úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.06
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Town & Country

road signs

dopravní značení

It contains a complete map of the British road network and an inventory of all the road signs. (BNC)

The pilot was flying the aircraft fairly close to the ground and was using road signs to help determine his location. (BNC)

At some locations road markings or road signs indicate free flow on to the roundabout in specified lanes. (BNC)

rock garden


1. Choose dwarf varieties to plant in rock gardens. (BNC)

2. Larch and spruce shelter nature 's own rock garden with the forest floor carpeted with many species of wild flowers. (BNC)

3.  They enquired at his bank, and inspected the rock garden behind his shop. (BNC) 

run a red light

jet na červenou

1. Somebody run a red light, the car in front of me stopped within inches before crashing into the car. (Google)

2. What happens if you run a red light while having a learner's permit and you get your picture taken? (Google)

3. It is a standard $124 violation to run a red light on a bicycle. (Google)

run-down buildings

zchátralé budovy

I was disappointed by both the run-down buildings and the bars. (Google)

Do all the most run-down buildings belong to the same owner? (Google)

Precise Buildings can make your old run-down buildings look brand new inside and out. (Google)

rural idyll

venkovská idyla

They argue that a continuation of Green Belt restrictions in their present form will turn the countryside into a ghetto for rich commuters while local people pay for this rural idyll in homelessness and unemployment. (BNC)

In short, it appears to be a rural Protestant idyll where God and squire and cottager know their own and each other 's places. (BNC)

This combination of rural idyll and cutting edge technology is embodied in the Scottish Borders Campus. (BNC)

rush hour

dopravní špička

1. In Los Angeles workers joke that the rush hour begins at 5.30am and goes on to 8.30pm. (BNC)

2.  We were just in time to watch the evening rush hour. (BNC)

3. Was this the end of the lunch hour or the beginning of rush hour? (BNC)

rustic charm

venkovská půvab

All you need is a little creativity in order to easily and inexpensively work some rustic charm into your life. (Google)

The studio apartment we chose wasn't luxurious, but it certainly had a rustic charm. (Google)

As we step onto the grounds of the winery, we're swept into another place and time by its rustic charm. (Google)