martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 15:42
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

package tour

turistický zájezd s programem, jehož cena zahrnuje vše

1. When you set about planning your trip, the first decision you have to take is whether to travel independently or to take a package tour. WebC

2. We hope you can join us on this package tour. WebC

3. I`m not going to do a big package tour in Iran, just a few hotels and train tickets are all I might purchase. WebC

particular architectural interest

mimořádný architektonický význam

1. Its homes are modest, built mostly in the 1960's and of no particular architectural interest. WebC

2. In the centres of viticultural interest the offer varies from houses that are of particular architectural interest, museums and wine bars. WebC

3. Although the monastery itself is not of particular architectural interest, it does contain some accomplished works of art. WebC

partly restored

částečně obnovený

1. The rest of the monastery is partly restored by the same owner and rented out (not for sale). WebC

2. The proscenium arch was partly restored and partly replaced with new construction. WebC

3. Adjacent to the house is the partly restored ancient chapel of Santo Stefano, long deconsecrated. WebC

party of tourists

skupina, výprava turistů, účastníci turistického zájezdu

1. They join the party of tourists at the start of their journey, welcome them, and check their tickets and seat allocation. WebC

2. At that moment the party of tourists began to straggle towards us along the path, cheery and unimpressed, wanting to know what was up, what was happening. WebC

3. The carriages are waiting for a party of tourists. WebC

pause for refreshment

přestávka na občerstvení

1. By late afternoon the heat has reached its peak, so we take a pause for refreshment along the way. WebC

2. In the middle of our journey we pause for refreshment. WebC

3. We pause for refreshment before the steep climb to the summit of Mulhacen, Spain's highest mountain. WebC

peasant women

venkovské ženy, venkovanky

1. Status of women is usually low, perhaps because peasant women typically work in the domestic sphere rather than outside it. WebC

2. Peasant women usually worked alongside their husbands. WebC

3. Peasant women who are deprived of their agricultural activities end up in irregular work with very low pay and exploitative work conditions. WebC

pedestrian crossing

přechod pro pěší

1. The pedestrian crossing should not exceed 10 m in overall width (from kerb to kerb). WebC

2. They slow to ensure that cars have seen them and then ride slowly across the pedestrian crossing while cars give way to them. WebC

3. A pedestrian crossing is the most dangerous place for any person to cross the road. WebC

pedestrian precinct

pěší zóna

1. There is an extraordinary large amount of clothes shops in the pedestrian precinct. WebC

2. Almost all of the city’s Old Town historic area has been turn practically into a pedestrian precinct with most its landmarks in an easy walking distance. WebC

3. The new facades will be of glass, ensuring good visibility to the new pedestrian precinct. WebC

pelican crossing

přechod, kde chodec stisknutím tlačítka zastaví dopravu, aby mohl přejít

1. They also asked for a pelican crossing to be installed on the busy High Street. WebC

2. Use the two-stage pelican crossing to cross the main road, then turn to the left. WebC

3. However the research showed also that crossing a busy road without a pelican crossing caused difficulties. WebC

people in the know

lidé, kteří vědí

1. For people in the know, this book may shed incredible new light, but for the ignorant this information may well be beyond them. WebC

2. This article is an excerpt from a roundtable discussion from four people in the know about koi food, ingredients and nutrition. WebC

3. Most people in the know agree that the issue of whether or not the UK will join is a question of when rather than if. WebC

permanent collection

stálá výstava, sbírka

1. Each year since 1954, during the State Fair, the Fair Commission has selected works of art for the permanent collection. WebC

2. Pieces from the permanent collection are on view in various offices and public spaces throughout the university. WebC

3. Many of these works are available in the Mitchell Museum's Permanent Collection Gallery for visitors to enjoy. WebC

perpendicular style

perpendikulární sloh (pozdně gotický sloh v Anglii, zdůrazňující pravoúhlost všech částí budovy)

1. The mid 14th century elaboration of this style seen here is called the Perpendicular style. WebC

2. In the 16th century, the grafting of Renaissance elements onto the Perpendicular style resulted in the Tudor style. WebC

3. The Church (St. Lawrence,) is an ancient structure, in the perpendicular style, with a tower containing five bells, and crowned by a spire. WebC

phrase book

konverzační příručka

1. Make sure you know about local culture especially relating to dress codes. Take a phrase book that you can use in emergencies. WebC

