utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:33
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Town & Country

prefabricated houses

montované domky, panelové domy

1. The plan's central aim was the importation of some 9,000 prefabricated houses and 5,000 trailer homes. (BNC)

2. In May the politburo promised to send 4,000 prefabricated houses. (BNC)

3. More than 200000 prefabricated houses were built during the war, just over 12 per cent of total house production. (Google)

pricey restaurant

drahá restaurace

What should I wear to a dinner party at a pricey restaurant with my husband's bosses and spouses? (Google)

The brasserie is cheaper than the pricey restaurant, but both have great river views, especially in summer, with tables outside. (Google)

The service was very good, what you would expect from a pricey restaurant. (Google)

private plot


1.Everything is adjusted to the needs of private plot and garden decoration. (Google)

2. The average peasant household earned about twice as much from marketings from the private plot as from its work on collective land. (Google)

3. Each villa has its own private plot of approx. 1000 m2. (Google)

protected animal

chráněný živočich

1. Compensations are paid for pecuniary damages caused by protected animal species. (Google)

2. Hunters reminded that wolves are a protected animal in Wisconsin. (Google)

3. Thus it is an offence to unnecessarily infuriate or terrify a protected animal as well as cause physical pain. (Google)

provincial town

venkovské městečko

1. Giorgio Armani was born in Piacenza, a provincial town in northern Italy which was blitzed in the war. (BNC)

2. The Musée Bonn at is an art gallery and an exceedingly good one for a provincial town. (BNC)

3. At the beginning of the nineteenth century no provincial town had more than 100,000 inhabitants, though London was a colossus with a population of 865,000. (BNC)

public lavatories

veřejné záchodky

1. Mr Wheeler said police already went to public lavatories to detect sex offenders .(BNC)

2. The railings of the public lavatories on this side of the river were dark-green, heavy and ancient.(BNC)

3. Profits made from condom machines in Middlesbrough 's public lavatories are to be paid to Cleveland AIDS Support.(BNC)

public transport

veřejná doprava

1. Maps of the public transport system can be found all over Prague, especially in underground stations or in their vicinity. (Google)

2. Our column will guide you back to the history of public transport in Budapest. (Google)

3. The best way to visit Vienna's sights and discover the city on your own is by public transport; underground, trams, buses and rapid transit. (Google)