Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 15:39
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: MEDIA

press conference

- tisková konference, tiskovky

1. Dr Greenspan made his comments at a press conference after meetings with officials including Leonid Abalkin, the deputy prime minister in charge of economic reform, the state bank chairman (and his notional Soviet opposite number) Viktor Gerashchenko and Valentin Pavlov, the finance minister. BNC

2. After lunch I sat in the car and listened to a Bush press conference. BNC

3. At a press conference in Bonn, a senior official in the Chancellery said the West German and French governments had agreed that the inter-governmental conference on monetary union would begin at the end of next year --; as Paris had originally insisted. BNC

press lord/baron

- tiskový magnát

1. They were supported by the press lord, Beaverbrook, and the combination of the Daily Worker and Daily Express created a unique political movement which still awaits its historian. BNC

2. Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord's daughter. BNC

3. Without that coming to Simon he doubted if the Press Lord would have forked out. BNC

press release

- tiskové prohlášení

1. Baroness Hooper, the Government's junior health spokeswoman, put her name to a press release which effectively said people could eat sugar without worry. BNC

2. Every press release should include a quotable, provocative statement from an officer or committee member of the organization involved. BNC

3. The media or press release is one of the basic communication tools of any media relations programme. Wasps

press review

- přehled (denního) tisku

1. The Moscow Times' press review is emailled out daily from Sunday to Thursday in three parts. WebC

2. An international press review is coming soon. WebC

3. After defining the tools to use, a number of applications were selected for transformation from paper to electronic form, including the press review. WebC

press the point

- zdůraznit něco

1. In exceptional cases, though, such as those in which dishonesty is alleged, it may make sense to press the point strongly. BNC

2. The Emperor, to his credit, did not press the point, but presented Gambo with a bag of gold for his part in the battle and quietly departed. BNC

3. W. C. Anderson, who had moved the Workers' and Soldiers' Council resolution at Leeds the previous June, pressed the point, warning:--. BNC

prime time

- hlavní vysílací čas

1. And the TV companies also came under fire for targetting children's prime time viewing with ads for fatty and sugary foods. BNC

2. Its prime time is shortly before the 8 am news, but it decided to put him on at 8.20 am, when many listeners will be on their way to work. BNC

3. Every evening at prime time I switch over to Bangladesh television from Doordarshan; the Government of India's television monopoly. BNC

prize competition

- soutěž o ceny

1. A different sort of exhibition which has had some success in attracting attention, and thus newspaper coverage, is the prize competition. BNC

2. There is an idea for a classroom project, an easy to enter prize competition plus a special cartoon. BNC

3. With a targeted cash prize competition and a tie-up with local radio, traffic, claims Ryan, was boosted by almost 5 per cent. BNC

program(me) trailer

- ukázka příštích pořadů

television as part of a BBC1 programme trailer. WebC

  2. That is when the closing credits of, say, Cocronation Streeet,are squeezed into half the screen while the other half shows a programme trailer. WebC

 3. In mid-March, after a programme trailer, Presentation got mixed-up. WebC


- korektor

1. The thing to remember about proof-reading is that a proof-reader's corrections are intended as advice to the printer, not as a punishment to the writer. BNC

2. Some women were proof-readers, but otherwise, being excluded from machine typesetting, they were left with odd jobs to do round the office. BNC

3. With a team of proof-readers working together, we did a very competent job and there was hardly a misprint in something like four hundred pages. BNC

provide background (information)

- vylíčit pozadí

1. It would report to the Commission and the role of the European environment agency would be to collect statistics and provide background information on decisions to be made. BNC

2. In documentary-style demonstration material the commentary is used to provide background information. BNC

3. Hidden behind a shrine-like structure are two touch-screen video programmes, designed to introduce visitors to Korean daily life as well as to provide background information on the more important exhibits. BNC

provide substantive coverage of st

- věnovat značnou pozornost něčemu; referovat rozsáhle o něčem

1. Regional cable news channels, as a rule, provide substantive coverage of both state and local elections. WebC

 2. Second, requiring broadcasters to provide substantive coverage of campaigns will help educate the public and give candidates more opportunities to reach voters without paying for 30 second TV ads. WebC

3. It found that most CASs provided substantive coverage of the country context and government agenda including more explicit treatment of Bank-borrower policy differences. WebC

provide with subtitles


- opatřit titulky

1. There are voice actors in the Japanese version at the very least, and the J-rocker who did the voice of X in the last two games has signed on to play him again. No word yet on whether the voices will be dubbed in English or if we'll be provided with subtitles. WebC

2. So swallowed and yelled is most of the poetry - a tragedy unto itself - that this production should have been provided with subtitles. WebC

3. Actually, all Universal DVDs are provided with subtitles. WebC

public outery

- veřejné pobouření

, President Bush seems to be politically and strategically poised on the brink of war. WebC

2. Men who love their country and wish to show their indignation for the sort of crime we are witnessing, must be allowed the opportunity to continue to demonstrate their contempt as a public outery by marching through our towns and villages. WebC

3. Because the attitude has changed, because solidarity is in short supply, there is no public outery when the govemment tightens the doors to immigration and makes it more difficult for refugees to find acceptance. WebC

publish an article

- uveřejnit článek

1. "The Sunday Times" proposed to publish an article about the history of the manufacture and marketing of Thalidomide, a pregnancy drug which caused birth deformities. BNC

2. The Guardian did publish an article about Insurance Assessors who thought that AIDS would have little effect on the heterosexual population. BNC

3. This week we publish an article by the American journalist Marsha Dubrow which demonstrates the degree to which similar enquiries would have prevented the election of men such as Lincoln, Roosevelt and John F Kennedy. BNC

put batteries in

- vložit baterie do

1. She wants this doll, well Julie got it yesterday and said I phoned up, she said you've gotta listen to this she said I've just put batteries in when you want to hear it cry. BNC

2. She'd put new batteries in the radio. Wasps

3. I've only just put the batteries in, some new batteries in. Wasps