Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 3:37 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: WORK & LEISURE

roll one`s sleeves up

vyhrnúť si rukávy a pustiť sa do práce

1. Our local team need to roll their sleeves up and put a bit more effort into their football. CIDoI

2. I think they'll have to recognize that it's going to be roll your sleeves up and we aren't going to be able to do all of the things we wanted to do, and that's the price we're going to pay. BNC

3. Roll up your sleeves! Help with the dinner! Google

round sb/sth up

svolat koho, sehnat koho/co, obstarat co

Please round up as many of the heads of departments as you can find. We must have an emergency meeting half an hour from now.

rule the roost

rozhodovať, vládnuť

1. It was my mother who ruled the roost at home. CIDoI

2. The reason is, I think, partly that in this particular society men rule the roost and women have a low status and few rights they can directly exercise. BNC

3. When their mother died in 1890, the eldest daughter, who was by then thirty years old, was allowed to move to the first floor bedroom, and from then on she ruled the roost. BNC

run into sb/sth

potkat se, sejít se, setkat se s kým, narazit na koho/co

We could well run into problems later in the year unless we get the machine shop serviced immediately.

run over

projít (si), zopakovat (si) co

Let us just run over all the details again. I want to get everything absolutely right when I put our idea to the president of the company.

run the show

riadiť niečo

1. It turned out that these were the guys who run the show, the kingpins of British ufology. BNC

2. Mrs June Goodier, one of the organisers, said they were delighted with the response for help to run the show. BNC

3. You'd be given free rein to run the show how you wanted it. BNC