tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 13:45
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: SHOPPING

paid in full

zaplaceno v plné výši    smile

She says she is working with a lawyer who advised her to write $10 checks to all her creditors, with a note saying "paid in full" on the check. WebC

Why do collection accounts have to be paid in full at the time of closing on a mortgage loan? WebC

The debts can be paid in full or in part, depending on the type of debt incurred. WebC

pass one's sell-by date

1.věk, kdy má člověk nejlepší léta za sebou a nevydává již tak dobrý pracovní výkon;

2.věc nebo instituce, která již není to, co bývala   :-(

I suppose Mr Blair might quit if the majority of the Cabinet told him that he had passed his sell-by date. WebC

More and more people are beggining to think that the National Health Service has passed its sell-by date. PDEI

Mrs Hilton has made so many typing errors these last few months. I think she has passed her sell-by date and should retire.

pay over the odds for sth

zaplatit za něco příliš mnoho   mixed

All too often we hear about consumers who have paid over the odds for emergency plumbing work. WebC

Year after year we have paid over the odds to use the racecourse, over the odds for the meals and over the odds for the buses. WebC

Doesn't matter how good the car is, I still think he paid over the odds... WebC

pay attention to sth

dávat pozor na něco    wink

How can I pay attention to my toddler with a newborn on my hands? WebC

Do colleges really pay attention to the roommate preference questions on my college application? WebC

Try teaching your dog to pay attention to you.  WebC

pay cold cash

peníze vyplacené hotově, na dřevo    wink

My mother bought a luxurious diamond ring and paid cold cash for it.  BNC

Mr. Jones bought a new car and paid cold cash for it. BNC

If you pay cold cash for something you should get what you deserve right then and there without having to WORK on making it patched and running smooth. WebC

pay day

den výplaty   big grin

Since it's my pay day today, I felt extra generous and donated a Gameboy Advance SP and a Pokemon game.  WebC

Yesterday was my pay day and I only got paid not even half of what i was supposed to get! WebC

Today was my pay-day and the amount was $3.00. WebC

pay dear

platit draze   surprise

Why pay dear when you can pay cheap ?  WebC

Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.  WebC

We have to pay dear for everything we get. WebC

pay for sth

platit za něco   blush 

After all, Pepsi distributors, for example, pay for placement in grocery stores. WebC

Find free money to help you pay for school. WebC

It means you'll be offered an opportunity to pay for a trip that may fit your idea of luxury. WebC

pay money down

platit hotově, na "dřevo"   approve

No credit given here, except to those who pay money down. WebC

You would do wiser to pay money down and see my back. WebC

If you paid money down, you are entitled to receive it all back. WebC

pay on the nail

platit na dřevo, hotově   wink

There is food in the market, and clothing also; but not for nothing: hard money must be paid for it, and paid on the nail too; WebC

The USSR "has now been switched to a special credit regime," whereby suppliers expect
to be paid on the nail, rather than deliver first and then submit bills. WebC

France Telecom cannot continue to survive when no one wants to lend us money and, on the contrary, when everyone wants to be paid on the nail. WebC

pay sb a visit

krátce navštívit   smile

Recently one of my friends, a computer wizard, paid me a visit. WebC

The shopping fairy was kind today and paid ME a visit! WebC

I departed highly pleased with the professor and his lecture, and paid him a visit the same evening. WebC

pay somebody back in his own coin

odplatit každému stejnou mincí   black eye

The wardens paid him back in his own coin and never missed a chance to degrade him. WebC

Pay her back in her own coin - yes, pay her back double for all that she has done! WebC

I was about to pay her back in her own coin and say something really rude, when all at once we heard a terrible crashing right above us... WebC

pay through the nose for sth

zaplatit za něco příliš mnoho    surprise

My mother paid through the nose for her new dress but she is very happy with it. WebC

He paid through the nose for a ticket to see his favourite group. WebC

The results showed consumers in Denmark paid through the nose for goods such as food products, cigarettes, medicine and house building. WebC

pay with one's life

zaplatit za něco životem   :-(

Mrs Biggins ignored the doctor's advice about giving up smoking and paid for it with her life. PDEI

Nearly 35 years ago Martin Luther King paid with his life. WebC

But even though Tom paid with his life, the message of his protest was ignored. WebC

pet shop

prodejna s domácími mazlíčky   approve

Many customers look for a pet in a pet shop because "I'm looking for a family pet, not a show dog." WebC

If you can find a pet shop that has the qualities of a responsible breeder then by all means go right ahead and buy. WebC

Thieves have stolen 25 puppies worth $5500 from a pet shop in east Melbourne only days after a similar puppy raid in Brisbane. WebC