úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.24
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

panel discussion

- tv beseda, tv diskuse

1. In the wake of the television series mentioned above, a panel discussion on the subject was transmitted. BNC

2. Next week the series finishes with a panel discussion about the ways in which society of the future will be affected by the computer revolution. BNC

3. The first time your little bit of news gets on the Six o'clock News or your client is a member of a panel discussion, you will have arrived professionally. BNC

paper boy/girl

- chlapec/děvče, který (é) roznáší noviny

1. Now you can call the paper girl anytime you want to deliver you a newspaper and tabloid. WebC

2. A paper boy on his morning round was grabbed by a man who then tried to drag him into a waiting car. BNC

3. Yeah but actually the paper boy was late this morning and we didn't get erm mid week. BNC

perform on camera

- objevit se před kamerou

1. If you wish to perform on camera next season, you must arrange to have eighth hour free. WebC

2. Have fun while learning to perform on camera! WebC

3. Guy gets sexy chicks to perform sex acts on camera. WebC

personal attack

- osobní útok

1. In the runoff campaign both candidates used negative campaign tactics, personal attack and innuendo. BNC

2. The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader. BNC

3. One of Saddam Hussein's henchmen yesterday launched a bitter personal attack on Premier John Major and President George Bush over the allies' decision to send warplanes back to the Gulf. BNC

pick up a station

- chytit stanici

1. One should never hastily abandon an attempt to pick up a desired station, for there may be an interval at the moment when one is endeavouring to tune in. TDA

2. It is legitimate upon the short waves, though it is, of course, not so upon the others, to pick up a station in the first instance by hearing its carrier wave. TDA

3. Her voice will be broadcast from the Eiffel Tower, and any woman in whose home there is a set which pick up that station may hear her speak. TDA

pie chart

- kruhový graf

1. A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes. BNC

2. If you look at a pie chart of how public money is spent in this country, it's difficult to find the slice that is the arts. BNC

3. Like the pie chart (see page 149), the line graph is a way of presenting figures in visual form. BNC

piece of news

- zpráva

1. The second piece of news is that John Major is supporting a commission proposal for a European Official Secrets Act. BNC

2. I received this piece of news with resignation but no enthusiasm. BNC

3. On hearing this dramatic piece of news, Theo wrote at once, promising as much support as he could afford until Vincent was in a position to earn his own money. BNC

play back

- přehrávat, reprodukovat

1. Camcorders can play back their recordings immediately after they have put them onto the tape. BNC

2. You will also see a difference between the two recording speeds when you play back in slow-motion or still-frame. BNC

3. Record a good speaker on the radio, play back a sentence and then record your own utterance of the same sentence. BNC

play the role of sb

- hrát roli, úlohu někoho

1. The conflict with the second director derived from his wanting Dustin to play the role of Valentine Brose just as David Warner had done in the London production.  BNC

2. Anthony Hopkins has been signed to play the role of writer C S Lewis and several top American actresses are vying for the role of his American girlfriend. BNC

3. An unlikely choice, many would have thought, was comedian Peter Glaze to play the role of the evil City Administrator. BNC

plug in

- připojit (přijímač)

1. Penry stood at the foot of the stairs, frowning as she plugged in the transistor to listen to Radio Four while she ate. Wasps

2. Or, at most, they allow you to plug in your own cassette tape-recorder. Wasps

3. Amanda stalked into the kitchen and plugged in the kettle. Wasps

portable radio

- přenosné rádio

1. He lived alone in a log cabin beside the lake, his only company a portable radio and television. BNC

2. Now she held one finger to her lips, picked up a portable radio from the kneehole beneath her desk and switched it on. BNC

3. Zhang proudly demonstrated his portable radio to us, and said that he would even be buying a bicycle soon. BNC

power cut

- výpadek proudu

1. I try to turn on the lights but there has either been a power cut or the club's generator has been switched off. BNC

2. If there is a power cut for 3 hours, what should you do about the contents of your freezer? BNC

3. On enquiry they were told that the other had been lent to a local restaurant when it suffered a power cut. BNC

power source

- zdroj energie

1. This allows for the phone to be used totally independent of any fixed power source via fully charged batteries. BNC

2. Operating alternating weekly rotas the villagers laid over two miles of cable from the power source to their houses. BNC

3. You need to turn off the power source, remove the cover from the existing single socket and disconnect the wiring. BNC

pre-set stations

- předem nastavené stanice

1. Features of possible appeal to this market include a music centre, comprising AM/FM radio tuner with scan capabilities and 16 programmable pre-set stations, a compact disk player, and an eight channel mixer to adjust the tuning and balance of the radio or CD-ROM --; the latter has potential applications for home-based education, providing on-line tutorials and reference guides. BNC

2. You can also purchase the advanced catalog for 4.95, which has many more pre-set stations. WebC

3. Once you have stored some pre-set stations use the tune up/down (9 ) to select the required station. WebC

present the news

- uvádět zprávy

1. Moira Stuart is to present the news on BBC Breakfast News when the programme relaunches later this year. WebC

2. Julia will present News At Ten features called Focus On Britain. BNC

3. His Lordship would hesitate long before holding that Parliament intended the Home Secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require broadcasting authorities to present news programmes otherwise than with due accuracy and impartiality, but he did not so read the power. BNC