2. We should have bought a phrase book, or brought along a French-Canadian friend! WebC

3. Little English is spoken - so bring a phrase book and practise your Spanish! WebC

pick up a prostitute

sbalit prostitutku

1. An 80 year old man went to Hollywood to pick up a prostitute and get some action. WebC

2. John Elliot tried to pick up a prostitute, but, because he broke the chain, was picked up by the police instead. WebC

3. Years ago, I knew a reporter who, after landing one of his stories on the front page of his paper, loved to pick up a prostitute as his reward. WebC

pilgrimage site

poutní místo

1. In 1940, Archbishop Walsh blessed and dedicated the Stations of the Cross which encircled the Tower and transformed the spacious grounds to a pilgrimage site. WebC

2. His most famous work is The Canterbury Tales , a series of stories told by an assortment of English men and women on their way to a pilgrimage site. WebC

3. For Hindus, Buddhists, and Bons, this region is the abode of the Gods that for thousands of years has been a pilgrimage site of utmost sanctity. WebC

plague column

morový sloup

1. The town cathedrals and churches, the ossuary, and the baroque plague column are from this time period. WebC

2. The Plague Column or Lady Column was erected in 1711 on the square Unterer Platz as a sign of gratefulness that Deutschlandsberg was saved from the plague. WebC

3. The park on the main square features a group of five columns from the 18th century with the central plague column of the Holy Trinity. WebC

police headquarters

policejní ředitelství

1. The police headquarters is near the presidential palace where US Marine peacekeepers are stationed. WebC

2. The $6 million facility is Peoria's seventh police headquarters since the city was chartered in 1845. WebC

3. This police headquarters building evolved out of a carefully prepared needs study. WebC

police station

policejní strážnice

1. Three bomb blasts outside an Athens police station have raised new security concerns about the city's hosting of the Olympic Games. WebC

2. Following an agreement by all Scottish police forces, a common design to identify a police station is being widely installed. WebC

3. The police station is being built on the site of the old bus depot. WebC

population density

hustota obyvatel

1. The population density of cities, states, entire continents, and even the world can be computed. WebC 

2. This gives me a fairly good estimate of the recorded population density for each county. WebC

3. The map on the back shows changes in population density (persons per square mile) throughout the region between 1990 and 2000. WebC

prefabricated houses

montované domky, panelové domy

1. Company’s production program includes windows, shutters, interior and entrance doors, door frames, and prefabricated houses. WebC

2. I am aware of post-war prefabricated houses and will be interested to know if there is any current move to reintroduce prefabrication into the UK? WebC

3. The market for prefabricated houses still predominantly involves wooden panels, especially large prefabricated panels. WebC

primeval forest


1. Situated on the watershed of the Baltic and the Black Seas, this immense lowland primeval forest range is home to some remarkable animal life. WebC

2. Belarus is a land that boasts of the largest remaining primeval forest of Europe. WebC

3. With its fallen trees, gigantic moss-covered boulders and enchanted lakes, Norra Kvill has much the character of a genuine primeval forest. WebC

private road

soukromá silnice, cesta

1. The option to name your private road is still available. WebC

2. There are now minimum design standards and a review of the plan to construct a new private road or improve an existing one. WebC

3. Our home is situated on a private road, for which the residents have the responsibility of upkeep and repair. WebC

programme of events


1. The following preliminary programme of events is provided as a guide to participants, and is subject to change. WebC

2. Minister Callely opens programme of events for the Bealtaine Festival. WebC

3. Here you will find a rough outline of the programme of events. WebC

promotional campaign

raklamní kampaň

1. Blast your Business promotional campaign in thousands of classified ad sites and increase your visibility. WebC

2. Planning your promotional campaign means making informed choices. WebC

3. Supported by an integrated promotional campaign across TV and print, the programme airs on 14th September. WebC

provide with sth

opatřit něčím

1. What information will I need to provide with my application? WebC

2. These are tasks which we are committed to provide with consistency and dependability. WebC

3. On occasion, we may combine information you provide with other demographic information available to us. WebC

provincial town

provinciální, zaostalé město

1. In the north east of Flemish Brabant a small settlement on the banks of the Demer developed into the blossoming provincial town of Diest. WebC

2. Large retailers seeking to establish outlets will require the approval of a 21-member provincial town planning subcommittee. WebC

3. The provincial town was located in the former Thang Long Citadel, which was initially called Hanoi provincial city, and then, in brief, Hanoi. WebC

public buildings

veřejné budovy

1. Michigan's public buildings are becoming more costly to operate as a result of rising energy prices and demand. WebC

2. At the extreme end of safety issues, public buildings can be targets for terrorist attacks and other dangerous activities. WebC

3. Judge extends smoking ban to catering facilities in public buildings. WebC

public conveniences

veřejné záchodky

1. We provide and maintain a number of public conveniences across the Cherwell District. WebC

2. There are 19 public conveniences located around the district, which are operated and managed by St. Albans District Council. WebC

3. The Council is committed to the provision of good quality public conveniences. WebC