вторник, 16 июля 2024, 13:36
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

parent company

mateřská společnost

1. BBCE, the parent company of Radio Times, appealed against the Copyright Tribunal's decision to award minimum payments for listings information to newspapers and magazines on the last possible date. (BNCI)

2. A UK parent company with wholly-owned subsidiaries is itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of a US parent company whose securities are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. (BNCI)

3. I would also state my belief that in relation to Class AA , our parent company has behaved entirely properly ; the process of applying for a patent necessarily entails wide publication and ample opportunity for opposition.(WASPS)

party political broadcast

stranické vysílání

If there are only three or four parties, prepare for a TV panel debate, where the party leaders will be invited to participate; otherwise, ask each party to prepare a party political broadcast (2-minute length) to be recorded in the studio. (WebCorp)

Second, groups with extreme political opinions may present candidates who have no hope of winning, but who ensure that their party has the entitlement to a free party politicl broadcast that is given in Britain to any party with at least fifty candidates. (WebCorp)

He explained that the BBC was not required to broadcast party political broadcasts or election broadcasts by statute but "because time on television is offered to political parties by the BBC for them to explain their policies and politics as they see fit." (WebCorp)

peace negotiations

mírová jednání

American tactical forces should remain in Japan and the ultimate American decision concerning the presence of forces in Japan should be deferred until the peace negotiations were in progress. (BNCI)

 The Islamic movement in Jordan opposes the peace talks with Israel, but it is not actively opposing regional peace negotiations. (BNCI)

The independence declaration was prompted by the tightening of a government economic blockade of the island following the collapse of peace negotiations with the rebels.(BNCI)

peace process

mírový proces, jednání

Indonesia continued to play a major diplomatic role in the Cambodian peace process during 1990 and 1991. (BNCI)

He also stated that he had no objections to negotiations in the current peace process being held in Cairo.(BNCI)

On Aug. 23, the eve of the resumption of peace process negotiations, the Israeli Prime Minister's office announced the release of 800 Palestinian prisoners.(BNCI)

peace treaty

mírová smlouva

Under the Versaille's Peace Treaty agreed after the Great War, the country of Czechoslovakia was created, which included an area known as `;Sudetenland';. (BNCI)

The French, with Polish support, believed that the Peace Treaty ought to smash German industrial power and territorial ambition by dismembering as much of the German state as was possible. (BNCI)

In the spring of 1950 decisions were reached in Washington that at last pointed the way forward towards a peace treaty. (BNCI)

peacekeeping force

mírová jednotka

The United Nations has installed a peacekeeping force to maintain order until the elections in May 1993. (BNCI)

BRITAIN is to contribute 260 troops, mainly medical personnel, to the 14,000-strong United Nations peacekeeping force being deployed in Croatia, writes Peter Almond, Defence Correspondent. (BNCI)

 The UN Military Staff Committee should be reinstated and a permanent peacekeeping force established, with member states contributing contingents on an annual basis. (BNCI)

political economy

národní hospodářství

1. By setting local government reform in a wider `;political economy'; context, Cockburn and Dearlove help to explain change, but may exaggerate its significance.(BNCI)

2. Applicants may have research strength in any area of politics, but interest in one or more of the following areas would be an advantage: Political Theory; Comparative Politics; Relation between State and Nation; Policy Studies; Political Economy. (BNCI)

3. Historians and others have written about the boost to economic activity from technology, religion, and the ideas of political economy.(BNCI)

political persecution

pronásledování na základě politického přesvědčení

As the Cold War set in, Western states wanted to protect the rights of those individuals who were fleeing Communist countries because of politicl persecution.(WebCorp)

When I write about my experiences, and publish the testimony of others targeted for political persecution, I tell the truth, as best I understand and know it. (WebCorp)

 Refugees flee countries not just because of individual cases of political persecution but also for mass violations of human rights -- in a civil war situation, for example. (WebCorp)

polling day

volební den

The present concern for sport as polling day approaches is typical of how politicians are adept at using the subject for short-term gain while ignoring its long-term problems. (BNCI)

Mr Kinnock said the choice on polling day was between a Tory Party that, after 13 years in power, had proved beyond doubt it had no ambition to make Britain better and no conscience to make Britain worse, or a Labour Party with active policies to pull the country out of recession and build a lasting recovery. (BNCI)

By the time the campaign started, and never more strongly than on polling day, I was convinced that the Tories would lose --; that Labour would be the biggest party in a hung Parliament. (BNCI)

polling station

volební místo

Mrs. Upton explained that the polling station was changed this year to the Forestry Commission's office in Alice Holt Forest, so that it would be more centrally located for Bucks Horn Oak voters, and not situated in a school which would then have to be closed for the day. (BNCI)

Toward the end of the year, we were given a holiday on a Thursday because the school was being used as a polling station for the General Election. (BNCI)

Many disabled people could not travel to the polling station, and few knew beforehand whether it was accessible, or even whether they could get into the booths. (BNCI)

portable computer

přenosný počítač

Grid Computers are the first company to produce a specially designed pen notebook portable computer. (BNCI)

A portable computer can be taken to any room to interrogate the lock and produce a list of the last 100 events at that particular lock-set. (BNCI)

 One of the most important features of any portable computer is battery life. (BNCI)

presidential election

prezidentské volby

The Republican Party saw this as an issue which could be used against the Democrats in the approaching presidential election of 1920. (WebCorp)

The presidential election that November would enable the people of the USA to pass a harsh verdict on the increasingly unpopular Hoover government. (BNCI)

Truman appeared to be in deep political trouble as the presidential election of 1948 approached. (BNCI)

price liberalisation

liberalizace cen

1. There is no doubt that proceeding to a market economy requires price liberalisation. (BNCI)

2. Mr Myasnikovich said the government aimed to carry out price liberalisation, privatisation and structural transformation of the economy to reduce dependence on Russian oil.(BNCI)

3. Trade and price liberalisation reforms to industrial policy and reduction of some subsidies have been implemented in the 1990s, and the rate of economic growth has increased.(WebCorp)

public relations

styk s veřejností, tiskové oddělení, oddělení pro styk s veřejností

Opportunities should be best for college graduates who combine a degree in public relations, journalism, or another communications-related field with a public relations internship or other related work experience.(Google)

Erm and I should now like to introduce er Thomas , Director of Public Relations, who will talk us through 's product brands and competition followed by a detailed review of where our product fits into the market and it's U S P.(BNCI)

 But in important issues and debates public relations can see that an alternative point of view is put to the media.(BNCI)