNCB

She was wearing a bright red dress, shiny black boots, and despite the heat of the day a black feather boa to match the huge feathers in her large picture hat. BNCB

A blonde woman fashionably dressed in half-mourning, wearing a violet gown, her hair dressed high under a huge picture hat trimmed with a bird of paradise in full flight, rose to meet them, or rather to meet Dr Neil. BNCB

pixie hat

dětský klobouk se špičkou

Wearing a woollen pixie hat above his bright red beard, he loudly and uninterruptedly belched and farted his way up and down Moel Hebog with a cheery smile and complete disregard for the appalled looks which followed his thundering progress. BNCB

Helen reached in and stirred with distaste; a brown knitted pixie hat surfaced that her mother used to wear long ago, unravelled now to a skeletal condition. BNCB

When I was at your age, I was wearing a pixie hat. IE

plain clothes

Eliza was now very tall and thin, with a rather sour face, dressed in very plain clothes, and with a cross hanging round her neck. BNCB

Large men in plain clothes and short haircuts had wanted to know his business. BNCB

More than 30 uniformed and plain clothes officers carried out simultaneous raids on homes across Cheltenham early this morning. BNCB

platform shoes

boty se silnou podrážkou

We all wear mutated versions of the school uniform and platform shoes. BNCB

Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity. BNCB

 More resembling the changing rooms at MGM, these have previously included gilded platform shoes and chain-mail tunics that attract a growing number of magazine stylists and video makers. BNCB

pleated skirt

skládaná sukně

A flared cream pleated skirt that complimented those long perfect brown legs, and a powder blue tee shirt that matched her eyes a treat. BNCB

Where to hang the steaming kit for a shadow pleated skirt is always quite a problem. BNCB

She wore a white tennis outfit consisting of a blouse and a short pleated skirt. BNCB

pocket watch

kapesní hodinky

 For the average distance runner fat is about as much use as a pocket watch. BNCB

There you are the silver engraved silver pocket watch, a nice little pendant watch, and we'll have it again now. BNCB

The jewellery pictured includes a silver pocket watch, a pearl brooch, a silver pendant and several tie or stick pins. BNCB


s bílými puntíky, puntíkovaný

The beardless aboriginal, who is wearing a black polka-dot dress, collapses on the pavement. BNCB

 He wore a plain white shirt as fresh as new snow tiny gold cufflinks and a polka-dot tie. BNCB

The stage Englishman wore a pink silk shirt and a lime polka-dot bow-tie. BNCB

polo shirt

tričko s límcem

The black, curly hair had been dried and tamed, soaked black polo shirt and denim Bermudas exchanged for this expensive lightweight grey suit and ice-white shirt. BNCB

The black polo shirt and close-fitting denim Bermudas had moulded a lean hard chest and long, aggressively muscled legs. BNCB

During her absence Nathan had showered and changed into fawn trousers and a pale blue polo shirt. BNCB

pull one´s socks up

plivnout si do dlaní, pustit se do práce

He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team. CIDI

Why don't you just pull your socks up and smarten yourselves up? BNCB

Oh yes, every month I call him into the office and I say, it still isn't good enough, pull your socks up. BNCB

pull the wool over sb´s eyes

věšet někomu bulíky na nos

Don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes - ask for a list of all the hidden charges. CIDI

No, we're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. BNCB

Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. BNCB

put a sock in it

držet jazyk za zuby

Put a sock in it! Some of us are trying to work around here. CIDI

That sort does all sorts of silly things, till experience tells them to put a sock in it. BNCB

Edward Pearce's Sketch Some people really should put a sock in it! BNCB

put on clothes

obléci se

This form of guidance may be used where any instruction involving movement is refused; not tidying up is an obvious one, and failing to put on clothes, replacing knocked over objects are all suitable for the guidance of a child's limb to complete the instructed task. BNCB

First the sadness and disarray, then the evanescent transcendence; then the bodies put on clothes again, and there is a prowl of word and gesture before they go their separate ways. BNCB

Put your clothes on - we're going out. WebC

put on/wear a hair shirt

žít v odříkání, asketicky

I don't think you have to put on a hair shirt in order to be a socialist. CIDI

The food certainly does not wear a hair shirt, and nor does Rex, ebullient and gregarious, ensuring a meal at his place is a sort of crazy party with himself as the slightly eccentric host. BNC-B

If Cleo represented a hair shirt, he would wear it, and withstand the chafing. BNC-B

put/bet one´s shirt on st.

vsadit poslední košili, všechno

I put my shirt on the last race and lost everything. CIDI

Now put your shirt on, and get out of here. BNCB

Oh, why don't you go and put your shirt on? she exclaimed in confusion. BNCB